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Visit Adult 4D

Adult 4D (0)

anyonebutme (0) 02-10-10  03:58pm
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a nice novelty

I checked this site out, and it surprisingly works well. A note, for the best quality 1080p 3D video requires purchase of a separate media player, it's written by an entirely different software company - this adult website does not program the software, nor holds licensing rights to redistribute the software.

I've yet only watched the videos in the cross-eye method, and it's dang good already, although this way is like you're watching too small a sized video. The software is capable of presenting the video file in either cross-eye view, or use with a wide range of other 3D options, like those red/blue glasses, or monitors & tv's with shutter glasses. Perhaps a full review when I get a hold of some red/blue glasses, or better yet figure out how to set it all up with the 3D capable dlp I coincidently have.

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asmith12 (0) Yes, please comment on real 3D options, because I've tried "cross-eye" method and while I was able to see 3D effect, it took too much efforts to enjoy it :-(.
02-11-10  08:05am

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Adult 4D Co (Suspended) Hey, you got a 3Dready DLP! Thatīs one of the best ways to enjoy our content.
You might want to get NVIDIA "3D Vision" kit. This is Plug'n'Play and comes with a Stereoscopic Player license included!
It is also EXCELLENT for 3D gaming with most PC games.

There are MANY "3D Ready" TVs, notebooks, monitors and projectors coming out this year. Have a look at our FAQ.
Currently we recommend the cheap and amazing Optoma HD66 projector, any Mitsubishi RPTV, Samsung PN50B450 plasma TV and Acer "Aspire 5738" 3D notebook.

02-26-10  06:20am

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