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Visit Karup\'s Hometown Amateurs

Karup's Hometown Amateurs (0)

nostromo (0) 02-28-11  02:38am
Rookie Badge  Pollster  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)

Beware, if you sign for a monthly...

membership and cancel a few days later, then, exactly two days later, you are not allowed anymore in the site. I signed on February the 24TH and cancelled the 25th, well, soon enough, on February the 27th i can't access the site.

This is what they write to you when you join the site: "Your transaction has been processed by EENT, Inc. through RSBilling. You can cancel at any time and your membership will continue for the remainder of your subscription. After the initial period (30 days) you will be billed 29.90 every 30 days."

It seems that they do not fulfill their promises.

And be sure that i have typed endless times my username, password and the verification code.

On february the 27th i received this e-mail: "Dear KarupsHA Member,

You are receiving this e-mail because your membership is expiring today. We thank you for being a member and hope to see you again sometime in the future. We have recently created Facebook and Twitter pages for our fans & members, where you can get sneak peeks of new models that continue to be added regularly."

So i was member for a total of four days, some deal i made.

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Msg # User Message Date


tangub (0) I have to admit i've never joined any of the karups sites mainly because i feel uneasy about the unfamiliar billing processor and the experience you describe here does nothing to fill me with confidence about joinging their sites. If they used Ccbill or epoch i probably would have been a member here by now. Hope the webmaster will reply here and sort out the problem for you.
02-28-11  03:44am

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nostromo (0) REPLY TO #1 - tangub :

Thanks for your reply tangub.
02-28-11  05:33am

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messmer (Disabled) Nostromo, the same thing happened to me with KarupsOW. There was a glitch with their billing and a small number of users who subscribed and then canceled within a certain period of time experienced being cut off prematurely. I got in touch with support and was given the few days I had been with them for free, plus they added an extra week when I re-subscribed. Check my comment and responses under KarupsOW to get a better indication what I'm talking about.
02-28-11  10:34am

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Karup (0)
Hi nostromo,

I apologize for your trouble. Can you please e-mail me your username or subscription ID so I can look into it for you? jeff {at} karupsDOTcom.

Like Messmer mentioned, it sounds like a billing company issue, in which case you wouldn't be billed. Our processing company recently switched back end platforms and as a result, they've had a couple of glitches here & there. When a glitch happens though, 100% of the time it ends up costing us money and never our members. The most likely scenario is that even though your card and membership were approved, they had trouble collecting the funds from your issuing bank. When that happens, they terminate the membership and the access a member has had up until that point becomes free (i.e. you will not be charged for your time in the site).

If by chance it's something else and you did end up getting billed, we will make sure you are reimbursed everyday you missed or lost, plus some extra for your trouble. I assure you that we are not in the business of trying to get over on our members. If that was how we did business, we would have been run out of the industry many years ago rather than going on our 14th year now.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you & will get this resolved immediately after I do.


02-28-11  03:27pm

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nostromo (0) I received the following e-mails yesterday:

"Good morning ...,

We are currently looking into this. Our billing system shows you were pre-authorized on the 24th, which gives you access. We then do a manual approval of all accounts before they actually get billed. Once we approved the account, the billing company seeks to get payment. It was when this happened on the 27th, that your card returned a declined message. That put your account as inactive as you were never successfully charged for the membership.

Did you cancel your account the day you signed up or the day after? Just trying to get all the information as we look into this.

Have a good day,

- Brent

And afterwards this one: "Good afternoon ....,

We are currently working with our biller to investigate this matter. In the mean time I have setup a temp week password for the site. I will let you know as soon as I get a definitive word back."

It seems like messmer was right on the money.

Jeff, i joined the site on February the 24TH and cancelled the next day. I charged my virtual credit card before joining your site, Jeff, for a little over the exchange of 29.90 USD in euros and i was given full access to your site. Then, the events followed as it is written in the above comments. I haven't been billed as of today according to my virtual credit card statements. Anyways, in a few days time, tops, the card statement should reflect the charges.

Thanks a lot, Jeff.

03-01-11  06:03am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - nostromo :

Just one more very quick remark: It was definitely a Biller issue in my case because my card was never declined. I used the same card to re-subscribe and everything went without a hitch. I thought the whole thing had been corrected but there you are a week or so later???
03-01-11  10:19am

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nostromo (0) REPLY TO #6 - messmer :

Yes, i entered the site today. I joined yesterday teenmodels and my card wasn't declined -a virtual credit card-.
03-01-11  11:27am

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Karup (0)
REPLY TO #5 - nostromo :

Morning guys,

Sorry I didn't catch your replies yesterday. I was relying on e-mail confirmations to let me know if any replies to this thread have come in (didn't get any except a confirmation for the original post), or looking out for an email to my e-mail address I specified in my previous reply.

I'll be talking to Brent in a little while and have already put in a separate ticket to the processing company myself, asking for clarification on this issue.

Brent or I will be getting back to you when we hear back from the processing company.


03-02-11  04:06am

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nostromo (0) REPLY TO #8 - Karup :

Thanks a lot, Jeff.
03-02-11  04:43am

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Karup (0)
REPLY TO #9 - nostromo :

You're welcome. :)

Just wanted to pass on the latest, which confirms that this issue, although similar, wasn't the exact same issue that messmer's membership was affected by...

"Hi Jeff,

Let me provide a quick summary of the cancel/expire issues that emerged after Karups migrated to Sentry:

- the first was directly associated with the use of the manual approval process and has been resolved for some time now.
- the second is not specific to Karups on Sentry and although the side
affects would make it appear to be related to the first, it is actually a separate issue and has also been resolved."

Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you guys. Like I mentioned prior, we're really the only victims (for lack of a better word) when these issues with the processing company happen. We'll never let our members eat any of the cost of a mistake, mishap, etc... We'll always rectify any issue and make sure the member(s) get everything they paid for (and then some in many caes), or full reimburse them for them not getting exactly what they paid for.

Please let me know if there is anyting else I can assist you with at anytime.


03-03-11  04:45am

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