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Visit Butt Man

Butt Man (0)

dracken (0) 11-16-10  12:49pm
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Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -New network design, and much easier to navigate interface. Also the site loads much faster

-Around 345 movies ranging in quality and age (from recent movies to 80's mullets it's all here)The lowest quality I could find was 512x 384 and there are about 39 HD scenes with more on the way.

- Streaming, downloading, navigation it's all pretty flawless and the new design of the site makes it easy to find specific categories of videos. The only issues I had was with HD streaming but that could be my internet connection.

- The site has a schedule of updates planed until 2011, each video coming with a small preview. A very nice addition that makes it a lot easier to see what you're getting in the future.

- Most scenes are hardcore with plenty of anal and a nice variation between more POV rough sex and old fashioned "story" based scenes. Most of the more recent updates are very good quality, but some of the older movies reminded me of grainy Italian porn I watched in my youth..
Cons: - A little bit to mainstream for my taste (see more in the bottom line.)

-There is a huge variation in the quality of the videos, from grainy porn filmed with a hand-held camera to very, very professional shots. There are a few amateurs (mostly Latino girls in the Bend Over Brazilian Babes DVD series) and mostly seasoned porn actresses, that you probably saw on other sites (not a lot of young models, BTW).

-The model browsing is nice, but feels lacking (I feel that maybe half the girls shown in the videos are in there and some don't even have a profile image.) All the male models are in there though if you want to quickly find all scenes Kid Jamaica shows up in (why you'd want to I have no clue...)

- The lack of images is very disappointing

- Sometimes streaming, especially for HD videos wouldn't allow me to skip through the video, again, this could be just my connection, so no bad karma for this.
Bottom Line: Up above I mentioned the very mainstream feel of the site, let me explain what I mean by that. Despite the variety in scenes most of the videos felt very similar to every other porn out there. Sure you get scenes filmed in the 80's and scenes filmed nowadays where the models look all shiny and the light is perfect, but it's almost like there is no difference between the two. The girls look like porn stars and the guys look like body building jerks. They are thrown together for some unlikely reason, standard fuck scene and then it's all over.

Of course, this is the recipe for most porn, but when all the girls look similar (they all have that porn star look) you need more than the classic recipe to make for an interesting site. Give me interviews with the girls, extreme close-ups or some funky costumes, which are all things that other sites do...

Maybe I got spoiled by some of those sites, but for some reason Buttman felt very commercial, almost to the point where it wasn't fun and virtually indistinguishable from other mainstream sites (the only way to tell I wasn't on Hustler was that some scenes were in Italian and there were fewer scenes). At the end of the day, sure we have anal and ass eating and hardcore, but if you were to randomly pick a porn DVD out of a bargain bin you'd probably get something very similar to the Buttman site. Which begs the question, why should I buy a membership here when I can get Videobox for much cheaper? Or the before mentioned Hustler where I also get some funny porn parodies and a ton more DVD's?

The few highlights of the site are the Fashionista DVD where you get Sasha Gray in pleather and there are also some scenes from Faye and Gianna Michaels, so those are kinda interesting. Also American Anal Sluts, their newest series shows a lot of promise as the girls seem a lot more "real," more honest and that makes them a lot more interesting (considering that series is the most viewed on the site it seems like most people agree with me).

So what is the bottom line? I was unimpressed by the site and had it not come with Anal Acrobats, which is an excellent anal lesbian site, I wouldn't have bothered. There are better anal sites out there and better mainstream porn sites (first anal quest and videobox) It's interesting to see the time travel from the old scenes where we have hairy women and men in pink shorts to the modern POV scenes with Russian models, but considering only about 50 or so scenes are truly worth saving...not sure if it makes sense to sign up. Before you decide in it check out the rest of the network and if you really like some other site, this is a nice bonus, otherwise I'd say you're not missing much.

Maybe in a year or so, one the new HD videos are up and they have more interviews and unique videos, maybe...

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Msg # User Message Date


PinkPanther (0) It looks like they have contracted with the same people that have been doing Devil's Film's site and have been doing EvilAngel.com for a while to do this site. It makes it had to distinguish this network from that one, which has been a problem since EvilAngel.com started. I don't know why they want both at this point.
11-16-10  11:40pm

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Denner (0) I did not need the warning, but thanks, anyway, dracken for a fine review!!! - it just confirms what I still thought about those E.A. Productions sites...

And dracken is not spoiled by the good sites - man, we want to go where we get our moneys worth.
And BTW, PP is quite right about the EvilAngel.com

11-17-10  07:13am

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