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Visit 18 Eighteen

18 Eighteen (0)

Tree Rodent (0) 01-13-11  06:18pm
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Thumbs up for this organisation

I have to give the thumbs up for this organisation. I've been downloading for free for the last few months because I refuse to take out a membership with any site that tries to trick potential customers with pre checked cross sales. I have thought of joining this one for several months but was put off by the cross sales. Then yesterday I checked once again but couldn't find the pre checked box. Were they hiding it in an attempt to trick us? I sent the following email.

"I have been thinking about taking out a membership to this site. However I have always been put off joining any site that tries to trick members with pre checked cross sells. There is a warning on Porn Users about pre checked cross sells on 18 Eighteen, but I cannot see any on the join up page. It has a tick besides the discount of $19.95. Is there a hidden pre checked cross sell?

Please let me know if you have stopped trying to trick people. If there is no pre checked cross sell I may well try the site for a month. If there is an attempt to dishonestly steal money I shall be complaining to both my credit card company, the biling agent, and also publishing a warning on Porn Users."

I didn't expect a reply but surprisingly received one. The email read "Thank you for contacting us, I went online to make sure it doesn't have a pre-checked box for another site. And we do offer another site for a discounted rate BUT you must manually check the box to receive the offer."

I mailed back "Thanks for your reply. Having to manually check the box is fine by me. It's the pre checked ones I hate. I think I shall give it a go."

They replied " Thanks for the reply, we used to have it like that and to satisfy the clients we removed it and now you must check the box yourself to receive the discounted rate for the additional site."

Now hats off to any site that responds to demand. I signed on, and so far am pleased that I did. I originally was attracted to TNA Tryouts too. However if you join this site or Picking Up Pussy it costs $29.99 for the three sites - 18 Eighteen, TNA Tryouts, and Picking Up Pussy. However if you join 18 Eighteen through Porn Users you receive the same three sites - for the discounted price of $19.99.

I will be doing a rare review in a few weeks, but at first glance I really like it. Too many tats and piercings for my taste, but not many fake breasts. Attractive girls too, with mainly good quality pics and videos, so I consider it a worthwhile purchase. Finally a site that is worthy of receiving my money.

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Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) Glad you were able to find a site that meets your strict standards. Hopefully the sites you join will provide satisfaction for the price you pay. Looking forward to reading your review.
01-13-11  10:48pm

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Tree Rodent (0) Silly bugger - me that is. When I referred to the $10 discounted price through Porn Users, I of course meant TBP. I'm sure anyone who reads it will know what I mean. Just in case they don't - you have to go to The Best Porn and click on 18 Eighteen and follow the link to get the discounted sign up price.

Ik - yep I finally found a place that got me back on the straight and narrow, and downloading legit porn again.

01-14-11  01:41pm

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Khan (Suspended) REPLY TO #2 - Tree Rodent :

TheSquirrel said: "... you have to go to The Best Porn and click on ..."

Technically, it'll work from any of the links for the site from either PU or TBP. Just so there's no confusion to anyone reading along. :)

01-14-11  02:10pm

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