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lk2fireone (0)
Just curious. How fast is your maximum download speed (when downloading a photoset or video file)?
My max download speed is around 150-160 KB/s.
A lot of the PU members report download speeds that are 3-10+ times faster than what I have.
But a 100 GB per month cap by your ISP seems very strict.
Some of the PU members have been reporting being capped by their ISP, but I doubt their caps are 100 GB/month. That would negate the value of their fast download speeds, because they could hit the maximum download limit very fast, in a week or less, based on the sample download speeds that I've seen reported by PU members.
Maybe I will suggest that topic as a poll question.
05-24-10 04:04pm
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nbaby8 (Suspended)
REPLY TO #1 - lk2fireone :
I think during twlight hours(after midnight eastern standard time)around 800Kb/s to 1.1 MB/s, daytime and dinner times, averages around 400-700 Kb/s. I'm on Canada's Rogers Extreme Internet Package (rogers dot com), which comes with 10Mbps download, 1 Mbps Upload. I think I may get even high speeds if I upgrade to the ISP's most expensive package, but it is a whopping 99.99 dollars a mth and comes with 50Mbps down speed (it be interesting if I can get like 4-5 MB/s downspeed.
Unfortunate, but the largest Canadian ISPs slap a monthly usage allowance to all customers, and if I go over the 95 GB/mth, they bill me extra...which sucks like crap.
05-24-10 05:09pm
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lk2fireone (0)
REPLY TO #2 - nbaby8 :
If you can hit download speeds of 1 MB/s, then I think you would be able to download about 86 GB in a single day. That means you could hit your maximum monthly download limit of 100 GB in less than 2 days.
I understand why ISPs are setting download limits (to make more money, of course). Plus maybe other reasons, as well.
But it's ridiculous to have such a small monthly download limit for an account that has such a fast download speed.
I'm surprised that more people aren't writing letters of complaint to their politicians about this matter.
You, and many other people, are paying for a high-speed connection that you are mainly not able to use.
I know that complaint letters to politicians are mainly a waste of time. But complaining to the ISPs would be even more of a waste of time.
I pay $25/month for an ISP connection that has a maximum download speed of 150-160 KB/s. But I don't think I have a monthly download limit. Even if I did have a download limit, because of the relatively slow speed of my downloads, I don't have to worry about exceeding it.
But even so, it's probably only a matter of time before my ISP (which is AT&T) will impose a monthly download limit.
05-24-10 05:30pm
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messmer (Disabled)
I made it clear to my ISP (Cable) that I would drop everything they provide to my home at the moment: TV, Telephone and Internet, if they ever dared impose a limit. They swore high and low they never will! :-) My present average download speed is around 1.7 MB/s, if it is a single download from a good site, multiple downloads usually do it at about half that speed. I am waiting for a new modem which will increase that speed even more but am not sure if that will be of any immediate benefit. You can only go as fast as the sites let you and some are snails. But with more and more multimedia contents on the net it might be worth having that speed in the long run.
05-25-10 11:18am
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