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Visit Only Tease

Only Tease (0)

alamop (0) 07-05-11  01:01am
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: The content comes tick and fast. I am a member of onlyallsites, which includes the main site, onlytease, as well as onlsecetaries, onlyopaques and onlysilkandsatin. The main site has three new sets every day and the others one per day.
Given the volume, there is usually something every day to enjoy. For this site to appeal, though, you really have to like pretty clothes on pretty girls, and if you do, then there is going to be something there for you. Given the wide range of taste out there though, not every set will press your buttons.
Secondly, the models are often very, very pretty. OT is a British site, and they look for the kind of girl-next-door, fresh-faced models so beloved of 'Page 3' in the UK. That is not to everyone'#s taste, but if you like slim, pretty girls, 22-28, often with larger than average breasts, then you will not be dissapointed.
OT encourages and responds to member input. There's a well-attended forum and the site owners monitor and respond to user requests.
Cons: Video quality is occasionally iffy. Sometimes, shots go out of focus, and the direction is often samey and uninspired, as if the cameraman has a standard script of shots to get through during the session.
Image quality is better, but sometimes sufffers from the same lack of imagination.
Finally, the classification of which sets go where is sometimes bizarre. Onlyopaques has more non-opaque sets than opaque ones, which often seem to end up in onlytease.
Bottom Line: This is a huge, well-run, original site. It does what it says on the tin - tease. 99% of sets have no nudity. Some don't even go topless. You really have to like girls clothed to be in their target market.
If you do though, then you are in luck.

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Review Replies (1)

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Msg # User Message Date


Capn (0) '99% of sets have no nudity.'

Much as I like the models & outfits, this is the big stumbling block.

For me over 90% of the sets would have to feature full nudity.

Cap'n. :0/

07-10-11  01:49am

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