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Visit Brutal Fisting

Brutal Fisting (0)

BadMrFrosty (0) 04-03-11  06:31am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Reasonably good 1080P high def video
+ Multiple choice video quality downloads
+ Very good download speeds
+ No regional pricing
+ No DRM
+ Content dated
+ Exclusive content
+ Very attractive girls
+ Each update comes with matching picture set
+ Network access
+ Zipped pictures
Cons: - Interface is very basic, again just pages of videos
- Only 12 videos, totaling approx 4 hours 45 mins of video
- Video quality could be better
Bottom Line: Another tough one for me to rate was this. The fact that only 12 videos are available is pretty awful and negatively impacts the score but then you are given network access to other great sites such as extremekream.com, brutaldildos.com, analdildolesbians.com and others which brings the score back up again. But I have been a member of other network sites a few times in the past so I have already got a lot of the content on my hard drives, score back down again. But I do like the girls on this site and the content itself is great, female double anal fisting is not something you see very often. You guessed it, score back up. Next influencing factor is the video quality, while it is 1080P HD at 8mbit/sec bitrate it has been poorly encoded giving a lot of scenes grainy artifacts and not the crisp quality that networks like 21sextury can produce, even at lower bitrates. Points back off. The last big influence on the score is the updates, or should I say lack of updates. After a short floury during early February when all of the 12 videos were added a few days apart there have been no updates whatsoever. That's almost 2 months without a single video being added. Lots of points off for that one.

I feel I am going to have to put some caveats on the final score and again provide some alternate scores for different situations. If you have never been a member of the network, I would give the site a solid 75. The score is still on the low side because by joining a fisting site you obviously want to see fisting videos. The fact that only 12 are available cannot be escaped even though the amount and quality of content from the other network sites is generally very good. If, however, like me you have already tasted what the network has to offer then the content it provides does not add enough value. If they regularly update the site it will definitely be worth joining in maybe six months time but unfortunately as mentioned above, regular updates are not forthcoming. As it stands I find it hard to recommend except to newcomers to the network.

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) A very twisty review. Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe yes, maybe no, maybe maybe... My brain feels like a pretzel after reading your review, even if the site contents don't appeal to me in the slightest. Lol.
04-03-11  12:43pm

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Maines Own (0) I do have a firm opinion about this. A paysite that only holds 12 individual scenes, as good as those scenes might be, does not qualify as a paysite.

If it's only bearable as part of a group of sites or network, as nice as that might be, it can't count when doing a review, at least not as long as the individual site is reviewed and not the network as a whole.

So, if you ask me, they were lucky they got away with a 68.

For your review, all the relevant parts (and especially the cons) were covered so nobody can ever feel ripped off when joining *after* reading the review. And that, I think, is the main goal a review should have.

Well done.

04-05-11  12:42am

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lk2fireone (0) I will agree with Maines Own that it's a good review, even if my opinions are not as firm or bold as his. Might be the bracing Maine weather that creates such strong-minded individuals.
04-05-11  06:17am

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BadMrFrosty (0) REPLY TO #2 - Maines Own :

Cheers mate, I do what I can to write fair reviews. This is another of those occasions where I wish I didn't have to sum up all my thoughts in a arbitrary rating. There are so many factors involved that make putting a number out of 100 on some sites is so difficult.
04-05-11  06:27am

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