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Homo Punk (0)

manholelover (0) 08-06-11  09:07am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Exclusive content
+Highly original concept
+Billing by CCBill
+Regional pricing
Cons: -Only a small amount of videos downloadable
-Most videos in Quicktime only, a few in wmv
-Very infrequent uploads
-Very poor navigation
-Most picture sets not able to download as zip files
-No separate pic and video sections
-Very messy site design
-Videos tend to be short, around 5-10 minutes
-Very little HD quality vids/pics
Bottom Line: I'd joined this site for a short while a year or two ago, and had rediscovered it, looking forward to re-joining. I must admit I've been disappointed.

The site is highly original, using about 20 different guys in their 20s and thirties. They're not especially good looking, but natural. The videos and photos are of an avant garde, indie nature, and the models look like they've come out of some trendy London or NY art warehouse.

The videos and pics are mainly solo, and are generally of masturbation or posing, with whacky costumes, makeup and props, all filmed with great music and with a handheld cam. The concept is great, content is original,and can be hot at times.

My problem isn't with the concept or the guys. In fact I was really looking forward to re-joining.

There seems to have been very few upgrades in the last year or so. There are 93 videos (generally of only around 5-10mins) and 117 picture sets. Only 15 of the vids seem to be downloadable though, a massive drawback.

The site feels rough and homemade, which fits in with the arty feel, but that shouldn't detract from it being a user friendly site, and alas here it does.

There is no separate video and picture listing, so you have to open up a page and then see if there are pics or vids, or both. Only just over half of the picture sets have slideshows, so you have to thumb through pics one by one, and it's very difficult to go back to a picture you like, and many of the photo sets aren't available as zip files.

There doesn't appear to be any videos or pics of HD quality, and the earlier videos/pics do appear a bit grainy.

Regional pricing helps, and it costs £16.22 for the first month, £14.75 for subsequent months. Considering there are only a minority of downloadable videos, I find this a little steep, but still no too expensive.

This site has the potential to be excellent, and is a refreshing change from sites like RandyBlue.com or EnglishLads.com (as much as i adore these sites). It's off the wall, erotic, perhaps, rather than sexy and it's refreshing to see original ideas and photography. The guys have natural bodies - most on the slimmer side - and aren't clipped, waxed and toned like so many of the US porn sites.

All in all, this would be good for a brief look, if you're not expecting bulging biceps and hardcore fucking, and are into the indie, contemporary arts feels. But due to the above faults and infrequent uploads, wouldn't recommend a lengthy subscription.

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


gaypornolover (0) Excellent review - I was very curious about this site and waiting for your review of it since you mentioned it a while ago. Sounds like a typically British amateur production - hot concept badly executed.

The mainly non-downloadable videos is the main deal-breaker for me, and the way you can't tell if it's video or pics until you click, then seemingly only getting a slideshow if they felt like doing it for that particular set - so typical of this type of site!

Another great concept ruined by lazy webmasters I guess!

Was curious you mentioned regional billing as a plus - I thought it was generally seen as a bad thing on this site, a way of charging one region more - have I got that wrong?

08-06-11  02:07pm

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manholelover (0) REPLY TO #1 - gaypornolover :

I suppose the regional pricing thing is down to personal opinion. I'm not too sure. With price in Sterling at least you know how much you're paying, but then again, if it stays in dollars, say, we could benefit from the exchange rate if it's favourable (as it is at the moment I believe).
08-06-11  02:18pm

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