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Visit Exclusive Teen Porn

Exclusive Teen Porn (0)

slutty (0) 04-21-10  07:34pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Attractive euro models
-Good video quality, 1280x720 10000 kbps, pretty crisp
-Decent selection of bonus sites, although some are only available as loyalty sites
-Photo quality okay, 1024x760 typically
-Zip downloads available
-Decent download speeds, 1 MB/sec
-Download managers work
Cons: -Smallish collection, 100 or so videos and 114 photo sets at the time of this review
-Very poor navigation, no real search function, most video sets dont even provide a model name.
-Camerawork isn't very good in most videos
-Models don't always seem very interested
-A bit too "gonzo" for me
-Expensive for what you get
-While you get access to several bonus sites - many are either no longer updating or not exclusive
Bottom Line: I'd say this site is acceptable, if it were a bit cheaper I might recommend it a little more highly. There are some good videos on this site that I will definitely keep, but the many negative issues with the site are quite a drawback.

When I joined you get bonus access to the following sites:
HDteensvideo (144 video sets, 68 photo sets)
bestfuckedteens (36 video sets, 219 phot sets)
pearlteens.com (13 video sets, 85 photo sets) - don't think exclusive
teensamateurvideo (129 video sets, 289 photo sets)
fucking-young (130 videos - most in parts only, 1000+ photo sets) - not exclusive
And several other pretty much worthless non-exclusive sites.

The navigation of all of these sites is pretty much the same, you click on photos or vidoes and bring up a list. Some are a bit more evolved, but not much. I didn't see a model index on any of the sites, or a search function. Some videos are given stupid names, but many don't even have model names.

Given the size of the sites, I am not sure why they have "loyalty" sites, as I doubt anyone ever stays around long enough to become a member, or at least they shouldn't. Especially since you don't appear to be given any kind of discount for being "loyal" and you only get like one extra site a month.

Bottom line, even though the video quality is pretty good, and there are some attractive models to be found, I'd probably look elsewhere unless there is a specific model you see in the preview that you really like.

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Review Replies (7)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


yadayada321 (0) any download limits? thanks!
04-21-10  10:40pm

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Goldfish (0) Are the bonus sites updating?
04-22-10  03:52am

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Denner (0) Nice review - joined one or two of those 'bonus'sites twice some time ago - maybe over a year ago - or even more.
I agree with slutty about quality and some models (found some of the best easteuro videos back then, still have them in the archives) - and sluttys 78 seems very fair (at least at that time, and it's probably not worse now than then)- and a good guide for others. Thumbs up.

This co., FuckingCash has a bit strange way of the deliver of bonus sites - for instance: It's a pity Exclusive Teen Porn do not have the latest as bonus: Tasty Teen Video which seems to have better updates/ more new material? - not sure though?

And Bottom line: How does the updates seem to come in general? (when looking through the previews, most material is pretty old...)

04-22-10  05:33am

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #1 - yadayada321 :

I never experienced any download limits. So if they have one, it must be quite high.
04-22-10  02:26pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #2 - Goldfish :

Hey Goldfish,

The newest sets I saw were (m/d/y):
HDteensvideo: 8/8/09
Exclusiveteenporn: 4/9/10 (appears to still be updating, or perhaps just recycling content - only 2 video sets per month)
Bestfuckedteens - says 4/22/10, but I really doubt this is accurate as it appears to just display todays date no matter what
teensamateurvideo - says 4/22/10, once again I doubt it
fucking-young - newest video is 6/25/09
pearlteens - says 4/22/10, but I doubt it
magic-porn.biz - newest video is 11/15/08

In general, I would say that few if any of these sites are still updating, or updating very infrequently.

These are dates listed on the site, and I couldn't really tell if they were doing any recycling as I have never been a member here before.

Hope that helps.

04-22-10  02:36pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #3 - Denner :

Thanks Denner,

This site is definitely mediocre at best. You have to be a member for 4 months to get access to Tasty Teen Video! You are better off just joining that site seperately. I made the mistake of joining with the 3-month membership figuring it would give you access to all of their sites - it doesn't! Probably should put that in the review i suppose...

See my other response for update info, should have put that in the review too!

04-22-10  02:39pm

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Goldfish (0) REPLY TO #5 - slutty :

Thanks for the info!
04-22-10  03:53pm

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*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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