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What do think porn laws will be more like in 5 years ?

Type: General

Submitted by Cybertoad (0)
More strict 32% 12 Votes
Less strict 26% 10 Votes
Make most illegal 0% 0 Votes
Remove internet acess 5% 2 Votes
Be more enforced by local laws 5% 2 Votes
In another way 32% 12 Votes

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38 Votes Total

Dec 16, 2011

Poll Replies (16)

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Msg # User Message Date


RustyJ (Suspended) Getting more liberal in western countries like everything else.
12-16-11  12:36am

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Drooler (Disabled) I doubt they'll change much in general. It would be more possible for specific communities to become more or less strict.

At this point, the laws protect minors from being in it; there's less government enforcement of protecting them from accessing it, but that's supposed to be a parental/guardian responsibility anyway.

Porn might be brought up as a wedge issue at times, but that's just to indirectly let wise people know that their government isn't interested in tackling the problems that really matter.

12-16-11  03:28am

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picdude (0) Think they're going to push more for xxx sites to be registered/ all in one place ie .xxx
Won't affect content at first but the mere fact its easier to locate will make things easier to enforce.

12-16-11  04:54am

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Denner (0) The answer, my friend - is blowing in the wind..
or as a prewar (2. WW) danish cartoonist said:
"It's difficult to foretell/predict - especially about the future" (freely translated).

But: In most western countries they have come down on prostitution (though the oldest occupation in history).
Of course we'll see so called religious fanatics and politicians roar against porn - hopefully it'll be like Drooler says:
"Porn might be brought up as a wedge issue at times, but that's just to indirectly let wise people know that their government isn't interested in tackling the problems that really matter."

And common sense will triumph - the majority want porn - and they/we will have it no matter want kind of stupidity politicians and fanatics will try - and they will.

BTW: We've got a lot to thank Larry Flynt for....

12-16-11  05:33am

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Jay G (Disabled) Depends on where you are is the best answer. In America the country is split 50-50 between puritanical right wingers and more sectarian rationalists. In the Bible Belt there always will be those using the anti-porn theme for political power.
12-16-11  07:45am

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rearadmiral (0) I suspect that in five years things will be pretty much the same. Christian religious fundamentalism in Western countries seems to punch well above its weight in terms of having more influence than their numbers would actually support so I can't see them actually influencing morality laws more. In some European countries that are more liberalized there may be more of a tendency to pacify Islamic fundamentalists by making porn laws more strict. Maybe some European PU members can share some thoughts on that.

One significant change in the past 30 years in the U.S. and Canada was that back 30 years ago even strict religious people never had an interest in imposing their values on others. That's certainly changed. It's as if they realized that knocking on doors trying to convert people to Christ was taking too long so they said "fuck it, we'll just take over government and impose Jesus on everyone."

But I think the real influence on morality issues will not be religious folks, but soccer moms. Of both genders. I'll take a room full of fundies any day over a handful of pissed-off soccer moms. Soccer moms have a huge voice in North American culture and they're excercising that to our detriment too. Take the rise of bullying. Sure, a lot of it is media hype, but I'm convinced that much of it is the result of raising kids to think that they are so special and superior to everyone else that they have some right to lord it over others. Most of the important lessons I've learned in life have been the result of big fuck up that teaches me something new. It appears that kids now are being protected from failure.

Anyway... I guess this turned into a bit of a rant... sorry.

12-16-11  07:50am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #4 - Denner :

"BTW: We've got a lot to thank Larry Flynt for...."

I can't stand Larry Flynt. He seems like a massive asshole. But I agree 100% with your comment that we owe him a lot. And not just those of us who like porn. He pushed freedom of speech for everyone. And the fact that he took Jerry Falwell down a peg or two didn't hurt either.

12-16-11  07:52am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #7 - rearadmiral :

I really do not know much about the man - read a couple of news stories and saw that movie..
Even if an asshole (it certainly looks like it according to the movie) - still an asshole or not: Fighting for the rights of free porn - he MAY have made a difference about so called morals...and yes, for sure rearadmiral: a push somehow for freedom of speech.

12-16-11  09:13am

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pat362 (0) The first thing that might change is bareback porn may become a thing of the past in the US. That's not a done deal but I suspect that too many people are pushing for condom porn and there's no one with a better idea working in the industry. I have heard of a great idea but the man is not really in the industry so doesn't have the power to affect those changes.

The one thing I'm pretty sure will change is that the greedy bastards behind the .xxx will get sued by many companies and loose their court case.

12-16-11  09:53am

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t9chome (0) I'm more afraid of regulations than laws, as it makes elected offials unaccountable and therefore less likely to fight for the freedoms of the citizenry. Regulations also increase the size of government that citizens have to pay for.

In the US, the law is pretty clear by our constitution and bill of rights. It's the regulations that destroy freedom.

12-16-11  12:38pm

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Wittyguy (0) Even though most countries will probably get stricter, they'll be stricter in name and lacking in enforcement. In the US I think you'll see fewer obscenity cases as prosecutors finally figure out you can watch a chick being sodomized with (insert your object of choice here) anywhere in the world with the click of a button and as people who have grown up with internet porn get older and actually consider voting as opposed to just wondering what the concept is.
12-16-11  03:43pm

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slutty (0) Depends on what country your in, but I think in most cases they will get more liberal with time.
12-16-11  10:15pm

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - rearadmiral :

Great post, rearadmiral; it's one of the best I've read here. Things really have changed since the advent of cable TV and the fragmentation of American society as seen in the change from a handful of competing major networks to multiple channels of preachers to their respective choirs. 30 years ago marks it well enough, after which came the "Moral Majority" and the congressional hearings on record labeling (back when vinyl was not quite off the scene) -- marking the rise of the Soccer Mom.

I've seen the horror of soccer moms first hand, and of course there are YouTube videos of them for all to see. A barracuda would not attack one -- perhaps not out of fear, but out of professional courtesy.

12-17-11  01:30am

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graymane (Suspended) Cybertoad.....Like the Ever ready Bunny, just keep on goin'. and in keeping with that honorary pace, dilivered us this (another) thought-provolking poll question.
I pretty much agree with rearadmiralal and what Drooler says.
My take is that The governmental bodies that monitors and enforce action on this sort of stuff will continue to look the other way... for as long as things don't get out of hand or their constituents aren't leaning on them too heavily.
In other words, the porn industry needs to behave themselves and stay out of trouble.

12-18-11  01:00am

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slategrey (0) Just gonna wait five years and see so i wont be wrong :p
12-30-11  02:33pm

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yote78 (0) I don't think much will change, although I think the way it is delivered will continue to change. As is already happening very widely, more and more porn will be Internet-based. And, as we all know, the Internet is very hard to control. Even if the most blue-nosed of the Tea Party assholes end up in power, even they will not be able to censor Internet content like in China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, et.al. without incurring a major backlash from those of us who value civil liberties.

So, in short, I think current trends will continue and possible accelerate.

01-02-12  11:17am

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