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Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria (0)

PinkPanther (0) 12-03-15  07:56pm
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Site Re-Design - If Only Anything Worked...

The good news - ATK Galleria has a new site re-design. The old one looked old. The bad news - nothing works. You click on "Model Directory" - no response. You find a page with a video of a model that you like and you want to see her photos, so you click on her name and then click on "photos" - no response. Bah humbug! Give me the old looking site design where you could actually maneuver around at least rather than a new design that nothing works on. I'd write to their support except that every time I ever write to ATK's support staff about issues with their site not working, the response is always, "It's your computer. It's working fine." Bullshit!

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Msg # User Message Date


Advent (0)
Hi Pink Panther,

I am looking at the site right now and when I click on the model directory a get a drop down and I am able to select the letter of the name I want to look at. I then select a letter and then pick a model. I am able to see her photos and videos. Can you tell me if this is still happening to you? I have check with customer support and I have not had any complaints about it from others. Please let me know if you are still experiencing this so we can get to the bottom of it.

12-04-15  07:44am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #1 - Advent :

I just logged in to the site - things that weren't working the other day are working today. I click on the Model Directory and I get letters. I can navigate through the models within the letter that I select and I can click on the model and have her come up. I can click between photos and videos and have the site move to where I want it to go. If I click on videos and then click on a model's name, the site brings me to her videos and then lets me click on her photos and it brings them up and I can select a photo set and have the site respond.

So overall, the site's responsive today where the other day it was not.

I'm using the same computer and the same browser and I haven't done any special amount of maintenance, so I assume that someone at ATK did some work on the site. Glad to see it.

12-06-15  09:50pm

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