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Visit HQ Upskirt

HQ Upskirt (0)

mbaya (0) 01-18-12  03:11pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Choice of billing companies. Available choices are CCBill, Segpay and Zombaio.
-True high definition videos at 1280x720.
-Works with download managers. Downloads were fast as the file sizes are under 100MB for at most five minutes.
-No download limits.
-New videos every day and recently a new set of around 30 photos are also being posted daily. As of today there are 239 videos and 1439 photos.
-Mostly very attractive women with nice legs. Even the paid models seem very natural and not glam. The feeling you get is that you may see these women in the street.
-The site offers a way to communicate with other members, invite a friend, create a profile and upload your own videos and photos. Nice features that so far are not being used.
Cons: -Only one download choice, MP4. Maybe it is my computer, but I have trouble with that type of file. I converted the videos to AVI using AVI Media Converter.
-The photos do not have the option of being zipdownloaded.
-The most recent photos are only 1200x800. Not quality in todays porn.
-Practically no variety in the models. Nearly every one is white, thin and in their early 20s.
-Very softcore. Until recently the most you would see is a view of panties under a skirt.
Bottom Line: This site has changed its focus over the nine months it has been online. The oldest videos show a cameraman following women on the streets around town. At some point he gets a camera into position close to the model and gets film of what the woman is wearing underneath. The feeling that comes across is of an invasion of privacy on unknowing women. I feel that the issue of consent is important and these scenes made me feel a bit uncomfortable. How the cameraman kept from getting hit by his victims or even arrested is a mystery. If these scenes were staged, they did a really good job of making them seem unscripted and unrehearsed.

Most scenes were filmed in Russia, as you can clearly see writing in their alphabet. Some scenes were filmed in Guatemala as well. I suspect they were filmed for another site as they often have watermarks for Spyguate, a name I don't recognize. The photos from this time are similar in theme and style.

More recently, there is a distinct change in style. Professional, non glam Russian models play up to the camera in unabashed exhibitionism. The models are attractive and create a good sexy show. There is some nudity, a lot of tease, making nice videos that make me want to watch them over and over. There is a pleasing balance of whole body and closeups. Many of the models have multiple videos, with different levels of tease and different locales.

The photo sets also have been featuring professionals in scenes that can only be described as exhibitionist. There is a feeling of sexiness, even in photos that are not totally nude.

My overall impression is of a site that has found its place as tease, with some partial nudity. The sexiness is undeniable. With daily updates, and a winning formula, I can see myself resubscribing.

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


BubbaGump (0) Good Review and Information. Thanks for sharing.

Tease photos can be erotic. I aggree I would be have toruble enjoying it if I thought it was real. I certainly am not accusing the company of doing it but it wouldn't be proper(or legal) and you could also get yourself in a lot of hot water.

My guess is it is likely staged. You couldn't get that many videos without getting caught--or getting your ass beat by a significant other when you get caught.

01-18-12  04:35pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - BubbaGump :

They did a really good job of making them look unstaged. Who knows?
01-18-12  07:11pm

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Serious Partner (0)
Thanks for your thorough review. We've improved the quality of the photos since then, though the issue with albums still exist. We'll look into this as well as into the formats. I'd like to ask what you mean by "softcore" in regard to an upskirt site. How can we make looking under a skirt hardcore?
08-26-13  04:37am

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Serious Partner (0)
We are very glad you liked the way our content is shot. Most of our models are european so we never thought of shooting upskirt with black, asian and other models. If it's in high demand we'll give it a try for sure)
08-26-13  04:38am

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