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Visit Cum Eating Cuckolds

Cum Eating Cuckolds
Reply of PalmTrees's Review

Thank you so much for your review of our site, we appreciate all of your feedback. One thing we would like to clarify is, Cum Eating Cuckolds is a stand-alone site and is not part of any network. Perhaps, you are also a member of the Kick Ass Network which includes 18 sites but Cum Eating Cuckolds is not one of them. Thank you again for your review and if there is anything we can help you with please feel free to reach out to us.

01-16-24  11:20am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of PinkPanther's Comment

Hi Pink Panther,

I am looking at the site right now and when I click on the model directory a get a drop down and I am able to select the letter of the name I want to look at. I then select a letter and then pick a model. I am able to see her photos and videos. Can you tell me if this is still happening to you? I have check with customer support and I have not had any complaints about it from others. Please let me know if you are still experiencing this so we can get to the bottom of it.

12-04-15  07:44am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of Mike Hunt's Reply

The DDOS attacks have stopped and we have not had any for months now. I will most certainly answer for any trouble you might have. :)

12-04-15  07:41am

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
Reply of standard's Reply

Wow!!! She is gorgeous. I looked all through I system to see if I could find here because I wanted to see her as well. No luck. I see on the photo is says that is licensed content so my thought would be that once their contract ran out for the photos they removed them from the site.

It also seems the site you found it one is an older affiliate site. I'm sorry I could not be more help.

10-05-15  12:57pm

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
Reply of standard's Review

I would like to thank you for your review. It seems you really did go through the site with a fine tooth comb. No pun intended.....well may just a little. :) Most of the content you are seeing that focuses on hairy is content pulled from our hairy site. As a bonus, well you may not think it is, to our members we pull from our network of sites when a woman is over 30 she is pulled over to Aunt Judy's. It gives our members content that was not specifically shot for Aunt Judy's but because the model is over 30 we thought it would be nice for the members to enjoy her content as well.

We provide the bonus content in addition to the 21 updates of original exclusive content per week. The bonus content never takes the place of an exclusive update.

When we took over management of the site in 2012 there were some issues with pulling over all of the content. So sometimes you will see models with photos but no video or vice versa. Instead of removing the content all together we decided just to keep what we had.

Again, thank you for taking time to write a review of the site. We do use member comments to make the site better so I do appreciate it.

10-02-15  09:04am

Visit ATK Exotics

ATK Exotics
Reply of LPee23's Review

Thank you for the review. Alicia S is no longer shooting in the business. However, the photog Kenny B. is 1/2 of the Alicia S team. BMB is still with us and he had sets posted on 5/5. He shoots for all of our sites so it just depends on who is available for him to shoot.

As far as the older content, it is brought over from other sites to make room for new content. We have an archives update no matter how much content we have so it is really not a matter of slow shooting weeks. We began doing this so model of ethnic backgrounds from other sites would "retire" on Exotics. The content that we bring over must be at least 5 years old to move over.

We are focusing on putting more tags on the content so it is better searched. This of course takes time but we are trying.

Thank you so much for all your positive thoughts and your suggestions on improvements.

05-05-15  08:58am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
Reply of Capn's Reply

Yes, that would be great.

12-29-14  11:15am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
Reply of Capn's Reply

You can send an email to support@amkingdom.com and we will take care of it for you. Please do not send an email until the sites have become stable. We do not want to give anyone a membership to another site until things are up and running better. So, once you see things are running well send over an email with your username, the site you are a current member of and which site you would like access to.

I hope everyone feels we understand and appreciate everything everyone has gone through with us.

12-29-14  09:51am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
Reply of Capn's Reply

I want to give a quick up to everyone from our CIO. We want to thank everyone for standing by us and understanding what we have been going through. Below is the message from Matt our CIO.

Hey everyone, hope everyone had a good holiday! We are still waiting on additional hardware to be brought online, the holidays put a slowdown on hardware being delivered. We have already installed some hardware and moved sites into new hardware. Exotics, Girlfriends and Hairy (in a few minutes) will all be on new hardware and we will be pushing all of the sites to new hardware within the next 24-48 hours.

Additionally, we will have more new hardware arriving soon that we will be using to put new updates on while we wait for our cloud system to be fixed and brought back online. We have been working non-stop for the past week, pretty much 24 hours a day.

We want to thank everyone for their patience as we go through this trying time. We will be giving all active members a free month to an additional site as our way of saying thank you for your continued patience and support. We do ask that you wait for us to get our servers online and everything running smoothly before we start providing you with your memberships. You will need to email our support team with your user name, the site you belong to at this time and what site you would like your free month on.

As always feel free to email our support team if you have questions or comments.

12-29-14  07:59am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of wishdj's Reply

yes, we are still in constant communications with our host provider and Matt is working right along side of them. I can assure you he will not sleep until this is resolved.

12-23-14  04:11pm

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of 2 Free K's Reply

It has always been ATK's policy to cancel a member the first time they ask to be canceled. We do not do a hard sale to make them stay we simply cancel their membership. We want our members to be happy and we want them to give us a chance again in the future. If we make it difficult for them to cancel or they feel they were ripped off they will not come back to us.

We look at members in a long term sense not just as a one time customer.

12-23-14  03:44pm

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of 2 Free K's Reply

Each member that has emailed us for a refund has been refunded. If you email us we will do it right away. We can not change the dates of rebills with CCBill because we do not have access to any of the credit card information. I'm sure you can contact CCBill or your billing provider and they will tell you we do have have access to that.

Since we can not change billing dates through CCBill we are offering members free time on the site of their choice. However, it would be silly for us to start giving out free pass to the other sites when the problems are still going on. Members are being advised to contact us once the problems are solved for their pass to another site. I'm not sure what more we could do. We are not in practice of keeping peoples money when they did not get the product they paid for. If they want their money back we are refunding, no questions asked and no hard sale to keep you.

The first post we made on Hairy about the attacks was on 12/9 then on 12/18 then on 12/20. We were not trying to ignore the attacks we were trying to fight them. We had no idea how long they would go on for.

12-23-14  07:58am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
Reply of Loki's Comment

Thank you for the letting the members know we are working hard to get this working. We appreciate everyones patience and we have not forgotten about our members during this very hard time.

12-23-14  07:45am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of sub1's Reply

To those who have come to our defense, I am very very thankful. We have been working none stop to get this under control. We are doing everything we can think of and jumping on any suggestion that is made to us by our hosts. This is exactly what the end goal is when a site is being hacked (no matter who is being hacked) they want their members and future members to believe they are trying to rip them off. That has never been the way ATK does business. If that is the way we treated our members we would not be starting our 19th year in the industry.

We do everything we can to keep our members happy but when something like this happens we are literally dead in the water. All we can do is try to stay above water and keep reminding everyone we are not a bad site and we have never nor will we ever think about ripping off our members.

There is not a moment that goes by that someone on our team is not looking at the sites, 24 hours a day, that I can promise you. This will not bring down ATK because we are stronger than this.

12-22-14  08:07pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
Reply of sub1's Reply

Thank you for your offer of help. We are making some progress but we do not have an ETA as to when we will be back to normal.

I do appreciate your offer and I thank you for understanding what we are going through right now. We are continuing to work around the clock to get this under control.

12-22-14  07:56pm

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of 2 Free K's Reply

I understand your frustration and believe me if we could just solve the problem we would have done that long ago. Ddos attacks are very hard to fight but we are working around the clock to minimize them as much as possible but it is like fighting a losing battle. I do not understand the motive behind someone doing this to a website but the sad fact is many companies go through this.

One thing we will not do is "close up shop" we will continue to fight against it and put in new safe guards and new hardware to give our members what they come to us for.

We have one of the largest libraries of content in the industry and it would be a sad day when our doors close. No matter what we will continue to fight but the sad thing is, our members suffer more than anyone and that just pisses me off.

12-18-14  08:21am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
Reply of Loki's Comment

I have replied to a message like this a few days ago. While our attack this weekend was much smaller than the 2 weekends previous we are still dealing with the ddos attacks. I have copied the messaged below just for your information.

Hi CaloNord, I am so sorry about the sites going in and out. We have been under severe server attack for the last week. Matt (our CIO) was working none stop with our hosting provider to get this under control. They would bring the sites up only to have them taken back down within a few minutes. It has been a battle he has fought all through the holiday and prior to it. He has now stopped the attacks but that does nothing for all of our members that were without access to our sites for that time. Unfortunately, this happened over a holiday while our staff was spending time with their families. We answer all of CS in house so it is divided between the staff. If you were promised a pass to a different site I assure you, you will receive it.

We hold our members satisfaction to the up must standards and we never fail to deliver on a promise. As far as download limitations, we do not have any in place. The only thing we limit is when a single IP is strapping the site, it will be shut down. As far as your download speeds we do not limit those either. My thought would be that while the attacks were going on was when you saw the difference.

Being under attack by unknown hackers has not only made us look bad to our members but it has also stopped our ability to bring in new ones. Not only because they can not access the site but because we are not getting bad reviews from currently members and they are leaving us. We did put a message on the sites stating we were being attacked but that does little to comfort our members. I understand our frustration and I am so very sorry this happened. Our CIO worked throughout the holiday to make this right for our members.

If there is anything else I can explain or do for you please let me know. I am the Operations Manager for ATK and I do run the CS department. My email address is Melissa@atkcash.com but please if you have trouble with the sites continue to email the support email address. I am here for you to answer questions and make sure you are taken care of but the CS team will be able to help you with site related issues much faster than me.

I hope the helps with the understanding of why things happened the way they did.

12-15-14  08:50am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of CaloNord's Comment

Thank you very much for coming back to edit your post. I am very happy you gave us the benefit and stuck around to see and enjoy our amazing site. We had a slight attack this past weekend as well but nothing like the 2 previous weekends.

12-15-14  08:47am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of CaloNord's Comment

Hi CaloNord, I am so sorry about the sites going in and out. We have been under severe server attack for the last week. Matt (our CIO) was working none stop with our hosting provider to get this under control. They would bring the sites up only to have them taken back down within a few minutes. It has been a battle he has fought all through the holiday and prior to it. He has now stopped the attacks but that does nothing for all of our members that were without access to our sites for that time. Unfortunately, this happened over a holiday while our staff was spending time with their families. We answer all of CS in house so it is divided between the staff. If you were promised a pass to a different site I assure you, you will receive it.

We hold our members satisfaction to the up must standards and we never fail to deliver on a promise. As far as download limitations, we do not have any in place. The only thing we limit is when a single IP is strapping the site, it will be shut down. As far as your download speeds we do not limit those either. My thought would be that while the attacks were going on was when you saw the difference.

Being under attack by unknown hackers has not only made us look bad to our members but it has also stopped our ability to bring in new ones. Not only because they can not access the site but because we are not getting bad reviews from currently members and they are leaving us. We did put a message on the sites stating we were being attacked but that does little to comfort our members. I understand our frustration and I am so very sorry this happened. Our CIO worked throughout the holiday to make this right for our members.

If there is anything else I can explain or do for you please let me know. I am the Operations Manager for ATK and I do run the CS department. My email address is Melissa@atkcash.com but please if you have trouble with the sites continue to email the support email address. I am here for you to answer questions and make sure you are taken care of but the CS team will be able to help you with site related issues much faster than me.

I hope the helps with the understanding of why things happened the way they did.

11-30-14  08:53am

Visit ATK Archives

ATK Archives
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Comment

Good morning RagingBuddhist, I am sorry you are having issues with the link. here is the link that was in the mailer that went out. The offer expires on Feb 12th. I hope this helps. If you need anything else please let me know. http://www.atkarchives.com/join?promo=pr1299&cc=2389537

01-31-14  08:26am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
Reply of otoh's Comment

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. We do not give our email addresses to anyone outside of our company. I am so sorry this is happening to you. Could you please send me one of the emails you received so I can look into it? My email is Melissa@atkcash.com and I promise I will look into this and find out what is doing on.

01-14-14  08:24am

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
Reply of messmer's Reply

I am glad I was able to help. Thank you for the kind words, I am not an owner but I do love it here. I do not get upset over comments I just try to make sure that the information out there is correct.

I will be the first to admit when we have issues and make sure they get corrected. Thanks again Messmer, it has been a pleasure.

09-10-12  12:08pm

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
Reply of messmer's Reply

Hey Messmer I just wanted to give you a little more information.

We receive all of our content, including Aunt Judy's, in HD. We receive it via tape, disk and ftp.

All videos that go up on the sites with the exception of archives have a HD version.

mobile 852x480 @ 1mbps
SD 852x480 @ 2.2mbps
HD 1920x1080p @ 6mpbs
WMV 852x480 @ 2.2mpbs

852x480 is the resolution you see when you watch a DVD presented in widescreen.

Looking at our competitors, no others offer both true 1080p with such a high frame rate.

We get content from many different providers so depending on their own equipment movies will not look or feel the same from one model to the next.

We do not limit downloaders. We used too a couple years ago when we were with a different company but we are no longer with them so you should have no issues with us limiting how much you download. I am sure you have a good internet connection but that connection would be the only thing that would present limits to you.

I hope this gives you a little more information and as always I am here to answer any questions or concerns you have. I will also pass on your interest in lingerie and more slowly undressing.

09-10-12  08:36am

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
Reply of messmer's Comment

Thank you Messmer for your comments. I will send them to Kim, Matt and Luke right away. I know we had some issues with the ages but we are working on a filter that will solve that problem.

I do not have all of the answers for you right now but I want you to know that we are working on getting the site in good working order and we of course are listening to the members and future members.

I hope you will give us a shot to prove to you that we will take care of this site as we do our others. If you need anything just let me know.


09-05-12  03:03pm

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
Reply of messmer's Comment

Now that ATKingdom has taken over Aunt Judy's you will be getting all of the same formats offered on all of our other sites, that does include HD.

08-28-12  09:37am

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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