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Visit Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler

Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler (0)

slutty (0) 02-18-10  08:51pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Huge archive of videos
-Many videos actually have stories, albeit most are pretty stupid, it is nice to see this amongst all the drop your pants and fuck kind of sites.
-Many attractive women
-Pretty good download speeds, although somewhat variable given time of day (1MB/sec max, 700KB/sec average)
-Download managers work
-Pictures are pretty decent quality, newer photos are about 1500x1000
-No DRM anymore
-Access to barelylegal.com as well, although a lot of the content on barelylegal is also on Hustler.
-Good quality photography and videography
-Good price with TBP discount
Cons: -Navigation is mediocre. You can sort by star, dvd title, and other things, but with an archive this large it would be nice to have more sorting options and a search ability.
-Navigating for photosets is particularly annoying, very difficult to just browse.
-Video quality is mediocre to poor. The best I downloaded was 640x360 1700kbps. They even commically call some of the videos of this ilk "HD".
-Video quality for older DVDs is poor, as low as 700kbps in highest quality.
-No zips for photosets
-While download managers work, they can be a bit glitchy as the path to files change, so you can only really queue up a few files
-Some videos aren't available for download, most are, it seemed like most of the videos that couldn't be downloaded were newer additions
-Some videos were a bit glitchy - 2 scenes in one, the ending missing, etc.
Bottom Line: I think this site gets somewhat of a bad rap, as historically it was a horrible site with streaming only options and terrible navigation. I think it is much better now than it was in the past (even though the only change I noticed was getting rid of DRM). Maybe I just have a soft spot for Hustler since the first DVDs I ever bought were Barely Legal DVDs.

If they improved the video quality, added some better navigation, and provided zip downloads of photosets this would probably be one of my highest rated sites.

The archive is quite large, 830 DVDs on Hustler, and 346 on barelylegal. Even with some overlap, that is a nice sized archive.

I particularly enjoy the style of many of Hustler's videos and enjoy that many of them have a story - which seems less and less common these days. They appear to also have a large magazine archive, although I didn't have the patience to sort through it.

I would definitely recommend the site for a month, especially for $20/month. Even with the mediocre video quality, I still enjoy a lot of the scenes I downloaded here more than HD content on other sites. I'd be surprised if anyone couldn't find some material they like on this site. However, if you are a fan of photos, this probably isn't the best site to join.

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