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Visit Karup\'s Hometown Amateurs

Karup's Hometown Amateurs (0)

GCode (0) 07-11-10  09:40pm
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Question Regarding Karups

I am a bit confused about the two sites, Karup's Private Collection and this site, Karup's Hometown Amateurs. Basically, what is the difference between the two sites? Anyone that can help me with this distinction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

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anyonebutme (0) Private Collection = European girls
Hometown Amateurs = American girls

07-11-10  09:57pm

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GCode (0) REPLY TO #1 - anyonebutme :

That makes sense. I'm guessing the content is exactly the same but only difference is where the models are from? Cool stuff. Thanks for the quick response and answer. Appreciated :)
07-11-10  10:39pm

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Capn (0) Yeah, I would second that brief but accurate statement.

Just an impression I have perhaps, but I think you get more shaven & more silicon at KHA.

I know you didn't ask, but the sam goes for Karups Older Women.
Too much silicon & shaving for my taste.

Cap'n. :0/

07-12-10  04:20pm

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GCode (0) REPLY TO #3 - Capn :

Thanks Cap'n, of course any insights and comments are welcome even if I may have not exactly asked. With everyones input and additions I can always have a better impression of what to expect if I decide to join. Thanks for the reply.
07-12-10  05:02pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #2 - GCode :

For some reason, Karups PC seems to have more sets of the same girls, while most of the models in Karups HA only have 4 photo sets done of them - just my impression from browsing around KarupsHA. I'm on my first subscription there - the big draw for me is that there's tons of material of faves of mine, such as Amy Reid, Aaliyah Love/ALS Molly, Amia Miley/Moretti, Faye Reagan, Franziska, Kacey Jordan, Kara Novak, etc that I had never seen before.

Lots of cute babes here for sure.

07-13-10  08:05am

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anyonebutme (0) REPLY TO #5 - PinkPanther :

Porn industry is larger in the U.S. versus Europe, which gives the photographers the wider range of girls who are entering the adult business.
07-13-10  03:05pm

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GCode (0) REPLY TO #5 - PinkPanther :

Hmm, a lot of these models you speak of on Karups PC are from the states. But, maybe I missread and all these models you speak of are actually on KarupsHA? Hmm, have you seen American modelson Karups PC or is justme's difference between the two appear correct? I wish the tour was a bit better for karups and you could check out the model index. Unless, I'm doing something wrong, I cannot find a way to get there from the tour.

However, whichever site you are talking about, the models you are talking about are quite good. I like Amia Moretti and Amy Reid and would not mind seeing some more 'Amateur' content of them.

07-13-10  09:36pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #7 - GCode :

I think you mis-read my comment - or I wrote it in a confusing manner. The girls I listed are on the HA site, which was my reason for joining it.
07-14-10  05:34am

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