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Visit 40 Something Mag

40 Something Mag (0)

pat362 (0) 04-17-11  06:50pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Decent selection of natural and enhanced models to choose from.
-Photosets can be dowloaded in 800 x 600 and 1600 x 1200 resolution.
-They are still updating.
-Content is dated.
-You can search by models name, body type hair color and type of shoot.
Cons: -The bulk of the videos are streaming only.
-They only have 270 videos.
-They only have 150 photosets.
-They only have 13 magazines.
-There is a large logo on each pic.
-Their preview pages are serioulsy misleading.
-Their pages are clutered with offers from other sites.
Bottom Line: -There must have been some serious changes at 40something since January of this year because TBP gave this site an 82 and claimed that videos were downloadable. In my book 10 downloadable videos out of 270 is not enough to claim that the site allows downloads.

-This is one of the worst case of half truth and lies that I've seen a site do in many years. I joined based on the TBP review and the sites own preview pages. First lie. They claim that you can get access to every 40something magazine ever printed. Yes, you do but you will have to buy them so not free. Second lie: They mention all the videos and pic sets that the model has and they do say x number of videos from other sites but if they aren't availbale on your site then why bring them up. The only conclusion I see is that they know that people like me will assume that these videos are available on their site but content can be also be found on those other sites.

This site belongs to the score group which owns a huge amount of other sites but because of this site I don't think I will ever join any of their otrher sites for fear that they are lying on that site as well.

***This site is to be avoided at all cost or you will regret wasting your 20$ like I am at this very moment.***

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Review Replies (8)

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messmer (Disabled) Pat, your review confirms to me that all of SCORE must have switched to a new way of doing business recently. The way it works in 50plus MILFS is that the three most recent updates are available for download, after a certain short period they are being downgraded to streaming only. And then after another fairly short period they are being retired for good. This would explain why there are so few videos and picture sets listed. I am not very good at explaining but if you go to the latest comments at 50plus MILFS you'll get your answer. SCORE'S explanation is that it is done to combat Piracy!!! BTW, TBP wrote their review before this startling change.
04-17-11  07:42pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #1 - messmer :

Thanks for the info messmer. I suspected that the changes were done after TBP's review. There is no way they wouldn't have noticed that the videos are now streaming only. I hope TBP makes a change to their review because a lot of people will get burned like me. I know that I would never have joined any of their sites if I'd know about the streaming only option.

Score is correct that it will stop piracy but the problem is that it will also stop paying members who only wanted to download to their computer the pics and videos from joining.

04-18-11  05:53am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - pat362 :

Hi Pat, I wish other members of SCORE sites would look in or speak up because if the new model is being used right across the board we should warn everyone through the Forum. This way people who would never subscribe to streaming only, and I am one of them, would have advance warning. The ideal would be for the TBP staff to look into the matter and issue a warning in connection with SCORE.
04-18-11  08:52am

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Thomas20 (0) This isn't the 80s anymore when fleecing adult content customers with double speak was standard practice. 'access to' means you can see them. I would email the billing merchant and request a charge back, (doubly so if they suggested you can download the vids when you can't - allows downloads means all the vids not a handful).
04-18-11  10:07am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #3 - messmer :

I agree because the only thing we can do is warn other people of the changes. Then it's their choice if they don't mind joining a site that has mostly streaming videos. I've posted an error report a TBP so they can alter their review to match the changes.
04-18-11  10:50am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #4 - Thomas20 :

It's a good suggestion Thomas20 but since their double speak isn't really lying. So asking for my money back isn't really an option. I agree that the double speak is borderline but it's more the way their preview pages are set-up and TBP's review that caused me to be fooled. Another member has told me that the changes are recent so that's why TBP's review is now obsolete.

I take comfort in the fact that my 20$ membership will cost the site and others from the same company some serious loss of income.

04-18-11  10:57am

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Khan (Suspended) Just a FYI ...

I've asked the TBP Editors to look into this one further so that we can get the info in both the listing and the former review updated. If possible, they'll find our exactly what the restrictions are and what Score sites they apply to ... and update our listings accordingly.

We appreciate you guys bringing this to our attention and will try to resolve this as quickly as possible.

04-18-11  02:51pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #7 - Khan :

Thanks Khan. I just want to make sure that no one else gets burned if the streaming only is a permanent change.
04-18-11  06:44pm

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