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otoh (0)
Am guessing that they have a good community/forum there - once the site was listed here a call probably went out for reviews, and loyal members responded. Which is no bad thing - as you say, it sounds honest.
10-01-11 11:03pm
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atrapat (0)
I haven't read all the reviews but if the Cosplay Deviants owners have in fact asked their members to post reviews here, it would be fair if reviewers said so and also whether they've been promised something.
I remember another site not so long ago that asked non-paying members to post reviews promising to release some content for free if the site got a good position at PU.
10-01-11 11:42pm
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Denner (0)
It looks strange to this user...
All reviews posted the same day within a couple of hours??
10-02-11 01:00am
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RustyJ (Suspended)
I guess they are honest but probably very subjective.
10-02-11 01:52am
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CosplayDeviants (Suspended)
The reviews are from our current members, it would appear that word travels among a community. As the webmaster I'm happy to see honest reviews so I can work on getting rid of those cons.
10-02-11 06:36am
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tangub (0)
REPLY TO #5 - CosplayDeviants :
Does that mean you're going to add zip files then?
10-02-11 07:25am
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CosplayDeviants (Suspended)
REPLY TO #6 - tangub :
Doubtful, We tried downloads in the past and all it did was lead to a mass of piracy. Users would buy a one month membership, download all of the sets then spread them across torrent sites. Sadly a few bad apples ruined it.
We are however in the process of producing more videos and adding more to the members area.
10-02-11 07:56am
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pat362 (0)
I have no problem with anyone posting a review of any site he enjoys and I have no problem with the score given but I do have a problem when the score doesn't match the content. The site has no previews so how exactly is anyone to know what he will get for his money? You can't download any content. It would be one thing if this was a video site where you had to pay to stream the videos but a site that claims to offer mostly pics and doesn't allow it's paying members to download those pics is to be avoided at all cost.
As far as I can gather from what I read on the site. This is more like a community posting board where models upload their pictures and get paid for those pics.
10-02-11 09:48am
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tangub (0)
REPLY TO #7 - CosplayDeviants :
I never understand why people do attitude is i've paid for it so why would i want to give it to others for free. Anyway people who download from torrent sites are unlikely to buy a membership anyway so in reality you're only penalising paying customers or putting off potential paying customers once the facts are revealed in review sites like this.
10-02-11 11:23am
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CosplayDeviants (Suspended)
REPLY TO #8 - pat362 :
There is a very large image on the right hand side of the site that says "Free tour" Did you not see it? You can get view it and the preview imageshere.
Members are allowed to save images, we don't stop you from doing that. However easy batch downloads were disabled due to piracy.
Regarding tangub's comment; I'm not sure why people give away content they pay for maybe they think they're some kind of porno Robin Hood? But I disagree with you about people who download will never pay, even when we have released free content people have used embedded links to come back to us and purchase a membership (yay tracking).
10-02-11 01:30pm
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pat362 (0)
REPLY TO #10 - CosplayDeviants :
Sorry to be blunt but if this is what you call a preview then you clearly haven't visited many websites in your life. There's a total of 12 images that can be enlarged on that free tour section. The breakdown is 10 solo female models, 1 solo male model and 1 B/G. You can't even find out how many pics there are per set. You can see the model page and know how many sets she has done but you can't even preview what they look like.
In regards to not being able to download content. I just looked at a review and saw that the reviewer had put in his Cons that there was no downloads. At least now I know that this is a slight error. You can download pics individually but you can't download them as complete sets in zip or rar format. That might not be a problem for some but you will find that the majority of us prefer that sets be downloadable as a complete file.
If you take a look at some of the other reviews on the site then you may understand why I and some of the other members had major issues with 5 new reviews with very high scores and very little content in those reviews to justify the score. Many of us take pride in this site and think it's important that reviews be more than someone's obvious infatuation with a particular site VS actual what others might get out of it.
10-02-11 06:57pm
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CosplayDeviants (Suspended)
REPLY TO #11 - pat362 :
Sorry the tour did not fit your requirements, had not taken into account the number of average images into a set, I will go ahead and place that in there.
I've made my point clear on why we discontinued downloads several times in several comments here, and my point stands. Archived downloads fed piracy which took business. Since all of our content is exclusive, we are far more protective about sharing it, and making sure our members get what they pay for.
I can see why you may be upset that 5 reviews popped up in one day, but why are you holding that against the site? Members learned of the review being available last night, and posted reviews. If you'd look a bit more you'd see that the site was submitted on September 18th, it's not like I submitted our site then sent people here. I'd also disagree with you on your statement saying the reviews had little content. In fact looking at your reviews, they line up in length pretty close. While the cons may be low, they are still there, and these are coming from currently paying members. I'd day these came from satisfied customers rather than people with an "obvious infatuation".
I gladly welcome honest reviews from others, without such feedback there would be no way for us to know what we need to improve. But please don't attack us as if we came to this site and immediately tried to boost our numbers, I respect what everyone does here, and I'm happy that is among the sites to be reviewed.
Thanks for your input Pat362, while I don't agree with everything you said, you did make several valid points that I will be addressing to make our pre-member experience a little more informative.
10-02-11 09:52pm
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RustyJ (Suspended)
REPLY TO #11 - pat362 :
I'm not sure there even is a way to prevent downloading images or videos for that matter (one can cap them with many free softwares). What you enable one to see, you enable one to keep basically. Not many average joes however have the knowhow.
10-03-11 02:30am
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pat362 (0)
REPLY TO #12 - CosplayDeviants :
Let me answer all your excellent point and try to give you an idea of why I'm saying these things.
1-A website tour has to be more than words written on pages but must show what is available inside the members section. How else can anyone be certain that what is written is not just BS but true. There are too many sites that claim one thing in the preview pages but never deliver on those promises. I know because I got burned quite a few times and many of the other reviewers have also been burned.
2-I understand that internet piracy is the blight for any webmaster and I really wish it didn't exist. Sadly it seems to be getting worse. I'm not sure if the recession as a lot to do with it but it as to be part of it. I don't think webmasters care too much about the reasons why someone stole their content because it's the end result that affects them and all their paying members. You have to understand that the great majority of PU members are avid collectors of porn and expect that the money they pay to access that porn includes the ability to download it in an easy manner. You simply have to read the different reviews done by senior members to see that sites receive lower scores when these options are omited or when it's harder to download the content.
3-I actually wasn't upset about the number of reviews. They kind of jumped out because they all arived at the same time and they all had very high scores. My issue is in regards to the amount of info offered in the reviews vs the score given. AlexMercer did the best review out of the 5 and he still omited very important information. two of those reviews aren't even worth looking at because they have 10 or less lines of info and very little actual data. here is a list of things that were omited and would be important to add.
-No one mentioned the number of photosets and videos available on the site.
-No one mentioned the average pic resolution per set.
-No one mentioned the video resolution.
-No one mentioned if the chat option is free with the membership or if there is an extra cost.
-Alex mentioned that there was a VIP web cast but again it doesn't say if it's free or if you have to pay extra.
Now the above things are not all essential when doing a review but I think they become quite important when according a high score to a site. I suspect that cosplay is one of those fetishes with a small but passionate following and I can appreciate that. I may not be a fan of this type of porn and frankly I don't really consider this porn. It would require that the models have sex on screen for me to say that your site is a porn site. It's more a nude or semi-nude site with a specific theme in mind.
I think it would be great to see a review that addressed many of the points I posted and where the reviewer is more objective about the content. Of course that might be harder to say that done.
10-03-11 08:39am
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Capn (0)
There is no way I would join a site without zip files.
Prefrably user custom ones.
There are a few sites that do that, & I would like to see more.
A customer wants to see material presented in an easily accessible manner.
We are living in an age of instant gratification & for better or worse that seems to carry over to porn surfing habits.
Cap'n. :0/
10-05-11 10:17am
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slutty (0)
REPLY TO #15 - Capn :
I agree zips are sort of a big deal, and I am slightly dubious of the webmasters claim that not offering them prevents the illegal distribution of their material.
10-07-11 10:27pm
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Capn (0)
REPLY TO #16 - slutty :
For me that is not 'sort of'
It IS a very big deal!
Cap'n. :0)
10-08-11 12:15am
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