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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

Denner (0) 01-10-11  11:33am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +This large amount of different, great, ok, fine vids in mostly great quality of east-euro material - at this point – is not seen anywhere else.
+25 different sites in this network - most hit the fan, some mediocre, a few less.
+NEW sites keeps coming up - the latest: Tricky Masseur and Beauty Angels, just great. (Take a preview tour at those two sites alone...)
+Models, models and again models: A lot of new ones and some rarely seen anywhere else - AND some just Tops.
+Easy navigation for models, sites and scenes.
+Easy navigation for downloads – both vids and pix sets.
+Most vids have two or three different download-sizes - at your command.
+Pix sets with zip.
+A general "gift" to the member of new models, that's very importent here..
+Fine variation in solo-vids, hc, lez and others.
+Ok price: $ 19.95
+ Easier and better model-name listings for identification
Cons: Not entirely exclusive – that means: Teen Mega World is for one part of the rather vast Cyprus (Euro)-based Co. S&S Royal Limited that has over 30 sites – and a lot of the material seems licensed.

Repetitive scene-style at most sites (the new Tricky Masseur a fine exception) – and a repetitive use of male models – not that I care much – but it inflicts on the style of scenes, alas. A certain male is participating in an overwhelming amount of scenes, and it has to much influence about lack of variations.

In spite of some great models the scenes could generally be better. Too little focus on the girl model – tease, full body ect. - som scenes you almost forget what model you went for, because of too many close-ups.
Bottom Line: If your are into fine east euro porn – you can't be without this site/network.
I've been a member on and off for years now (my last review was in April 2009) – and since then the network has gone through some serious changes – for the better. Gave it a 90 back then, but for the first time, I'm close to the 100 in spite of the cons mentioned – and except for one deal: Still too few full body hc scenes – a general problem with most east euro hc vids.
But why? They make great solo scenes in that way – so why not let the style move to hc, too.

Main reason I give this network the top 98 score is:
1)That vast amout of over 2.300 vids of east euro girls.
2)A great/fine variation of known and new models
3)The way the network still keeps giving the member new deals/sites
4)4 And of course: A reasonable price

Maybe, just maybe, this network is a serious competitor to those wellknown sites, like 21Sextury and DDF.
During my stay here, I'm much more content with this network, that I've been for some time at the two others in mention.
Again the variation of NEW models here, just beat the hell out of ”The Big 2”. This is what I've missed in the hunt of new teen material – where ”The Big 2” keeps repeating the same models over and over.

The navigation has gone through some serious changes – for the better. There are 25 sites at the network, but easy to browse, go for that special site and find the model, the download options ect. Now they got an all over model search for all sites – great.

Not all sites are fine, like before – but it's far better now. Out of 25 – maybe 18-20 are worth while.

Apart from the fine videostreams, where you can sort of ”preview” scenes before download, a lot has Low Q, Medium Q and High Q quality for download – a variation of aproxx. 150Mb to 900 Mb – all in .wmv. Some later vids have iPod and Mobile format, too.
You can – NOW – also download short part-scenes.

Bottom line: I'm glad I got back here – been looking for a netwpork like this after being a bid fed up with ”The Big 2”. And my $ 19.95 is just well spend here – a serious recommendation – and for now it looks like I'll stay for more than a month. But take a tour, guys.....

HAD to downgrade my score. Maybe I was a bit fast here - but 'as times go by' a lot of the material seems a bit stereotypic - in filming, in the way they show the girls - or rather NOT show enough of the girls before the hc act. Still, there are some fine material here and great models...

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Review Replies (13)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Stas RC (0)
thanks for good words
we are working hard to make our network better

can you please give me your email/icq ot speak about the shooting style that you don't like in our hardcore scenes?

01-10-11  12:19pm

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Denner (0) BTW: If a fan of Willa, aka..:


.... you'll just love her latest scene here - at Tricky Masseur. It's almost like being present....WOW!

01-10-11  12:58pm

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slutty (0) Nice review Denner, good to see this network is keeping the new talent coming. This network is definitely one of my favorites, my main complaint being I wish they were a bit more clear on the join pages exactly what sites you were joining - as it isn't always super clear.
01-10-11  02:12pm

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pat362 (0) Very good review. I also just joined them and I will do one soon.
01-10-11  02:43pm

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DpornGuy (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - Stas RC :

network has improved tons, really happy with this one. Good review!
01-10-11  03:11pm

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Tree Rodent (0) Another great review from one of the few here whose opinion I can completely rely on.
01-10-11  06:02pm

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Goldfish (0) I agree, this is a solid network. I've had my complaints since the first visit but I've also seen progress. The large number of downloaded video on my harddrive speaks for itself.
01-10-11  08:22pm

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #3 - slutty :

Slutty, are you a member now or was a while ago.
Because NOW the sites you get access to when joining the network is very clear - you can at "Sites" see all the 25 sites - and no bad things with extra payment or alike....

01-11-11  07:28am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #6 - Tree Rodent :

Thanks Squirrel, nice words there! And allow me to say: visa versa!
01-11-11  07:45am

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #8 - Denner :

The last time I was a member was some time ago, and when I had joined it has very unclear what sites you got - if you used the TBP discount only like 15 sites showed up on the little thumbnails, if you didn't 20 or so showed up. Glad to hear they have clarified that as well.
01-11-11  10:33pm

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graymane (Suspended) You kind'a held my interest there, sir Denner, until I came to this paragraph: "som scenes you almost forget what model you went for, because of too many close-ups."
If you don't already know, from some of my rants posted about close-ups -- especially those that dwell too long on a specific body part, and even more specifically the genitals -- then you know you've struck a cord with me effecting any further interest.
As usual, a great review, and absolutely reader-friendly.

BTW....Noticed a sharp drop in your participation in the forum.
Was it something I said? ;=)

01-15-11  07:32pm

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #11 - graymane :

The BTW:
Graymane, honored fellow PU - no way (about something you said)!
Like so many others here participation in the forum is a bit up and down - and at the moment I use most time for porn in the 'hunting'....
I consider you a PU-friend! - and a good, wise and always polite fellow debater. And thanks for that....

01-16-11  06:50am

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Stas RC (0)
REPLY TO #5 - DpornGuy :

Thanks! We are working hard to improve our network.
02-08-11  07:06am

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