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Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy (0)

messmer (0) 06-19-11  11:10am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: A huge number of "hairy" models, most of them very good looking.

Large daily updates, usually consisting of eight picture sets and two videos.

Immensely improved lay-out. Very pleasing to the eye as well as easy to navigate.

The ability to leave comments on each set, video or model has been added. It is good to be able to voice one's preferences or dislikes.

Pictures since the beginning of 2011 are available in a super large format of 3000px.

Videos are very nice and crisp at 1280x720p.

Good download speeds for me.
Cons: Site has become more extreme, even though ATK owner would probably disagree with my assessment, but the emphasis appears to be more and more on a general fetish for hair rather than on beautiful young, un-enhanced girls who chose to keep their pubic hair. In the past SeanR, as one example, would offer up a hairy leg set now and then but now they are everywhere.
Bottom Line: This is a site in transition because, judging by members' comments and ratings, the membership has shifted dramatically from those who just weren't keen on the shaved look to those who almost worship hair itself: hairy legs, arm hair, pit hair, anal hair etc. They interpret "natural" to mean just that, a body that has never been touched by a razor.

This transition is also confirmed by ATK owner's own remarks, who wrote in connection with some complaints about models being too shaved except for the bush: "We did approach R....e about growing out her armpit and leg hair and she told us the timing was not right for her to do that right now. So possibly later."

I have a black eye and bleeding nose from making some unwelcome noises in the comments section over this change.

The latest one was in connection with my musing as to what a girl (with extremely hairy legs) was doing wearing men's cotton briefs? She appears to be a heavy favorite of many and I was brutally slain by one member for being so audacious as to make this blasphemous remark.

I must stress that this made absolutely no difference when it came to the rating of this site because, as the ATK owner himself pointed out, tolerance is requested in connection with everyone's tastes and who am I to be the arbiter of what's erotic and what isn't.

What does make a difference to me, though, is that so many sets are extremely bland with little imagination shown by the photographer.

The average model basically wears top and skirt with a pair of panties or top and jeans with or without a pair of panties, pretty painful for someone who likes the tease factor and does not like to see a model revealing her all right from the first page.

However there is such a fierce loyalty to the models shown by the hair fetishists that even dull sets are rated highly because of the extreme hair factor.

I have changed my mind about the previous low score I gave this site because it was based on my personal preferences.

This time around I am giving it a higher score by rating it as a TRUE FETISH site that will easily please all those who have a taste for extreme hair.

So I highly recommend it to this growing group of hair lovers, especially in light of the pros. The new lay-out is really nice, clean, impressive. I also like the ability to comment even though I am still nursing my wounds.

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Review Replies (12)

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Msg # User Message Date


Capn (0) I have to agree with you on the 'con's.

I find I am downloading next to nothing from there these days.

It seems to be more unnaturally hairy & tattooed of late.

Cap'n. :0(

06-19-11  01:23pm

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lk2fireone (0) I prefer women with pubic hair versus the shaved look found almost everywhere today. But almost all models from the 1970s and 1980s, when they started showing pubic hair legally in the US, had trimmed pubic hair.

Hairy legs and armpits does not make the model attractive to me. I want a lovely face and figure to be part of the package.

06-19-11  01:46pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - lk2fireone :

Amen to that, brother!
06-19-11  01:54pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Capn :

Exactly, Cap'n. We originally joined at a time when hairy was not really considered to be a fetish yet .. just natural womanhood! But things have escalated and evolved into something else. I, too, have not downloaded more than a set and a couple of videos in the time I've been back.
06-19-11  01:57pm

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graymane (Suspended) I see that you took the plunge, sir messmer. I think I recall that a while back you were teetering between going for this kind site or not.
As usual, as with your others, the review is informative and well written.
I've been wavering, myself, in taking action to join this site. (diehard procrastinator)
As you might know, I'm all for "hair" making a comeback. Hopefully this review will help get me off my ass.

06-20-11  11:47am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - graymane :

Thanks for the kind remarks, graymane! Actually I was a member of this site quite a few times previous to this. I re-subscribed because I couldn't resist testing the new layout and the increased picture size.

Before you take the plunge I must warn you, though: if heavy leg hair or underarm hair should be a problem for you, don't do it! As you can see by my review of the site, I'm not keen on leg hair, underarm hair I can tolerate, and this will really be the last time I subscribe.

The high rating is as objective as I can make it, it is meant as a guide for those who like extreme hair, but the body of the review also wants to inform the more moderate lovers of hair that this site has become more extreme. If you enjoy extreme, of course, go for it! No judgment here, live and let live! :-)

06-20-11  12:44pm

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graymane (Suspended) REPLY TO #6 - messmer :

Because we think alike about much of the stuff that show up here on PU, I'm inclined to think there might be some telepathy at play. ie., this latter reply told me word for word what I wanted to know.

Although you did cover the heavy hair matter in your review, I guess I must'a dozed off (a senior moment) because this one woke me up.
I'm totally with you. I'll tolerate hair anywhere but the legs, with preference being a bushy coiffured muff.
On your behalf, Canada's coffers will be touched by the money I'm saving here -- probably going to a nice, expensive, vintage Canadian wine.

06-20-11  04:20pm

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greg909 (0) Well said, Messmer. I hope that ATK are reading this, because so many of us loyal members of their site are now pretty pissed off that so many of the girls are like circus freaks with gorilla hair everywhere, tattoos and piercings all over their bodies,too. ATK have a category called "Scary Hairy." These types of women should appear there only.

While we're on the subject, one GOOD thing about the new comment feature is that ATK gets to hear how bad its members feel about the amateur quality of the photography (Sean R excepted.) So much of it is badly lit, badly focused, and not especially well resolved, despite the larger image sizes now.

06-21-11  10:37am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #8 - greg909 :

Thanks, Greg. I am happy to see that I have company because, judging by the majority of the comments at ATK, "Scary Hairy" is in and is even being encouraged and promoted by ATK Owner. Maybe people got tired of ordinary hairy and are now going for the extreme. I am not condemning this site for it, if scary is becoming their bread and butter then so be it.

But at the same time, as I told others, I also wanted to warn those who might be turned off by the excess hair, and the tattoos and piercings you mention, not to go there. The 85 might fool some folks so I hope they read the review carefully.

As to the regular sets, I find them basically bland except for SeanR's but even there I have a problem with all the make up he puts on his models.

06-21-11  12:51pm

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #8 - greg909 :

Yes, I'm afraid this site is getting more & more like a freak show.

What happened to the normal girls who just preferred to go easy on the razor & didn't mutilate themselves with piercings & tattoos?

Cap'n. :0(

07-31-11  09:40am

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2 Free K (0) This site has brought out the vigilante in me. They will not change until they start losing $$$. I will scream it from the mountaintops - "Don't join ATK Hairy unless you wanna see a few cute girls and a bunch of freaks"!

Bad economy = tons of cute girls ready to get nekkid, and tons of porn-fiends who can't afford to look at ug-chicks. This should be a no-fail operation. How are they screwing this up??

If they already have 'ATK Petites', why can't they just create 'ATK Scary Hairy', already? Or at this point, 'ATK Natural, Pretty, and Slightly Hairy', since they apparently changed it to 'Scary [and Ugly] Hairy' without proper notice.

09-08-11  09:59pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #11 - 2 Free K :

I found the change very frustrating myself 2 Free K, as you well know, so I understand your vigilante tendencies in connection with this site. We have a saying that "the squeakiest wheel gets the grease" and I guess all the lovers of freak shows got the grease in this case because they kept demanding stuff that got more and more extreme until the site caved in to their demands.

I think your idea of having two separate hairy sites makes a great deal of sense and sure wish they would do exactly that. But I won't hold my breath. :-)

09-09-11  10:08am

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