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Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites (0)

Drooler (0) 12-04-10  11:14am
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Pretty Screwy, If You Ask Me

I rejoined through EPOCH. THEN it prompts me to fill out yet another join form with a different vendor. I didn't do that.

Then I logged in. Fine for the first few minutes. Then it starts moving like a snail on a cold fall day and not much later loads nothing and gives me gateway timeouts.

Update, Dec. 8th, four days later: It's STILL having bad gateway problems. I'd actually kind of forgotten about this site, then remembered, logged in (which was slow), started getting into just one gallery, and it happened again! I had to close the site window after several bad gateway messages. There was simply no point to it.

This just doesn't pass muster. A month costs $30. And it's this bad. How long can a site be this difficult for paying users before its listing at review sites comes into question?

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Capn (0) I am experiencing similar server time out problems at ATKA & ATKNH today.

They will probably fix it on Monday.

Cap'n. :0/

12-04-10  04:33pm

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PinkPanther (0) ATK's system is as un-stable as 21st Sextury's - sometimes worse. Both companies need to get their shit more together in that way.

The issues that you are describing of gateway timeouts is not at all uncommon with all of the ATK sites.

They just need to fucking fix it.

12-04-10  04:43pm

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Capn :

Yeah. Monday. I know how that goes. Won't be the first time I've kicked myself for joining on a weekend.

But wait ... Doesn't it make sense that people would join on weekends? Hey, maybe those folks at ATK ought to know that! Yeah!

12-05-10  01:56am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - PinkPanther :

Quite right. My last join was at the Galleria, and it would putz out every now and then. But Petites is really screwy. The response is sluggish, thumbs don't load, and the pages are built for screen resolutions wider than mine -- a sign that somebody doesn't have their webmaster chops together!

Of course, I've mentioned that last problem before. And I love the happy talk about how they want to hear suggestions on how the site could be improved. Thhssss ...

And they post galleries with several empty pages at the end. That's just laziness! "Click" (nothing), "click" (nothing), "click" (nothing)... Fucking brilliant.

12-05-10  02:03am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #4 - Drooler :

Yeah, I have great affection for ATK - they are my antidote for how freaking disgusted I get at all the overly-photoshopped sites out there - but the navigation at ATK petites is crazed and the stability of their sites is not good and shows no signs of improving over time.
12-05-10  08:33am

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Denner (0) Take a look at comments about this ATK - network, single sites ect. in the past, too - I'll just have to say: Problems!!!!
Not only with login - but also those deals with unfinished parts of vids ect.
Strange they do not improve - are they seeking to loose their members - some time ago I decided not to join any of those sites again - at least not till they learn to treat members a LOT better...
Sad - because they got some fine material in general.

12-05-10  08:49am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - PinkPanther :

Oh, yes. I like 'em, too for similar reasons. It's rare that you'll find pretentious-looking, artsy-fartsy shoots of the model looking into the distance in 80% of the frames (as you get with Zemani sometimes) or super-shopped shlock from some of the other "art" ("awht") sites.

Lately, ATK Galleria has had a nice run of Franziska Facella and Emma Mae. Then throw in Marina/Euphrat as "Jana" (?). It's just too bad they keep using BW/Wanton Photography to do so many shoots (too much shadowy lighting and model distance).

I'll no doubt keep the Galleria as my "go to" ATK site. Besides, it doesn't blow up as badly as Petites and you can get it for $5 less per month as well. And you get more stuff per day on top of that.

12-05-10  11:33am

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Advent (0)
REPLY TO #7 - Drooler :

Hi everyone,

Where do I begin???? We have had issues the last few days with our hardware at the company that houses our servers. They are replacing all of our hardware starting at about 1pm Pacific time today. It will take most of the day tomorrow to finish implementing everything.

They are telling us this will solve the problem so we are going with it. If after everything is changed out and we do not see a difference will take everything back out and start trouble shooting again.

We know it is very frustrating and we do appreciate our members and their patience. If you need to speak to me you can also email me at advent@atkcash.com I will be happy to explain further what we are going to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.


12-09-10  08:25pm

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Drooler (Disabled) My experience of this site, though not as bad as it was 3 weeks ago, is still not too hot. Sometimes things don't load (thumbs, pages ...) and now every time I visit, I have to brace myself for the prospect of more frustration.

It's a shame. The last time I joined, I really felt satisfied with the content and the performance, too. And so I returned.

Now I feel that I should really wait a good long while before chancing here again, knowing that I'll still risk going through more of the same.

And once again, this is one of the few sites I visit that force the page width to go beyond my screen resolution, making it necessary for me to do some horizontal scrolling. Earth to ATK: Good webmasters don't do it that way. Fix it, will you?

I'll still be a fan of the ATK sites, but I realize that it comes at some cost.

12-27-10  03:45am

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