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Visit Public Disgrace

Public Disgrace (0)

rearadmiral (0) 03-05-11  08:18am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Part of the Kink.com network
- Approximately 140 scenes available
- Updates weekly
- Good mix of scenarios
- Videos available in a variety of formats and sizes
- Pictures (with zips) available
- Unique – I’m not aware of another site like it on the ‘net
- Excellent value for price
Cons: - As with the last time I reviewed this, there are no negatives. If you have an interest in this niche (BDSM and public nudity), then this site is sure to satisfy.
Bottom Line: Public Disgrace is one of the Kink sites that I join regularly. Like the other sites in the network, this one has a fairly unique niche. Like other Kink sites, the folks at PD really have an excellent product.

I’ve re-read my past two reviews and what I wrote continues to be valid. The biggest change is that the site is getting bigger by the week. They are now up to approximately 140 videos, most of which are about an hour long,

The basic formula remains unchanged since the site first opened: they combine some pretty intense BDSM (with a lot of humiliation, which is a sub-genre in BDSM) with public nudity and sex. The two broad categories that I said existed are still there: scenes shot in the U.S. (mostly) in the Kink Armories and scenes shot in Europe. The scenes shot in Europe are far more daring (obviously due to a more relaxed environment re public nudity) involving bondage and nudity actually out in public in front of regular people going about their business. The scenes shot in the U.S. still involve public humiliation but it is done in a more controlled setting with a group of people who obviously are in on the whole thing. Having said that though, there have been several U.S. scenes posted since my last review that really push the envelope. There are no scenes that compare to those shot in Europe for full outdoor public nudity, but there are some scenes that push the limits.

Regardless of where the scenes are shot, the underlying formula is unchanged: take a model, put her in bondage in some public setting and add in a heavy dose of humiliation. That takes up the first half of the scene, and then the model is bound and fucked. While that may sound like a recipe for all the shoots to look the same, the site does an excellent job of keeping the scenarios fresh and interesting.

As with all Kink sites, the scenes are available in a variety of formats and sizes to keep everyone happy. There are both HD and SD wmv files, an HD mp4 and a format for IPods. You can download the entire scene as one file in the listed formats, or you can download it in segments. Pictures are also available individually or as a zipped set.

I’ve said before that Public Disgrace is an excellent value, and it continues to be, especially now that the site has grown. The site continues to update weekly. To make the site a better value, register as a Kink.com member (free) and get on their mailing list. They regularly email special offers and deals on this and other Kink sites.

The bottom line remains the same: this is an excellent site if you have an interest in this very specialized genre.

(Some may quibble with the ‘99’ score, but I stand by it. The scoring guide recommends scores in the 90s for sites that are “near perfect, best in it’s class. Highly recommended.” That is definitely the case here.)

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


gaypornolover (0) Was curious to read a review of yours, and the 99 rating and the site attracted me. You do a good job of justifying the high score in a well-written review. I love humiliation in BDSM and I have looked at this site in the past as I've joined the gay versions of kink.com sites.

Even I found the previews hot so they must be doing something right! The gay version, Bound in Public, is hot but somehow just a little too polished and not quite as daring or sleazy feeling - I guess to be fair they're all filmed in the US and the gay element makes it even riskier.

Great review of a great site.

08-01-11  02:14pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - gaypornolover :

I'd guess that your thoughts about why the gay site is more tame is correct. People tend to be a bit more homophobic about male homosexuality so the people at Kink need to be more discrete.

Thanks for the comments on my review. There seem to be several big fans of Kink on this site.

08-01-11  05:08pm

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