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Visit Innocent High

Innocent High (0)

exotics4me (0) 02-16-10  01:02am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Really surprising site/network, much bigger than I had anticipated.
- You get these sites, Innocent High, Her Freshman Year, The Real Workout, Oye Loca, This Girl Sucks, Titty Attack, Solo Interviews, Euro City Life and Trailer Trash Cuties for the very good TBP price of $17.87
- Technical quality is very good, the majority of videos I have downloaded are 1280x720. Also has zipped pictures and zipped screenshots, though neither are high quality, but still a nice touch.
- Excellent download speeds for me, about 98% of download max that I've seen.
- Network navigation is pretty good. They have a main page I go through called Team Skeet, they have each of the sites listed in the sidebar. You just click them and go, no signing in for each site.
- Very good site if you like schoolgirl uniforms and/or girls who could genuinely pass as barely legal.
- Bonus sites are worth checking out though none really stand out. I like Real Workout and Oye Loca the best of those.
Cons: - Kind of confusing when signing up. I didn't know the payment processor. So I went to alternate billing with Epoch, but received a message from the other biller to tell me I had signed up with Epoch. See, confusing!
- Went to see the bonus sites and received a full page ad that looked just like the site itself. Clicked it and realized it was an upsell. Neither of these two charged me anything extra, but it is worth mentioning as a bit of a hassle.
- Can be repetitive since the content is mostly niche-related.
Bottom Line: I had been meaning to join this site for at least a year. They had 3 updates that I wanted to get, Micah Moore, Dakoda Brookes and the ultra-rare Cuban Gem Charity Jade (Not even saying what I would do to her, divorce court and Eve Angel would hate me!). Once inside, I realized they had a bunch more of my favorites. If you're into little Latin models and haven't seen Emy Reyes, she is worth checking out. There also are a lot of models who I have never seen before.

The action on Innocent High is mostly hardcore boy/girl, minor spank with a ruler, bend her over and teach her quantum physics. Not all sets are in classrooms, some go into tutor sessions, the stories with each are decent. Usually funny and filled with cheesy humor. If I didn't know better, I would say this site is run by one of the bigger networks like Reality Kings or Bang Bros. The action is usually good, girls are mostly all top-tier and are at least believable in their roles.

As a standalone site, I would go maybe 85-86 for Innocent High. There are roughly 260 sets, that's full video, zip photo file of 150-250 pictures and 200-300 zipped screenshots. So you can see this site alone has a large collection. From what I can see they update at least 2 times a week on this network, the past week, Valentine special, got 3 updates. The value comes in with the bonus/network sites.

The Real Workout - I'm a sucker for the hot girl in the gym working out. This site has 38 sets, video, photos.

Oye Loca - Latina/Hispanic models, hardcore. Some fairly rare models in here and one of the better all Latina/Hispanic sites I've been on. Roughly 85 models with full sets.

Solo Interviews - Masturbation, pretty good site, but I like solos. Around 75 models here with full sets.

The other sites all fit right with whatever their name is and have a combined 100 or so more sets. The sites Euro City Life and Trailer Park Cuties are in my opinion, total wastes. The videos JUST on these two are split into 30 parts! No full scenes, no pictures, so I'm not including those in the total count. I don't know anyone who is going to download 30 one minute clips.

The total for the network as a whole is roughly 500 sets, full scenes, zip photos. That is a lot of content considering it is exclusive and is niche orientated.

On the complaints, the site's navigation is pretty solid for a network. It's nice not to have to sign in on every site. I like sites that keep it simple stupid and this one does that. Just scroll down each site and see all of the updates. It's as easy as that. The upsells haven't showed since the first time I was in the member's area, so that isn't too bad.

Update schedule can be confusing. They call the girls, "students" on all of the sites so from what I can see, the updates are around 3 per week for the whole network.

Recommended for one month/once a year, I've downloaded around 150 scenes I intend to keep. Be sure to check out Charity and Emy if you're on there.

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Review Replies (8)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) Nice solid review stuffed with details and opinions. Took a look at the site preview. I think some of the girls are a little old to be in high school. Were they held back for further instruction in sexual behavior?
02-16-10  11:00am

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pat362 (0) Thanks exotic.

Are the updates dated? I get kind of nervous when I see pornstars that aren't really active in the most recent updates.

02-16-10  06:53pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #2 - pat362 :

The updates on Innocent High are all dated. The other sites are not and that is why I had some trouble figuring out their update schedule. What it does show though are the sites that are still updating. It's kind of a strange way they do it, one minute clips on Monday, photos/screencaps on Tuesday and full scene on Wednesday. They do have a nice "update" section that shows each update as they are coming in. I'm still hesitant about anything more than a month. The archives are good enough for the 1 month deal though.
02-16-10  06:59pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #3 - exotics4me :

I don't know if the preview page is correct but they have Bree Olson has the most recent update and not too far after than Dakoda Brooks and Kinzie Kenner. Dakoda left the biz early last year and I haven't heard a single thing from Kinzie in over a year. See those kind of things always make me nervous. It's not that the updates aren't new but when you teell me that star that is no longer doing porn is on your site then I wonder where you had that video?
02-16-10  07:12pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #4 - pat362 :

Hey Pat,

I checked on this, the three newest updates showing up for me are, Breanna Benson, Melanie Jane and Misty Stone.

On those three you mentioned, the release dates in the membership section are:
Dakoda: 1-8-08
Bree: 1-22-07
Kinzie: 7-31-06

The Innocent High site itself seems to be very well maintained with a update list by date or alphabetical. The other sites in the network are pretty much listed in order of release, but none of those have that many updates to begin with. Also of note, if you like these models that are on Innocent High, most of them also have a set on Solo Interviews as well. Hope that helps

02-16-10  09:55pm

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Wittyguy (0) Hey Exotics: Just wondering what the current pic size is right now. I was a member a few years ago and just curious if they've boosted their pic dimensions at all.
02-17-10  03:51pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #5 - exotics4me :

I though it was weird that they'd have some new girls but list on the prview pages some older ones. I guess they showcase more popular gilrs or something. Thanks for the info. I'll take a more indept look at some of the other sites because innocent high doesn't seem to have what I prefer.
02-17-10  06:08pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #6 - Wittyguy :

From the ones I have downloaded, including the newest updates, the long end is still only 1050. They do have huge sets though, one had over 300 photos in it.
02-25-10  02:19am

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