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messmer (0) 09-05-10  11:08am
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And The Winner Is:

Bangbros. when it comes to enhanced breasts. You may remember we had a discussion as to who had more scenes that contained fake breasts. Was it Bangbros. or was it Reality Kings?

Well, after sampling both, I have come to the conclusion that silicone shows up far more often in Bangbros. than in its competition (RK). Just a tip for those who can't stand "enhanced!"

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Comment Replies (18)

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Msg # User Message Date


Monahan (0) I dropped Bang Bros two years ago because I really tired of the excessive number of aftermarket mammaries they provided. I'm getting very close to dropping both Brazzers and Reality Kings for the same reason.

It's to a point that, if a site doesn't have a genre search function that includes "natural tits," or at least a designation tag that says enhanced or natural titties, I'm not signing up.

09-05-10  12:08pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Monahan :

Just a couple of tours through Brazzers did it for me. Never have I seen so many inflated breasts! Bangbros. actually does have a search function now that lets you pick natural breasts only but last week's updates have been mostly "enhanced". so slim pickings!
09-05-10  06:08pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

I hear you and may switch back to Bang Brothers simply because they have added the natural breasts search function after I drop Brazzers and Reality Kings.
09-05-10  11:43pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #1 - Monahan :

I gotta say, all three are pretty bad from my perspective. Last time I joined RK I was quite surprised by what seemed to be a significant increase in plastic.
09-06-10  02:10am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Monahan :

Well, you've been away from them long enough, Monahan, that it would be worth your while to go back to Bang Bros. If you are someone who subscribes fairly often to this site (I'm not one of them) then you might get a bit aggravated with the updates. Last week, I would be willing to bet, there were are least 3 scenes out of 5 that contained "enhanceds."
09-06-10  09:07am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - slutty :

I find it quite the opposite, slutty. I've been a member for a month plus and have found very little plastic during this time. If I had to choose any of the three to stick with it would be RK. I suppose it also depends upon which sites within a network you like to visit. My favorites like Mike's Apartment, 8th Street Latinas and a couple of the others contain very little silicone, possibly because it's less prevalent in Europe and among Latinas.
09-06-10  09:15am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #5 - messmer :

It's been about 2 years since BB got any of my hard earned money. I like their style but the aftermarket tits showed up way too often. I'll go for amonth or two to update my collection and see if they warrant a longer term "loyalty." Thanks.
09-06-10  10:45am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #6 - messmer :

BZ is loaded with aftermarket enhancements to the point that I'm ready to cancel after over a year.

RK, on the other hand, still has enough naturals to keep me around.

BB, I'm back. BZ, nice knowing you but it's time to move on guys.

09-06-10  10:48am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #7 - Monahan :

Once you're back to BB just click on models, Monahan, there is a very large amount of choices. You can really narrow your search. Just keep an eye on the date when the various videos were released. I notice that even though many videos of 2007, 2008 vintage are marked HD they are not HD quality. All the new ones (2009, 2010) are 720p HD and downloadable.
09-06-10  11:57am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #9 - messmer :

I just checked the preview site and see what you mean. However I did find a few babes who have "enhanced" tits in the "natural" tits listing, but it's quite possible the content for them is pre-enhancement.

Another question. Are you a multi-month member? If so are you being billed at $17.99 for later months(the TBP special rate for new members) or at $26.91 as stated in the latest review?

09-06-10  03:11pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #10 - Monahan :

Sorry, it's a one month subscription for me. Just wanted to try out BB and see what their videos were like so I don't know if it would renew at $ 26.91 but I can tell you that ever since I canceled I've been bombarded on a daily basis with email asking me to come back at the reduced rate.
09-06-10  06:45pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #11 - messmer :

Now that you mention it, I recall they did the same with me. It'll be a one month signup followed by a cancellation two weeks later...then wait for the email barrage.
09-06-10  07:40pm

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #10 - Monahan :

Monahan just do a Google search for Bangbros $9.95, also works for RK, and Brazzers.
09-13-10  10:28pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #13 - malikstarks :

malikstarks, thanks. I just signed up to Bang Bros and will be canceling Reality Kings (I'm now at $17.95 per month. I may re-up at $9.98 after my account is closed.

Your tip is very much appreciated.

09-13-10  10:46pm

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #14 - Monahan :

Just now read your message. Only thing I'd caution you is if you go back to RK and use the link, make sure you are using internet explorer as your browser. I had problems getting the link to work in Firefox.
09-23-10  12:31pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #15 - malikstarks :

Got it.

RK was always trouble for me on Firefox.

Don't miss it yet, especially the excessive silicone implants.

BB, with the ability to search for natural, has really improved, but I'm not sure how accurate their "natural" designations are. There are clearly some aftermarket enhancements in the search results.

09-23-10  09:58pm

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elonlybuster (0) I hate bringging up old comments/threads, but can you tell us exactly how much of a difference there was between enhancements on RK and BB? Was it an over-whelming difference, or a relatively close "competition"?
02-28-11  07:50am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #17 - elonlybuster :

Oh Boy, for someone with my memory that's a tough one, elonlybuster. Exotics has a neat little guesstimate in one of his posts/reviews but I can't find it. I would say, frantically searching my feeble mind, that the difference was not so much overwhelming but definitely pronounced!
02-28-11  09:28am

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