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Visit Explicite Art

Explicite Art (0)

orgasmation (0) 03-07-10  05:51am
Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: The videos are available in several formats at good resolutions - no fuzzy edges or blurring. The performers are generally good-looking. Download speeds are generally good.
Cons: On several occasions the site was unavailable or key features of sign-in or download did not work. There was no response from site management to my repeated concerns.
The camerawork can obtrusive and offputting, and emphasizes the feeling that it is all staged.
Last - and maybe a matter of personal taste - very much a French site. I can't get excited about a guy named Titof, or a video named Youplaboum... and in these minimalist times, I prefer girls with visibly pussies, not Afro-style growths between their legs.
Bottom Line: If you like girls with funny names, overgrown pussies, and oversized cameras, go for it. I decided not to renew my subscription because the site owners were not concerned about performance issues.

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Review Replies (9)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) I regret that your experience was so bad. This is a pretty good site in general. This is the type of site that you join if you want to follow the development of a girl as she is starting in the porn biz. I don't know of any other site that does that.

I don't know if you read a few of the PU reviews before you took the plunge. I notice that a few mentioned that the dialogue was all French.

You might want to post in the forum the type of sites that appeal to you and the ones that you avoid. I'm sure that you will get some great suggestion

03-08-10  05:52am

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lk2fireone (0) Welcome to PU. Interesting review. Sorry you had such a poor experience with this site. Porn is very much a matter of personal taste. The previous PU reviews all gave this site pretty high scores, but you are certainly entitled to your opinion.
03-09-10  04:20am

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orgasmation (Suspended) REPLY TO #2 - lk2fireone :

Well, yes, personal tastes differ, though I've seen more reviews of this site that complain about the iffy camerawork. I did read good things about Explicite (on a different review site) and signed up on that basis, only to find that I had chosen a very flaky time to do so - the site was malfunctioning for several days. OK, problems happen, but the attitude of the owners is important, and their lack of response was the key factor. I felt more like a cash cow than a valued customer!
03-12-10  03:06am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #3 - orgasmation :

I posted a comment at PU (this site) on Aug 11, 2009 about how photoflashes by photographers ruin some of the videos. I also said that the artsy style of the photography is an acquired taste. The site has both good and bad points. So it's up to the viewer whether he wants to pay for a site membership.

Regarding lack of response to emails requesting help, that's a problem at other sites as well. And I have posted at PU when I did not get a response to emails requesting help at different sites.

So your experience is not unique. And it's helpful when you state your opinions clearly, so other PU members can decide whether a site is worth joining.

I did not disagree with your review. I was merely pointing out that some PU members enjoyed the site and gave it good scores (in spite of any minor problems they may have had).

But your experience at the site was poor, and that results in a lower score.

03-12-10  03:23am

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arnaud (0)

i won't discuss about your personnal tastes regarding girls or actors name :) but i'm a bit surprised about the fact i wouldn't have answered to your complaints especially if you encountered technical issues...maybe all you messages went into spambox for some reason but that's weird.


04-06-10  04:01am

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orgasmation (Suspended) REPLY TO #5 - arnaud :

Thanks Arnaud, in fact you did reply to my technical issues and they were eventually resolved. A pity there were so many issues, however.
Unfortunately I did not get a response from the site owner, John. I emailed him (twice) after several technical issues, but he must have been too busy to reply. An acknowledgment, at least, would have made a difference!

04-18-10  12:29pm

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arnaud (0)
REPLY TO #6 - orgasmation :

Sorry for the issues :( be sure i do my best. (by the way, download rate mentionned in other members messages has been significantly improved those days).

Regarding John, he spends his time in front of his video workbench; that's a shame he did not answer you. i'll spank him for that :)

04-21-10  05:10am

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rome476 (0) REPLY TO #4 - lk2fireone :

I liked the site- it was the 1st I ever joined- but the photoflashes really got in the way. (I like videos , not pics.)
04-21-10  05:10pm

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Tom22 (0) I agree with you totally on the camera work, for the most part its just totally bad. They do manager to get it right in a very few videos --- like the "Emma - Hardcore" (not Emma Gun, the other Emma that they only have one video of) was done well. And they do have some fisting which is a plus, but the site really really needs to find somebody that knows how to run a video camera.

If they shot their videos the same way they do their still photo shoots, then they would have something. But they don't, in the videos, for the most part, its just face and ass all the time.

Maybe they have improved since I was a member, but I doubt it, this is a French site afterall, and of course the "French know everything."

08-02-10  07:31am

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