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exotics4me (0) 08-12-11  06:48pm
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Frustration with billing/cancel (Resolved)

Edit: Just wanted to edit to say the webmaster helped me get canceled, but will leave the rest of the comment in case it happens to a future member so they can reference it.

Going to take a few points off my review for the frustrating cancellation process. Here's the steps and mind you, I still have NOT been able to cancel my account.

First, they have four different billing processors, netbilling, ccbill, epoch and netcash. I don't know if certain ones are used based on the country you are in, but my account was processed by netbilling, who I have used a time or two in the past.

In my subscription confirmation email there is no link to cancel. I go to netbilling's homepage, have a member ID, but there is nowhere on netbilling's homepage to cancel. Went to Yanks support, clicked "cancel" it asked which biller I used. Clicked on netbilling. It tells me to put my username and password in. I do this and click "cancel account".

Well, the browser sits there with a working spinner going, "Connecting..." I go outside, take the trash out, come back and still is working and saying, "connecting". It finally pops up and says, "Cannot find account". I'll never understand why a biller gives a customer a "member ID number" but doesn't have a place to enter that when canceling.

I'll never understand why a site would hire a biller that doesn't allow direct cancel on the biller's homepage. You're just asking for dissatisfied customers.

And this is not just a one-time thing. I've tried it 3 nights in a row. There is an option to email the site's support with any cancellation problems, so I guess I'm going to have to do that. Whether fast reply or not, I don't think I should have to email the site to cancel when they have a cancellation system in place. It goes back to, I didn't have to email the site to JOIN the site so why should I have to email the site to cancel it? Go back to my review and see the part about my main frustration with the site itself being that it could be much better than it is if some time and effort was put into updating the way the site itself works. Looks like that carried right over into the billing too.

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Comment Replies (8)

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Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) Wasn't it Arnold Schwarzenegger who said, in some movie or other, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."?

We go to the movies to learn about life, and life's little lessons.
But sometimes those lessons turn out to be fantasy.

So look on the bright side: you were able to take out the garbage while trying to cancel your membership.

I used to be able to do multi-tasking as well, until old age caught up with me. I get stuck watching the working spinner on my laptop like I'm hypnotized or something, until I get the usual message that the connection has timed out.

Your site review was interesting. The site contents don't appeal to me, but I did enjoy reading your review.

And your comment on the problem with cancelling your membership has a nice, readable style, that I have tried for, but rarely achieve, in my own writing.

In my opinion, I would take off more than a few points for this cancellation snafu. The frustration of spending 3 days trying to cancel should drop the site score by 10 points or more. I don't handle frustration well, and this would really be a major downgrade for the site experience, in spite of however nice the contents are. But that's just me.

08-12-11  07:54pm

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YanksBillie (0)
Unfortunately and much to my dismay, things that work one day, break for no reason on the next. Anyone with any website can attest to this. :)
We work hard to keep everything working at the highest levels for our members satisfaction and fix issues as quickly as possible.
This is a simple bug that will be fixed shortly, now that I am aware of it.

08-13-11  08:26am

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Ergo Proxy (0) Had the same problem at latexperiment.com. I enrolled with the 2CO (2checkout.com) credit card processor (never heard of it before) and then noticed that there was no cancelling option. Had to write an email with "...please cancel my subscription..." to the support in order to get cancelled. Hard to understand such a policy.
08-14-11  01:39am

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #1 - lk2fireone :

Heck, at this rate, I can probably cook a meal, eat it, sleep, go to work, take a weekend getaway and it will be still be trying to cancel! I really hate to be this negative with a site that seems to work hard on delivering what they promise their site has, but it's getting harder by the day.

Getting ready to reply to their webmaster below because I opened a support ticket on Monday morning. The cancel option takes you directly to the open a support ticket area now, but here it is 5 PM EST on Tuesday and I have yet to receive a ticket #, check both email inbox and spam box. This ticket # is required to access their reply to my ticket. The only thing that's stopping me from being too infuriated is that the subscription still has 10-11 days on it, so surely they will get something worked out by then. If the problem persists the scoring will continue to go down.

08-16-11  01:54pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #3 - Ergo Proxy :

The worst part, I've sent the email/support ticket, but still haven't gotten it canceled or any confirmation of it. I don't understand these sites either. I know that it costs them more to have the top billers, but like with this site, they have ccbill and epoch listed, why not just let everyone join through those? Would make it much easier for us customers. I'm still holding onto the fact that I believe this site is a reputable one and we're just having crossed-up communication, tech problems maybe with their site, etc...
08-16-11  01:57pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #2 - YanksBillie :

Hello Billie,

I do understand that problems like this will happen and I'm fairly well-known around this site for being really laid-back and easygoing. I'm not going to be one of those customers that panics and goes into a cussing frenzy, though it probably would humor the members here!

As I told the others above, I believe you all are a honest company and honest mistakes happen. I do see where the cancel page for netbilling customers has been changed to send potential canceling customers to a support ticket system, but I opened a ticket, estimating around 32 hours ago, still haven't received a ticket number so I can't check the status of the ticket and don't have any type of cancel confirmation. At this point, I feel like I'm being the annoying one since I'm accepting that maybe I did something wrong in the opening a support ticket part. It's entirely possible that I used my work email instead of my personal email address in opening the support ticket. Though the account is registered to my personal email address.

I'll blame those damn auto-fill in the blanks settings on that since my wife and I both use the computer and four possible emails pop up when I come upon an area to fill in email.

So my question now is, should I open another ticket just in case I did use the wrong email? That's me trying to be respectful of your staff by not opening more than one support ticket. It did hit me though that it's possible I could have clicked on the wrong email address. And thanks for the fast reply and working on this issue. It says more for your site's support than the majority of sites these days.

08-16-11  02:11pm

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YanksBillie (0)
REPLY TO #6 - exotics4me :

Please do open another ticket. All of my current tickets have been taken care of so I do feel like something went awry. :)

08-18-11  01:31pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #7 - YanksBillie :

Hey Billie,

I do believe I made an error on my first ticket. I submitted a second one and you replied to it in less than a day, so the cancel went through. I will edit the original comment here to say that the problem was resolved. As I was saying above, the last thing I wanted to do was give you all negative, undeserved feedback based on something that wasn't your site's fault, but on the other hand, I try to give our members here a heads up of any potential problems in case they then run into them too. It's always appreciated by most of our members here to see a webmaster doing their best, like you have here, to be active with your members and helpful. Thanks again.

08-18-11  02:52pm

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