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Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy (0)

The Bishop (0) 04-05-11  06:20pm
Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: Since 1st January 2011 pictures in 200x3000 with stunning clarity (based on photographer) and available in 3 resolutions for viewing or download.

Video in MP4 quality, worth noting but personally I’m a stills man.

Models’ content appearing at short intervals (excellent for collectors).

ATK Lounge – this has improved greatly and the team are really listening to its members including a lot of interaction from the owner.

Huge archive and good search engine.
Cons: Site has speed problems from time to time but this has improved.

Only a few of the contributors are producing crystal clear quality work with great angles.

No custom download options for users that require a range of images only.

No sets numbers at model level, can be hard to keep track/count.

Still more quantity than quality but where there is quality it is excellent.
Bottom Line: I see that ATK N&H still seems to be getting bad press so I think I'll add my second review as I think things are definitely improving, certainly in 2011, and I speak as a long time member and currently on a subscription well over a year.

I still have issues with the site, however I think ATK N&H are really trying hard to improve things; the major improvement was the upgrade to the stills, from the 1st January, though it seems that you can’t please some people as users began complaining that they couldn’t see the image in their browsers, but there are now 3 image sizes for viewing/downloading – why wouldn’t you want 2000x3000!!!

As noted above only really a few photographers are contributing excellent quality clear eye-popping work, and this is personal of course but Sean Rs work is outstanding .

Long sets with some very interesting angles, and from January a raft of new models have appeared on the site shot in glorious clarity by him, the quality has ramped up substantially .

Of other note R Williams/BMB produce good work with the former trailing off from the early days when there was more of his content been posted.

Overall the site has improved a lot in 2011 and the addition of more interaction on the forum with highlights of upcoming models has really added to the anticipation.

Each to their own of course but I still feel ATK N&H is the best!

Given it 90 as I feel it's going in the right way, and the improvements this year have really helped.

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Review Replies (16)

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Maines Own (0) Nice to see a qualified update every once in a while, especially when it comes with this sort of good reviewing skill.

Good mentioning of things that make a collector's life harder - even though I am not a "stills"-man, same thing applies ever so often when collecting vids.

04-05-11  07:19pm

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messmer (Disabled) I am glad that things are finally improving on an old favorite site of mine that went bland on me. Are photo sets and videos still stored in volumes or have they done away with that?

One thing that baffles me in connection with the 90 (ninety): why such a high score if, as you wrote, "Only a few of the contributors are producing crystal clear quality work with great angles."

That was one of the reasons for my relatively low score: too few good photographers!

I agree with you on Sean R. His sets were always crystal clear but most of the others were either too garish (colorful) or not clear enough.

An excellent review, though. Thanks for giving us an update on this site.

04-05-11  07:58pm

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The Bishop (0) REPLY TO #1 - Maines Own :

Maines Own,

Thanks glad you found it useful.

04-06-11  07:40am

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Capn (0) A detailed & reasoned review. A very good start, welcome to PU. :0)

I think you may have set the score a little high, but given your views & reasoning, I can understand why you did.
Like yourself, I am a photo guy, & agree that the lack of customised zips is a notable failing given the protracted length sets are getting to these days.

You list 'No sets numbers at model level, can be hard to keep track/count.' as a con. I don't know how you tend to navigate, but I tend to use the Alphabetical model index when I am playing catch-up after a lapsed membership, in conjunction with the Recent Updates index.

Cap'n. :0)

04-06-11  09:23am

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The Bishop (0) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

Hi messmer,

Yes they are still in volumes, guess that is something they ought to update too!

I've given 90 based on the upgrade and vastly improved interaction on the boards since the start of the year, they now provide information on upcoming models for example.

I'll openly admit though it's possibly a little high, see my response to Cap'n - I have yet to find another site that gives me the same raunch factor as N&H along with big sets, seems very hard to get this elsewhere.

Yes not all the contributors provide crystal clear images (something that baffles me) but photographing a live subject isn't as easy as we'd think no doubt, however I don't think that excuses blatantly poor quality.

However things are improving albeit a little too slowly.


04-06-11  10:59am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - The Bishop :

Thanks for the response, Bishop. For me, the raunch factor went way down when compared to the past. Actually I shouldn't call it raunch, there was just something more erotic and exciting about many of the sets offered by ATK , and this excitement was lacking (for me) during my most recent subscriptions.

I don't think it is a question of getting jaded over the years because I still look at sets of some of the earlier models with great interest. I believe that the emphasis changed over the years and that most photographers now have developed a style that is more in demand by a new generation of porn users. Minimalism, you could call it: get down to nudity as quickly as possible with as few clothes as possible to get in the way .. don't mind me, it's my favorite not so pet peeve! :-) They seem to survive nicely despite the loss of my custom and my taste is becoming progressively more different from that of the majority anyway.

I won't squabble too much over the higher score, it is still a good site for many and the improvements they have made since the beginning of 2011 SHOULD up their average. They also give me hope that eventually I can return to the site and enjoy it this time around. So, again, thanks for the review and that hope!

04-06-11  06:35pm

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tangub (0) Ditto what Capn said...a nice first review and welcome to PU. I've been a member at the other ATK sites Exotics, Galleria and Premium but always been a bit hesitant as to whether the hairy niche will appeal to me. If you like the "hairy" niche the We Are Hairy site is highly thought of by other reviewers here.
04-07-11  02:15am

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Denner (0) Just want to add a thumb up and agree with my esteemed fellow PUs here - a fine and helpful first review - though I'm not much into the hairy material. Still it gives a good picture of another ATK site - so also a Yes-trust from this user...and keep up the good work - look forward to future dittos - and of course: welcome!
04-07-11  07:06am

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The Bishop (0) REPLY TO #6 - messmer :

Hi messmer,

Thanks for the detailed response.

I actually agree with you though you may think that's odd. One of my old complaints regarding sets is if the jump to the goods straight away - no I'm in 100% agreement with you here - I love sets where it’s slowed down.

That's why I like the longer Sean R sets it can be a while before you see all which is so much better; love sets with lots of clothes too including long dresses with the classic suspenders and stockings but like you I find this has deteriorated of late.

Yes I think you’re right, some people want to see pussy from the outset, and think you’re odd if you like the models clothed for long, and don’t get me started on people that think there is something wrong if you like to see women in their natural state. Everyday porn is so boring to me, and I hate hardcore boy/girl stuff.

Anyway I think it’s improving but I can see your point, the models that used to come through from R Williams were always pretty good but his content has trailed off a lot.

04-07-11  03:22pm

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The Bishop (0) REPLY TO #8 - Denner :

Cheers Denner, thank you.

I did do a ATK N&H review sometime ago, this is the 2nd :)

04-07-11  03:23pm

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The Bishop (0) REPLY TO #7 - tangub :

Hi tangub,


Yes I joined We Are Hairy twice but I couldn't get into it, there is something with the way they process the images or something else but they didn't come across that well - to me anyway. The clarity wasn't there.

04-07-11  03:26pm

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dracken (0) Good review. Keep them coming.

This site is not really my niche, but the info is appreciated.

Just curious, does the site have some hardcore stuff? From the other reviews and the tour I gather it's mostly a softcore photo site. Would you say it's main competition is sites like Met-art and such?

04-07-11  05:18pm

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greg909 (0) Yes, I think that Sean R remains the only true professional photographer used by ATK. Sadly, most of his more recent sets are either of models that we've seen a million times already, or they're tattooed slags with makeup like a hooker. I'm hoping he gets some fresh, young, unspoiled talent again soon.

Oh, and I find it strange when people refer to hairy content as "niche", since most of the women in the real world have pubic hair. It's only niche in the porn world where models feel they have to be shaved like window dummies -- that's the REAL niche as far as I'm concerned. But everyone to their own fetish :-)

04-08-11  11:28am

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The Bishop (0) REPLY TO #13 - greg909 :


I agree entirely, the irony is that shaved IS a fetsh, surely natural ladies are just that - natural and shaving is a recent thing. To dome degree or other women shaved downstairs, but this was to trim it as much as anything - going by what most females have said to anyway!

What seems to have happened in the last few years is that pubes are considered "dirty" or something along that line and they must be removed totally.

I don't agree at all though that his recent models are old slappers, one or two yes; in 2010 have you seen: Regina, Kirsty, Shanice, Sheila, Emma, Zarina, Marika, Alabama, Lauren, Sian Tequilla - these have all been added in 2011 are some are gorgeous. I will agree though they have makeup but that is the photographer's style I guess.

Granted a fair few have tats but these are in fashion these days too!


04-08-11  11:40am

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The Bishop (0) REPLY TO #12 - dracken :

Hi dracken,

Yes, howeve this is a personal thing - I HATE hardcore as it leaves me cold.

Some days there are 2 sets of hardcose and mostly one, thankfully the site stays with solo mostly, but hardcore is there for those that want it.

Hardcose vids too.

04-08-11  11:43am

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greg909 (0) REPLY TO #14 - The Bishop :

Yes Bish, I've seen those gals, and agree that some are gorgeous. It's just that in the last 3 months or so, they generally haven't been, or else it's someone we've seen far too much of already. But I look forward to when there are!
04-26-11  02:06pm

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