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pat362 (0) 05-29-11  09:57am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -They have nearly 530 models to choose from.
-They have over 2150 videos.
-They have over 5900 phtosets.
-Movies can be streamed online with flash player
-All the videos can be downloaded as a complete file in either WMV or MPG. They also have some videos.
-All photosets can be downloaded as a complete file. They all offer pics 1024 and 1536 format and some of the newer ones also come in 2400.
-They have an active forum for their members.
-They have a calender showing the updates for the next 7 days.
-Update are a mixture of 5 photosets/videos.
-Content is all dated.
Cons: -The majority of photosets and videos are mostly softcore to midore so very little hardcore to choose from.
-There are nearly 3 times more photosets than videos.
-The majority of models are 41 or less so you might want to look elsewhere if you were looking for older ladies.
-They don't update with the models photoset and corresponding video at the same time.
Bottom Line: -This is an impressive site with a large library of content but I can't help but feel disapointed that there is so little hardcore to be found inside and also that there are so few videos. I may have gottent my hopes up thinking that there would be much more than there really is.

-The site should update with a photoset and the video that goes with it instead of doing it over a certain period of time.

-This is a hard site to recommend because I'm not sure exactly who they are trying to cater to. It's a mature site but since most of the models are in their 30's then that might not be what some of us consider very mature. There is hardcore but again not that much so that might not be enough to satisfy those people. There weren't too many glamour videos or photosets so again that cuts another group. I guess if you want to see women from the age of 30 to 41 do solo shoots and some fetich and hardscore then this might be the site for you. I suspect most others will be a disapointed like me.

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messmer (Disabled) I think they lost their way, Pat. It was a very good soft (mid) core site until some of their subscribers started to clamour for hardcore content. There are many of us who heartily dislike hardcore in a picture site. I dislike it so much that any picture set or video that was HC got an automatic 2 from me out of pure resentment.

I have no problem with hardcore in other places, I subscribe to VB as well as RK (thank God not for much longer) because that's what THEY are all about. However in a photography site I look for solo models.

My biggest disappointment is actually the same as yours: I have the feeling that by attempting to please everyone they no longer know what they want to be. In the olden days it was one of a handful of favorite sites for me. Mature solo models, mostly clad in nice lingerie, who could ask for anything more .. but those days have gone for good.

Nice review, btw. We just disagree on HC!

05-29-11  01:45pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #1 - messmer :

It's true that you and I disagree on HC but I can see where this site would be a disapointment to you. In many ways it's the same for me but from the other point of view. I would have prefered if they had kept this site softcore to midcore and created another one that was midcore to hardcore. I only found about 4-5 videos that I want to keep and that's not much for what it cost to join this site.

At least I can now cross this site from my wish list.

05-29-11  05:34pm

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elephant (0) Good review Pat

Yeah glad I didn't join now, I had thought there maybe wouldn't be an awful lot of hardcore stuff and looks as though I was right. Its certainly a market that isn't very populated, maybe its because older women are more likely to be married and don't want to have sex on camera so stick to solo work. Still the site obviously has its fans who love photos, me I went away from photos a few years back and very rarely these days look at any of my old photo material. Too many great vids I haven't the time for pics anymore.

05-30-11  12:54am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #3 - elephant :

I think you might be right about the reasons why older women don't want to do hardcore videos. There is still over 300 HC B/G or G/G videos on the site so it might still appeal to people that are looking for that kind of content. I prefer anal and there is very little to be found and that's why I only found a couple of videos worth keeping.
05-30-11  05:43am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #4 - pat362 :

Yeah me too these days, its weird, a few years I never really thought too much of anal and just liked watching women having sex but these days after seeing lots of anal scenes (seems to be much more popular too with porn sites also) I do prefer anal to vaginal. I think its cause its more kinky or something I dunno but do tend to watch more anal stuff these days. Older women having anal is hot and its a shame this site doesn't have more.

I think my next site will be videosz.com or one of the dvd sites. I have a good list of hot older milf women I wanna search for after spending sometime searching for beautiful ones around the net and seem to be the site I will find lots of good stuff which includes most of these women.

05-30-11  05:53am

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