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CaloNord (0) 11-29-14  10:48pm
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Bad Luck Masks Greatness

Please make sure to read the EDIT Footnotes.

It seems like when i joined the site that was maintained really badly and had shady mechanisms in place but it turns out that when i registered it was during oan ongoing ddos attack of some sort and so my comment was based on these troubles. The site should not be blamed anymore but i will describe what happened anyways.

The first 5 days the server would boot me after downloading 5 - 10 movies . i would get constant error 503/504s (they basically blocked my ip from being able to view their site) for 20 minutes even after i was finished downloading.

and than i was promised the trouble was fixed and instead they have now throttled my download speeds (from 3.5 Mb/sec) to 150 kb/sec..

they advertise as no download limits and no other site has ever done this to me so i feel its not somethign that should be expected... I would understand if they throttled my speed to 50% but down to 5% of my top speed is pretty bad.

They should change their advertisements to reflect the download speed limitations as its pretty blatant false advertising

Their collection is great and vast but who cares when they are so restrictive on your downloading. If they cant handle high download speeds they shouldnt try or pretend to. Its very frusrtating that such a highly regarded site has such shady mechanisms in place.

EDITED 2: Everything has been working without any problems for the last couple of days so it looks like it was just a matter of bad luck by registering during the atttack on their website... since i have had no more problems though.... just like to let people know that my experience was based on my first week of subscription and it seems like it was just really bad time to register during the attacks.

I would definitely reccomend this site now if you are one of those people that likes sites with a lot to choose from..

FINAL EDIT: Since the DDOS attack ended i have had absolutely no problems with this site.. no limitations and no server errors.. it truly was just bad timing

I was also given a free 2 week pass to ATKPremium for the server troubles during the few days that they were attacked..

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Marcus (0) Good to know - thanks for the tip off.
11-30-14  06:10am

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Advent (0)
Hi CaloNord, I am so sorry about the sites going in and out. We have been under severe server attack for the last week. Matt (our CIO) was working none stop with our hosting provider to get this under control. They would bring the sites up only to have them taken back down within a few minutes. It has been a battle he has fought all through the holiday and prior to it. He has now stopped the attacks but that does nothing for all of our members that were without access to our sites for that time. Unfortunately, this happened over a holiday while our staff was spending time with their families. We answer all of CS in house so it is divided between the staff. If you were promised a pass to a different site I assure you, you will receive it.

We hold our members satisfaction to the up must standards and we never fail to deliver on a promise. As far as download limitations, we do not have any in place. The only thing we limit is when a single IP is strapping the site, it will be shut down. As far as your download speeds we do not limit those either. My thought would be that while the attacks were going on was when you saw the difference.

Being under attack by unknown hackers has not only made us look bad to our members but it has also stopped our ability to bring in new ones. Not only because they can not access the site but because we are not getting bad reviews from currently members and they are leaving us. We did put a message on the sites stating we were being attacked but that does little to comfort our members. I understand our frustration and I am so very sorry this happened. Our CIO worked throughout the holiday to make this right for our members.

If there is anything else I can explain or do for you please let me know. I am the Operations Manager for ATK and I do run the CS department. My email address is Melissa@atkcash.com but please if you have trouble with the sites continue to email the support email address. I am here for you to answer questions and make sure you are taken care of but the CS team will be able to help you with site related issues much faster than me.

I hope the helps with the understanding of why things happened the way they did.

11-30-14  08:53am

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LPee23 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Advent :

I have never understood the motive for attacks like this. Who stands to gain by going to great lengths to bring a porn site down? Disgruntled competitors? Tech savvy puritans? Or hackers just looking to test their BotNet on an easy target? I have seen this happen to dozens of sites, and I just don't see the gain in it for the attackers.
11-30-14  01:51pm

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Advent (0)
Thank you very much for coming back to edit your post. I am very happy you gave us the benefit and stuck around to see and enjoy our amazing site. We had a slight attack this past weekend as well but nothing like the 2 previous weekends.
12-15-14  08:47am

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2 Free K (0) REPLY TO #2 - Advent :

"Being under attack by unknown hackers has not only made us look bad to our members but it has also stopped our ability to bring in new ones. Not only because they can not access the site but because we are not getting bad reviews from currently members and they are leaving us."

100% accurate.

12-17-14  10:55pm

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R a t (Suspended) REPLY TO #4 - Advent :

Is the web site functioning well now?
01-05-15  04:33am

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