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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Killergram


Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: HD movies are really HD - very crisp, well lit, in focus.
Vast archive - lots of girls - most are extremely pretty.
Good quality sets, costumes, filming (mostly) wide variety of scenes.
No bullshit extras that you don't want, like access to 100 other horrible sites.
Site navigation is crisp, fast and easy.
Cons: Download speed quite slow - not terrible, but you will be waiting.
While there's a wide variety of scenes, it doesn't go to some places (femdom in particular).
For such a well put together site, it has no user input, comments favorites, forum etc. Not a biggie, but disappointing.
The pictures are all (I think) screencaps. I could do that myself.
Bottom Line: Best British porn site, ever. Maybe one of the best in the world.
Beautiful girls, professionally filmed.
Vast amount of material, regularly updated.
But, no extras, no interaction and some fetishes very poorly catered for (but some are, like dogging).

On some other comments - I never saw a picset that wasnt screencaps - maybe I just missed some.
Also, HD mp4 can now be downloaded directly.
Agree completely on the model/scene thumbnails - these could be improved a lot.
D/L speed - I'm in the UK and I'm getting 1.6M so yes, location may matter.

07-08-12  06:32am

Replies (1)
Visit Only Tease

Only Tease

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: The content comes tick and fast. I am a member of onlyallsites, which includes the main site, onlytease, as well as onlsecetaries, onlyopaques and onlysilkandsatin. The main site has three new sets every day and the others one per day.
Given the volume, there is usually something every day to enjoy. For this site to appeal, though, you really have to like pretty clothes on pretty girls, and if you do, then there is going to be something there for you. Given the wide range of taste out there though, not every set will press your buttons.
Secondly, the models are often very, very pretty. OT is a British site, and they look for the kind of girl-next-door, fresh-faced models so beloved of 'Page 3' in the UK. That is not to everyone'#s taste, but if you like slim, pretty girls, 22-28, often with larger than average breasts, then you will not be dissapointed.
OT encourages and responds to member input. There's a well-attended forum and the site owners monitor and respond to user requests.
Cons: Video quality is occasionally iffy. Sometimes, shots go out of focus, and the direction is often samey and uninspired, as if the cameraman has a standard script of shots to get through during the session.
Image quality is better, but sometimes sufffers from the same lack of imagination.
Finally, the classification of which sets go where is sometimes bizarre. Onlyopaques has more non-opaque sets than opaque ones, which often seem to end up in onlytease.
Bottom Line: This is a huge, well-run, original site. It does what it says on the tin - tease. 99% of sets have no nudity. Some don't even go topless. You really have to like girls clothed to be in their target market.
If you do though, then you are in luck.

07-05-11  01:01am

Replies (1)
Visit Tainster


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: There is a lot of content, several hundred videos, mostly available in high quality, 480, 720 or 1080, although some older ones only at 360, 480 or 540. The models are modtly very good looking. This is high glamour for the most part, and if you are looking for fetish clothes, especially silk and satin then this is the best site there is by far. Not many very well known models, but most are gorgeous. The scenes and outfits are varied and inventive and there's a sense of fun and enjoyment about the whole set-up.
Download speeds are above average. I could get up to 1.2m regularly.
Cons: On the con side, as I said above, not everything here is to your taste, unless you're some kind of all-fetish freak. This is especially annoying, as although there are means to search by site, model, style etc. - In fact lots of options - they can't be combined, so you can end up paging through lots of material for one model, skipping loads that don't interest.
Price is a bit of a downer.
For some weird reason, the video pages dont link to the picture zip download or vice versa,which is a pain if you want both.
Bottom Line: I had been a eromaxx member over a year ago, and was pretty happy. Happy enough that when the idea to have a look again, I decided I would, but not before checking things out here.
I was pretty alarmed at all the talk of VOD and credits, but I decided to check it out for myself.
Yes, the options are confusing, but armed with Darrow's reviews, I checked more closely.
For the eromaxx XL package, you can ignore all the VOD, credits etc. I can report that it is unlimited access in one respect, that it only allows access to the eromaxx sites. However, it is unlimeted download from that content, and that seems to be the bulk of it. The XXL package includes unlimited downloads of the same content, plus a 50% discount on the other content. Really, you'd need to look at what you want out of this. But for my money, the eromaxx content is where it's at. That said, there's a lot I don't want even within those sites, pissing, and the group sex orgy stuff.
It is pricy, at 24.95 euro for the XXX package. But I'm not so concerned about that if the content is good.

There's stuff I havent touched here. There are cam shows, chats and community pages. They don't interest me at all, so I can't say I've looked. Also, I disregarded the pay-per-download stuff that has annoyed so many people. But regardless of all this, it's still a top site (if pricey) if you like the kind of clothing based-fetish stuff that comprises much of the content. The models are beautiful and the whole site is classy. I'd reccomend.

08-09-10  02:55pm

Replies (1)
Visit Holly Randall

Holly Randall

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Beautiful models. This is a must for me.
Nice, high quality clothes/outfits. Also a must.
HC is gentle and loving, not rough sex.
High quality videos.
Access to four other pretty good sites - Kayden Kross, Lisa Daniels, Kagney Karter. All small, but good.
If you like BTS stuff interviews and stuff the Holly's Angels live stuff is good and the site also features a lot of BTS.
Cons: Picture quality can be a bit iffy. Some sets are excellent, some are obviously scaled up. I think the more recent sets are much better, so this may be just a problem with filling in other ones.
As others have pointed out, the site is small, BUT, as above, the other sites in the group flesh ot out a lot.
Bottom Line: If you like glamour then this is excellent. Holly's stuff is less fetishistic than her Mom's, and softer - which I like. She does a lot of outdoor and swimsuit type stuff which I'm not so keen on. There's a lot of solo stuff - I'd say it breaks down 50% solo, 25% les, 25% HC.
She's clearly working hard at this and she produces a lot of original material. The site is well priced and the updates are decent and pretty frequent.

06-06-10  06:37am

Replies (0)
Visit Strapon Dreamer

Strapon Dreamer
Reply of dracken's Reply

Okay, I'm not a current member, so this is partly from memory.
There were about 24 full videos when I was there, and I think they've added about four more since.
However, those videos often contain several scenes, usually a sole scene where the model poses, a strapon scene and maybe a rimming scene.
Each is split into four to eight 6 minute WMVA codec .wmvs of 1280x720 pixels (older ones may be smaller). (There may have been other formats available, I don't recall)
Each scene then has an associated set of around 150 1200x1600 pixel images (not screencaps, they're posed separatly, but follow the scene). If I remember right they were in zips, otherwise I wouldn't have downloaded them all.
I dont recall the download speed, neither very fast nor irritatingly slow, or else I'd remember.
Like I say, quality was excellent, especially the acting, camerawork and imagination in putting the scenes together. I wish they did more. I may rejoin again to get access to the new videos they added since I last was a member.
Hope that helps.

05-18-10  01:44pm

Visit Strapon Dreamer

Strapon Dreamer

Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: The models are not just pretty but beautiful, and this alone makes this site stand alone among sites featuring Fm strapon content. Not only that, but the models smile and laugh as well as pouting and snarling - they seem to be really enjoying the action. The acting is excellent. The scenes are varied and interesting, indoors, outdoors, bedroom, kitchen, Fm, FFm, with a variety of toys and scenes. Not all are to my taste, but with such variety every memebr will find something to enjoy.
The videos are high quality, well edited, and the camerawork is varied and ineresting. Not too many close-up shots which can be very samey and uninteresting, especially when the models faces and wide-angle shots of the action are what you want.
Cons: As stated elsewhere, the site is small, and for the price, you could expect more content and more frequent updates.
Also, the navigation can be awkward, but it's not a major problem. You're paying for the content, not the site design.
For me, more variation and imagination in the model's outfits would be better. They are dressed well, but (in my opinion), a few more trips to the more glamorous clothes shops would be justified.
More dialog would be good too. The scenes are scripted to some degree, but more would be better.
Bottom Line: This is the best Fm strapon site on the net. It's more than worth it for the content that is there but after viewing everything you will be left wanting more.
However, 20 excellent films are infinitely superior to 200 cuttie-cutter scenes with plain models in the same locations.
The site owners seem to be dedicated to producing the highest quality, and that's to be respected.

05-17-10  12:24am

Replies (3)

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