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Visit Give Me Pink

Give Me Pink (0)

williamj (0) 05-17-10  05:27pm
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Zero Update

It looks as if this site is no longer updating. It was a good site wonder what happen? They had a nice niche.

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exotics4me (0) I don't think any of their sites are updating any longer. I had talked with a site rep or webmaster who said their costs were too much to keep filming new content at the high technical quality that they were filming in. I don't know if that's true or not, but as a side note, can't guarantee this either, but when I was last a member it was when they had stopped updating. When I went to cancel after 2 weeks as a member, it gave me the option to transfer my remaining 2 weeks to any of their other sites. Kind of making it like a network except you had to go through the switching sites part.
05-18-10  03:16am

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anyonebutme (0) REPLY TO #1 - exotics4me :

Not that it's all important, but good to have the info, the deal was you had to sign up for at least an additional month of the second site when canceling the first. So say after two weeks of one site if you canceled you were given the chance to pay for another site and get the remaining two weeks of the current subscription transferred over to the new subscription (for a total of a 6 week subscription at the second site).

In other words, they did not offer a no-cost transfer to a different site of their network.

05-18-10  06:33pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #2 - anyonebutme :

That may have been the deal you received, but back when I did it, it allowed me to switch the remainder of the membership to one of their other sites without paying. Of note, the month I did it, was the very last month they updated Give Me Pink with the Eva Smile set so I don't know if they changed it now as that was over a year ago, but it was a direct shift of remaining membership to another site at that time.
05-18-10  08:21pm

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