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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Adult Time

Adult Time

Kind of bland and repetitive content.

It is hard to be negative overall as there is so much content. Most of the negative is because I found little that appealed to me based on the niches I enjoy. So use this when considering my comment.

The video quality I found very nice. The productions were also executed well with good lighting etc..

I joined because I thought there was going to be a lot of content from a couple of providers(femJoy and Girls Out West) I have subscribed to in the past that are listed as channels. You cannot browse channel content before signing up. After joining and seeing what is in the channel, I found only a very small handful of videos and they all appeared to be the bland B-Roll reject stuff from the actual sites or deleted stuff that was cut and never made it to the final film.

Even though there are different channels, the scenes seemed to me to be quite repetitive and kind of boring. Models all look the same to me, just different hair color or makeup etc..about as cookie-cutter as you can get IMO.

Since I prefer more natural figures, etc. the site to me ended up being 'a whole lot of nothing ' in terms of my personal interests. I did not find anything that interested me and kind of got lost in a sea of lookalike botox models. That does not mean it is a bad site. It is just not for me or what I expected.

But if you do prefer the typical thin and toned cookie-cutter porn model, you will definitely find tons of material of high quality and it will be worth the price.

08-31-21  03:05pm

Replies (1)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of Tom D Admin's Reply

Thanks. Sorry to be alarmist but stuff like this ticks me off to no end, regardless of what the business is.

These guy just switched the service. I sign in perhaps a couple times a month. No notification in email. No warning. Just sign in one day and it says 'DDF Has Moved. You will now be redirected to pornworld' -- what you get directed to is just a very generic-looking pay per view storefront with plain-looking menu that just has thumbnails and looks like those free sites like xhamster. No notice about what it is, how to use it, or a mention that you have to pay for things you watch.

And no customer service about your old account, what happened to it, how to stop the charges etc...just a pissy reply to an inquiry-- 'we dont know anything about the site. We are a pay-per-view network and unfortunately I cannot assist you with your subscription to another website."

I sent another email earlier asking for someone to please tell me how to cancel the existing DDF subscription charge. That is my biggest concern--stopping that and making sure no more monthly charges. Will advise when and if I get a response.

03-04-20  02:37pm

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

Warning to users. Beware

Beware. They have disbanded ddf network completely and all video contents is now at a site called pornworld, which is a pay-per-view site. If you had a subscription, it is gone. If you watch anything, you will be charged for watching it. You will be charged for anything you watch or view at pornworld...although they do not tell you. And they will continue to to charge your card for a subscription to DDF...

I wrote a customer service inquiry using the portal available at this enw site. They pretty much just blew me off saying they have no control over prior subscriptions I might have had with DDF..this is a new site and it is pay per view..

Call your bank and have the charge stopped or you will continue to be billed for a subscription to a site that no longer exists. You will get no help from this new site pornworld and ddf newtwork is completely gone.

You will now be scammed for a subscription that does not exist.

More shady practices and scams from an industry than is going to hell in a handbasket. You have been warned.

03-04-20  08:48am

Replies (6)
Visit Brazzers

Reply of mbaya's Reply

I think for the most part everyone now is focused on quantity because that's what drives the market today. Charging a higher rate means you need to keep putting out more updates to justify it and keep customers around. But the result is that quality suffers and takes a back seat to aggressive production schedules.

And what you end up with is what a site like Brazzers is today--a gaggle of identical surgically enhanced soccer-ball breasts and large cocks, all packaged up into very repetitive and mundane content that is pushed out at breakneck speed. Boredom is the order of the day. And that is really the best way to describe this site--boring.

02-27-20  10:47am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of mbaya's Reply

Anything else I would offer would be negative and wouldn't provide much I already didn't opine. I really have little positive to say other than those four items I noted.

02-26-20  01:03pm

Visit Brazzers


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -- A lot of content available.
-- Beautiful models.
-- Image quality on videos is very good.
-- Photo sets available with each scene.
Cons: -- Subscriptions are now ala carte. The monthly rate is now just a basic price of admission to the show. Downloads are now extra. $14.95 is quite a lot to add to a a $29.99 monthly fee.
--Extremely slow streaming speed. I am not sure if this is a ploy to get you to purchase the download options. I found it impossible to even watch ten seconds of video without lengthy pauses.
-- Studio is pushing out high volume at the expense of quality. Scenes are boring.
-- Content and visuals lacks imagination or erotic potential. 90% of every scene is simply closeups of genitals going in and out of vaginas or rear-ends.I find everything to be literally too in-your-face.
-- Acting is atrocious. Not expecting A-quality Hollywood acting here. But the actors try too hard and its over-the-top and forced. Too many fake screams and moans that make everything sound like a wounded chicken in distress more than an ecstatic romp.
Bottom Line: I do apologize for the negativity. But it is my honest opinion that this site has gone to hell in a hand basket.

I last subscribed a few years ago. I normally kept a subscription for a few months then moved on. This time, I cancelled three days after subscribing. It is nearly impossible to watch streaming video due to throttled video feeds. Ordering the upgrade to the download option resolves that issue but the content is just atrocious compared to days past. Granted, it is visually impressive and the girls beautiful. But the imagery lacks any erotic depth or imagination. Everything is formulaic. Acting is terrible.

I could handle the new fee structure if something was offered of high value. However, I do not find that. The site and its content has regressed dramatically. The new strategy appears to be to put out high volume at the expense of quality content.

If anything, the scenes are anti-erotic and the videos are like watching a medical procedure in a doctors office. Sterile. No imagination. No Depth. No excitement. Just the same in-and-out formulaic porn that could literally put you to sleep.

If I could score lower than 50 I would. Whoever runs the studio these days has destroyed this once-great erotic fixture. It's a hollow shell of its former self. And it's just not worth $29.99, let alone $45 with the addition of downloads. No Más.

02-26-20  12:35pm

Replies (4)
Visit Brazzers

Reply of mbaya's Reply


Yes I suspect the prevalence of Free Porn has created serious market pressures.

I am not cheap and it's not having to pay more for a subscription that irks me. Eventual price increases on goods and services is a fact of life. The issue I have is with the 'sneaky' approach to going about adding such price increases. Just be up front with it. A site like Brazzers is high quality and one of the few sites that I have any interest in. I have no problem paying a higher rate. But I don't like feeling taken advantage of with tricks.

To be fair, the fine print somewhere probably did indicate the rate policy and the extra fee required for downloads. But it probably was tucked away in the very fine small-print.

But it still makes you feel like you are being toyed with. You sign up in good faith for a subscription of $29/month just like old times. Browse around a little to see something that catches your eye. Then you go to download something to watch later. Then you get this:

"Dear valued customer. Your current access does not allow downloads. Please click the Upgrade button for a list of options." At this point you realize you have to upgrade and pay another $14.99 to be able to download anything.

You mutter a couple cuss words at the screen-- &^#@ *# *&$^%#*%$#

Again, it's not about the fee. It's about the sneaky factor.

And this leads to the second pet-peeve--'pre-checked' boxes. Not just one but a couple and they are at various locations on the screen. Before you click the 'Complete Transaction' button it behooves people to review everything very carefully or you might unknowingly have also subscribed to some off-the-wall third-party sites like 'Corn-Holed Grannies' or 'Fisting Midgets'.

02-10-20  02:09pm

Visit Brazzers


New Pricing Model ?

I don't really watch a whole lot of adult content these days but I did sign back up for a Brazzers subscription. I think they have a new offshore owner because things suddenly changed.

They now have a new pricing model. In the past I signed up for $29.99 and that was it.Download what you want. Watch what you want/

Now they charge $29.99 as well. But when I went to download a video, a popup came up saying, you do not have access to downloads. An upgrade is requried. It costs $14.99. So basically to download anything now requires a $45 monthly subscription. Everyone needs to be aware of this. It is a recent change as last year when I had a subscription they did not do this. They also have segmented content in standard and HD. If you want to see any videos in HD it requires a one-time $89 upgrade.

Also..I get it. This is a business. The goal is to make a profit and I cannot fault any business for making changes. There also has been trouble making profit with all the free porn out there and pirating. But they should be upfront and not try to hide things. When you sign up they should clearly indicate the pricing model. Paying for a monthly subscription then being told after the fact you cant do this or that unless you upgrade to premium is a good way to irritate people.

Anyways, worse things in life can happen to you than price increase for porn :) But still, its stuff like this that is kind of irritating, regardless of the business.

02-08-20  10:52am

Replies (4)
Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
Reply of Amanda's Reply

I got a response from the help desk finally. They said it is fixed but it is still not working. I cleared the cache like they said then logged back in. It worked for one click to get inside a menu. Then it went back to kicking me out the first time I tried to click on any item.

I cancelled the account. Unfortunately, I have it on a three-month subscription from a discount so have two months left I can't use at this time.

The site isn't bad for content, if you can get to it. But the menu system is quirky and they have some odd security system that does this. I have subscribed to adult sites in the past. Things like this never happened.

02-13-16  04:16pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy

Beware Poor Customer Service

A while ago, i could not log in due to the system saying I was logged into multiple computers with the login. This is probably due to a power outage with my PC. I have been unable to get back since and over the past few weeks have tried the customer service area three times with no response. They are inept.

I do not recommend anyone sign up for this site. absolutely no customer service support. Canceling subscription.

02-09-16  02:05pm

Replies (2)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of pat362's Reply

The most recent images are roughly 2000 x 1328. The most recent full HD vids are in the 2gig range for MPEG format. Not sure about bit rate. Don't know enough about videos to supply this. I can say, however, the videos are fluid and not choppy when viewed in the browser. Again, I am not much into videos. But even these are higher in quality than I have seen elsewhere. They just have a pop on the screen I have not seen from other videos. It is eye-popping.

But again, for me, it's all about the detail and quality. Regardless of what the specs are, I would rather see a high-quality image at 800x600 than a large 4000x2000 image that is sub-par and poorly taken ,with bad llighting. That is what I value the most.

01-12-13  09:17am

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of pat362's Reply

Hi. I understand what you mean. I don't take it as trying to pick a fight. I just provide points I think the average person would be interested in. I could add more comments but it would just be for the sake of adding more comments. I don't think it would be of much use to anyone. Really, what my review is saying is that, in my humble opinion, for those interested in photography and professional-grade production, this is about as good as you will come across in terms of quality of content, etc...

The full HD videos also are as good as I have ever seen in terms of the eye-popping quality. I really haven't seen clearer and more detailed videos from an online service--whether it is netflex or bangbros. To me, the detail and professional quality of the material is outstanding.

The user interface is as good as others. very simple and easy to use. DL speeds are very high. I never had issues with timing out or locking up. Now, whether or not people enjoy the actual content is entirely subjective. Everyone has their own interests and tastes in erotic content.

I really am not thinking about drawing attention to the site or trying to sway opinion by scoring it a 99. The thought never crossed my mind. I am just calling it like I see it personally. To me, it is a near perfect site. Others may see it entirely differently, as some other review scores testify.

01-12-13  08:42am

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of pat362's Reply

Well, I base my reviews on impressions. All I have to go by when forming the impressions is past experiences with other sites. Comparatively, it is the best site I have personally come across. I am not a real high powered user so my experiences are limited. I really find it to be as good as my score indicates. That doesn't mean it really is a 99 in an objective sense. That is just how I rate it. Others will see it different perhaps. Someone might not like the content or the camerawork isn't their style etc. but it is the closest to a perfect site as I have come across so far. My views may change if I come across something else in the future and I have a new baseline to judge things. As it exists now, though, this site is at the top of my current baseline. I honestly haven't seen anything better yet.

01-11-13  08:46pm

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -- Best erotic photography I have come across so far. Clearly professional-level photography. Perfect lighting. Non-forumlatic and dynamic poses.

-- Classy and conservative style erotica. No extreme stuff, bizarre angles, or depictions of rough sex/choking the models etc.

-- Layout and menus are up their with the best.

-- Photo galleries are put together niceley. No repetitve content in each gallery.

-- Plenty of HD content for those into videos.
Cons: -- I really struggle to find negatives beyond the nit-picking variety. I guess the only thing I could offer in terms of tangibles is the price. Obviously, the premium price for the network is higher than others.
Bottom Line: My score is somewhat biased as I am a photography buff and my review is based on what the site means to me. buff so I appreciate the professional work at this site. There is a tremndous amount of high-quality photo content at this site. The galleries are well laid out and the models are all beautiful.

The details in the high-resolution photos are quite stunning. In many cases, you can count peach fuzz hairs.

Clearly, this is not the typical site that offers a large amount of photos where the majority of them are simply repetitions of the same pose as the model stands in front of a muslin and the camera and lighting is set on rapid fire.

Most every gallery I have browsed so far demonstrates impecible lighting and technical expertise. The artists clearly put a lot of thought into the work. There is photoshopping evident, but it is not overdone to the point that the colors are over-saturated and the images look unreal or the models plastic. IMO,
DDF is one of those sites that qualifies as art as well as it does porn.

The models themselves range from petite to busty, depending on what site you view. I have only browsed a few videos. However, the presentations should appeal to most of those itnerested in videos. There are quite a few HD selections to choose from.

The models appear quite engaged most of the time and do not look like they are just standing around bored while scratching their butt.

The site does demand a premium price. But considering the amount of content and the number of sites offered in the network, I find it palitable. For me, it is worth the admission price.

If you are a photography fan, I would not hesitate to reccomend it. It is a must see. If you are into videos, you will likely find the content appealing as well. But for me, the site shines in the photo department.

01-11-13  01:14pm

Replies (8)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of Marcus's Reply

Well, this business makes it easy to do this. First of all, due to the sensitive nature of the material, a lot of consumers don't want anyone knowing their business. They are therefore less inclined to run to the bank to complain when they get ripped off. I believe some vendors will capitalize on this. I think that is the risk a consumer has to accept if they want to subscribe to online vendors in this arena. Eventually, you are likely to run across stuff that is not on the level.

I am going to say something here that might rub some people the wrong way. There is a pink elephant in the room that a lot of people know is there but few will admit its existence, especially the manfuactuers and producers. The Pink Elephant is this--Porn is going to involve a number of individuals who are not the most noble of characters when it comes to their approach to commerce. Some players will be tempted to stretch the limits and see how much they can get away with.

I certainly am not saying that everyone in the business is like this. But the anonymity I mentioned, the sensitive nature of things, etc is going to be a magnet for shady practices by some players. Most people in the industry I suspect will just look the other way, not wanting to rock the boat or police others.

01-06-13  12:28pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of Marcus's Reply

Well, I noticed that when the upsells started last year, they began with just advertising them on the main page when you log in. The upsells then started showing up as scenes within specific site pages. If you click the scene and view it, you now have a monthly subscription to whatever site it belongs to. I was careful not to do this, but the way they it is structured, I can see a lot of people out there wondering what those extra monthly charges are on their credit card.

The thing that is scary is that there is no warning that you are about to subscribe. I intetionally signed up for the culuneros site because I wanted to add it. But when I clicked the scene link, there was no warning, no info about what was just charged, etc..It just went on as business as usual, but I could now access the site.

The monthly charge for the site was the same as the bangbros main site. So if people are not carefull or have twtichy fingers on the mouse, they are going to get popped and without warning that you just signed up for a monthly subscription.

The site planners probably said, 'Hey, not enough people are falling for the red pre-checked cross sell when they signed up. Let's mix the cross-sells in with the galleries and menus.'

Regarding actual content, I think what they are doing is just breaking off a lot of content that would normally appear at bangbros and creating new sites that you have to sign up for. For example, at culluneros, a lot of the models appear at bangbros but it looks like they saved a few scenes for this specific site. So if you are into that model, you would want to view the scene. There is nothing wrong with this strategy itself. It's the way they go about it that is dirty pool.

01-06-13  08:54am

Visit Culioneros

Reply of exotics4me's Reply

Thanks for the info and time to help. I appreciate it.

Actually, I have to call the number. It appears bangbros now does all their billing with the 1-800 number. When I call, they say they do not have any subscription to cancel and they know nothing about the site Cullineros. I do not have any accounts listed with the others and their support also says I do not have an account with them.

When trying to get info from the Cullineros site itself on how to cancel or get customer help, it all comes up in Spanish. They don't do that when you sign up and it is all in English when they are taking your money.

Customer Assistance button takes you to jiberish.

01-05-13  04:47pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of messmer's Reply

Well, what goes around comes around. You can't survive with that kind of business model. They will eventually self-destruct. They must really be hurting financially if they resort to this type of tactic. I would think the last thing you want to do in this business is get a bad reputation regarding trust.

Who knows what their plans are. I have no idea how the site is structured in terms of ownership. But they are headed in the wrong direction with games like this.

I also noticed that they took over their own billing. I signed up last year with CCBill but it got transferred to their internal setup. You have to call a number to cancel. Which also points to financial trouble. The reason you would want to do that is to avoid having to pay the processors like CCBill or Epoch to manage the accounts and billing. Others also complain about lack of 1080P downloads without upgrades.

Putting it all together, it sounds like a site that is in the red financially and is trying to find ways to cut corners, get more income, and get back into the green. They are doing it the wrong way, however.

Regardless, I think that the recent string of bad comments here would be fair warning to anyone who is considering dealing with this site. Obviously, it's more than me complaining. They cannot be trusted, from a survery of recent comments here.

01-05-13  03:33pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

Buyer beware--Unsavory business practices.

I would caution again signing up for any sub-site offer with BangBros. I signed up for Culineros and after canceling the main BangBros subscription, this one keeps billing. The support links to this specific site are written in Spanish(when you sign up everything is in English.) Nobody writes back. The Billing 800 number says they don't see me as a customer and don't know who handles the bill for this site. None of the billing companies have me listed.

01-05-13  11:07am

Replies (8)
Visit Culioneros


WARNING--Use this site with EXTREME Caution

I have had an ongoing subscription to Bang Bros which I have kept active for a while and download a few videos each month or so. The problem is, I subscribed to this site through bang bros as an add-on. This is a a secondary site they have listed. The material is on par with Bng Bros. No complaints there. However, they are playing games and lead you to believe that your subscription is tied into your Bang bros subscription. It is the same password and user ID and Account #,. etc

I recently cancelled my bangbros subscription. But this did not cancel, even though it was part of the site as an addon. It is the same password and username etc..

It still comes up in the bangbros area at their site when I log in. When I click the support link to that entry, everything is written in Spansih. They don't do this when you access the site or sign up. But wait until you try to cancel.

Here is what you can expect from the 'help' link. again, everything is in English until you try to access user support or cancelation:


Si te suscribiste v�NETBILLING
En su estado de cuenta aparecera "SUPPORT-HAZE.COM" -o- "HAZESUPPORT"

Servicio al cliente, v�telef�a, del departamento de facturaci� Numero libre de cargos: 1-(877)-731-6065
Si llama de fuera del pa� 1-(661)-621-9047

Servicio al cliente, v�correo electr�o, del departamento de facturaci� support@hazecash.com

I called the number and they said they dont know anything about Culineros. Nobody writes me back. It is hard not to Conclude that they are playing games. At the number to netbilling they say I do not have a subscription. Neither bangbros nor these links for support will write me back. But my card keeps getting charged. This is nonsense and it is my opinion they made it like this to be so confusing that you cannot cancel or just give up.

This is bad for the industry when they do this kind of crap. I cannot help but believe this is dirty pool. Beware. I call SCAM on this. Shame Shame on Bang Brothers. Beware. I would reevaluate considering having anything to do with their site if you are a member. They are up to no good IMO and give the entire industry a bad name with such crooked tactics.

01-05-13  09:02am

Replies (4)
Visit Divine Breasts

Divine Breasts
Reply of Claypaws's Reply


Well, for a site owner with limited content to offer, it might be tempting to use such a strategy, thinking you could 'hook' users and they would pay to stay around so they can access the content. You could easily grab all the content at this site within a short period of time. It is not a high-volume site.

The problem is, the content is not THAT good that it will keep a lot of people around to view the remaining limited content that they couldn't get to during the period due to restrctions. It's not bad content, but not exactly a pot of gold.

06-10-12  09:21am

Visit Divine Breasts

Divine Breasts
Reply of Monahan's Reply

Hi. Thanks. I just try to tell it like I see it. It is easy to write long-winded reviews on sites that rub you the wrong way as you are ticked off enough to vent about it.

Anyways, I wouldn't classify the entire site as junk, just the user experience and treatment. The content is actually fairly decent for this genre. I have seen better and I have seen worse. I suspect most people interested in this genre would come away with positive opinions if the site owners didn't play the games. Considering a magazine today costs somewhere around $15, paying $21 for a modest collection of BBW erotica is really not a bad deal. The owners just play games and hold back content, as mentioned in the review. It becomes obvious after a a little bit of time at the site what the owners are up to.

06-10-12  09:04am

Visit Divine Breasts

Divine Breasts

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: -- Creative photography
-- Unique content.
-- A good number of classic photosets.
-- Site delivers what is advertised--images of women with Large BBW breasts.
Cons: -- Technical quality of images can be hit or miss.
-- Primitive site design and interface.
-- Exceedingly poor streaming speeds of both photos and videos throughout my entire memberhips period.
-- Site is not growing much.
-- Limited content.
-- Vdeos are just a novelty.
-- Site owners play games with content(hold back content and offer to let you view more content if you stick around longer or sign up somewhere else)
--Bandwidth Limit imposed to 550 MEG per day.
Bottom Line: Most of the models at this site are of the BBW variety and most sport large EEE size breasts. There is very little silicone here. These are well-endowed amateur models for the most part, with a few glam types thrown in.

Full nudity is rare and the site is mostly softcore. It's all about catering to those with a breast fetish. The photography, in many caes, is actually quite well done and creative. There are a few poorly done sets but this is the exception. However, the owners skimp on resolution at times and the actual technical quality of the displayed images can vary from fairly decent 1600 resolution to grainy and out-of-focus 1024.

If you are into this genre and natural, large breasts are your thing, you would likely find the photo content here to be interesting. However, that interest will fade pretty quickly, as the amount of content is a bit limited and the site seems to be growing at a snails pace. Unless you view only a few photosets once or twice during a one-month subscription period, you will find the content runs out pretty quickly.

Videos are pretty much a novelty and the main show are the photosets. With very few exceptions, most videos are small 350 clips that run perhaps a minute or two.

The site designers also have a habit of 'padding' the numbers when it comes to overall photosets available. For example, they have created a fair number of photosets for each model. Model X may have twenty photosets available for viewing on her page. However, what they do in most cases is split up a single photo shoot into a number of different sets. For example, a lingerie shoot might be split up into three or four seperate sets. The first set on the page would be perhaps fourteen photos of the model disrobing, the next would show the model reclining while partially disrobed, etc etc. In essence, you are being given ten different photosets for a model, when in reality, they are really just one or two actual photo shoots split up.

This type of presentation is annoying and similar things happen in other areas. There are a lot of cross-sell marketing tools being used. In more than one case, a popular model will only have one or two photosets(or perhaps none at all and a few videos will be in the model area) and a marketing link advises you that "btw..this model has her own page !". Unfortunately, that page requires a seperate memebership.

The owners also let you know that the longer you stick around, the more content you can see. For example, Model X may have only a few photosets or a video that is incomplete and ends with a tease. They will then advise you that the longer you stay past 30 days, the more content you get to see --"Want to see more of her? blah blah blah.."

Given the limited content already available, this may be a good business model to get people to stick around, but the content isn't that great that I would eprsonally pay more just to see a bit more of Model X. IMO, this tactic will simply rub people the wrong way and they will just move on. Also, who says you aren't going to do the same thing if I sign up for Model X's page? I would advise the owners to rethink this strategy. You will more often than not just succeed in ticking off your customer base instead of given them a reasont o want to stay around with knowing they won't get the same treatment for next month's rent.

As far as the site design and layout, it is quite primitive. It gets the job done. However, the menus and navigation tools are primitive. The actual streaming speeds of content is about the worse I have ever experienced at any time with any online service of any kind. Strangely, the quickest way to get content on this site is to download the photosets. Usually, the opposite is true.

Without fail, I could view perhaps one or two images in a gallery, then any subsequent images would take a ridiculous amount of time to simply load. I have a high speed DSL connection and have never experienced anything this bad.

The site also limits you to 500 MEG download per day. You cannot stream or DL past this limit. In short, the strategy of this site seems to be to employ any possible means to get people to stick around longer than thirty days. They make it is hard as possible for you to stream or view the already limited content at the site in a thirty day period. Limiting to 500 MEG download a day and freezing the stream after viewing two photos means it will take six months to get to all of the content that would take a few days of viewing to get to at any other site. The goal is obviously to frustrate you by prolonging the time to to view images via streaming so you download the sets and quickly eat up your daily allotment.

Crooked? Underhanded? Shady? I will leave that for you to judge.

I would give the actual photo content a score of 70 but the experience a 0.05. Since I can only score a minimum of 50, I will give the site an overall score of 50.

06-09-12  03:44pm

Replies (7)
Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of Claypaws's Reply


Well, I was evaluating the content as a stand-alone site. I have not subscribed to the other sites owned by the company. It makes sense they would have a seperate site devoted to the exotics and multi-ethnic models. To be honest and fair, however, I had to just go by what I saw at this particular site I was reviewing. As a subscriber to this site only, I think ethnic diversity was the only thing lacking for me.

Merging the exotics into the galleria site might actually draw in more long-term users who will stick around longer, IMO. Regardless, there is enough content at the Galleria site to keep someone busy for a long time.

06-04-12  04:46pm

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
Reply of Capn's Reply

I think a few models might be return subjects, but the majority just seemed to stick around for a while then dissapear. Most of the models are amateurs so I think they probably either move onto something else or just drop modeling altogether.

06-04-12  04:40pm

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