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Nubiles.net (0)

messmer (0) 10-20-11  12:01pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: Beautiful girls (988 of them at the latest count). I have yet to rate any of them as less than 9 out of 10. Half a million pictures plus over 5000 movies. This is indeed a mega site.

Videos: I downloaded only HD videos at 1280x720p in wmv format but there are other choices, AVI and MPG in High Quality, MP4 in Medium as well as a mobile version in Low Quality, available to those with less available storage space or with a slower connection.
Talking about the latter, videos can also still be downloaded in parts.

Streaming is excellent and also available in three different screen sizes for the newer videos (and there are a lot of them): Low, Medium and High. Some of the older videos stream at Low and Medium only.

Pictures are available in two sizes: Hi Resolution at 2400x1600px as well as in 800x1200px.

Excellent Search Engine*, excellent Members' Page Layout with many choices to study the girls and material from every angle. Models, Picture Sets and Videos can be rated.
Cons: One Con, in my subjective eyes, is the lack of erotic underwear on most models, but I do understand that times have changed and girls dress much more casually these days, so even though I regret the scarcity of sexy satin or nylon undies, like teddies and full back panties and flimsy nighties. I will not hold this fact against the site. They cater to a younger generation and they do that well.

Another con for me is the Bonus sites. Again, this won't effect how I score Nubiles but I really do wish that if a site offered Bonus material it wouldn't always be from outdated, left-way-behind sites like: “Spring Break Fuck Adventures” and “Katrina18.” Their videos are completely inadequate in this day and age.

I decided to download test videos from both and ended up with mpg videos that were in 320x240p at 800kbps, incredibly blurry in full screen, and could only be downloaded in four parts. My preference: rather no bonus than one that is grossly outdated. It cheapens a great site.
Bottom Line: I did a review of this site a few years ago and found it very good. In the meantime it has become even better, in my eyes. As I stated earlier the models are a joy because there is not one who is less than beautiful in the whole bunch of 988 of them.

I find all the choices listed on their members' page irresistible and spend as much time browsing as I do downloading .. a rare thing for me.

I would highly recommend Nubiles to all those who like beautiful models from approx. 18 – 23 years of age.

This site contains a fine mixture of European and American models. Exotic models (Blacks, Latinas, Asians) are a bit under represented, though and I would like to see more of them as well.

I almost forgot but I had problems with download speeds when I first joined this site and tech support bent over backward to help me. They were prompt to reply and very friendly ... a very huge plus for a site.

* Edit Nov.16: I downgraded my score by 3 points because the "excellent" search engine proved to be far from excellent. I got highly inaccurate search results when searching for "stockings", just as one example. Tons of hits, yet very few contained nylons.

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Review Replies (7)

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Msg # User Message Date


graymane (Suspended) Well, lingerie Kid, I gotta say I had to do a double-take after seeing a score of 98..... especially from one whose keen objectivity puts fear in the heart of many a webmaster.
I've been toying with the idea for some time joining this site. Now, after your glowing report, I see it as being almost irrestistible.
I'm not one for many subscriptions, anyway ... and one can judge that from the few reviews I've posted. But sometimes one will catch my eye and I reach for charge card.
So it looks now like a tug-of-war between Nubiles and DDf Networks.

Great review, BTW.

10-20-11  06:15pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - graymane :

Well, if I give a site a 98 despite the fact that lingerie is scarce it has to be very good, graymane. I was being very objective because I prefer the women found in Anilos, as you might know by now. :-) But nevertheless I think Nubiles is classy, has tons of material to sift through and if I had to make a choice between DDF and Nubiles I would definitely choose the latter. DDF models look too caked with make-up to me while Nubiles models look more natural. But that is, of course, my taste .. yours might be different. Some prefer the glamor look and I won't argue with that.
10-20-11  06:26pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #1 - graymane :

I agree with messmer, I'd go with nubiles over DDF. I also agree there is way too much makeup on DDF.

Nice review messmer, it is nice to see some high scores! I feel like I never give a site above an 80 these days.

10-20-11  11:57pm

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Denner (0) Thanks messmer - a FINE review, a fine update.
Been at Nubiles a zillion times (LOL) - and just - generally - love the site.
BUT: Lately the vids are becoming too ordinary, too bland...and above all a little less erotic. Just my humble opinion.....maybe I'm getting too particular, but enjoyed the vids before 2011/2010 more....

10-21-11  07:35am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - Denner :

Hi Denner, you might be right when it comes to the videos. The reason this might not have been obvious to me is because I don't look at all updates indiscriminately. I go to search and click on lingerie, panties, stockings, sheer and usually get what I am looking for. I wish there were more content like that overall but the site nevertheless deserves the high score, in my opinion, because the lay-out, the quality .. everything .. is top notch and the videos we might find boring might very well be enjoyed very much by the multitude. Or, in my case, since there is the possibility that I find something boring because I've become jaded, I have to make sure I don't make a site suffer for it in the score I give it. :-)
10-21-11  10:24am

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greg909 (0) The thing that keeps me away from Nubiles the most is that all the girls are completeley shaved. I mean, even if they had 1 out of 5 models that were natural then it would be nice. But there are none. It's another ALS if you ask me, but with inferior photography.
10-21-11  10:50am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - greg909 :

You are right, greg. I counted only 144 sets that contained "hairy" and some of them stretched the definition because the pubic hair was just starting to grow in, so hairy models are definitely not well represented.

I am a hairy fan from way back but got so used to the shaved look (and so disillusioned with hairy sites because of their growing emphasis on hairy legs) that I no longer notice. You could say I even like it now. Who says the leopard can't change his spots. :-)

I even enjoyed my membership at ALS, something that would have been unthinkable 3 years ago. :-) I think the vast majority enjoys shaved these days and takes it for granted.

10-21-11  11:08am

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