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Visit WTF Pass

WTF Pass (0)

BadMrFrosty (0) 02-29-12  01:00am
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Interesting discovery

A membership to chickiporn.com costs $35 and gives us access to 6 sites. A membership to WTFPass.com costs only $20 and gives us access to 9 sites. So what I hear you cry, prices vary and so does content. Well the thing here is the sites are clones with exactly the same content just with different titles and descriptions! I don't know which site is the clone and which is the original but they have identical content.

dollsporn.com = chickiporn.com
collegefuckparties..com = studentsexparties.com
pickupfuck.com = mypickupgirls.com
privatesextapes.com = cashforsextape.com
hardfuckgirls.com = hardfucktales.com
porntraveling.com = pornweekends.com

And WTFPass gives you access to another 3 sites not available when joining the other site:


So for $15 less we get access to a more! Apart from the downright weird panda site the rest is very good and well worth $20.

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Msg # User Message Date


Tree Rodent (0) Nice one Frosty. Thanks for the info.
02-29-12  06:38am

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elephant (0) wow thanks for the info, I joined the 35 dollar network not so long ago and noticed lots of the WTF watermarks and wondered what all this was about, this muct explain it, maybe they are rebranding or going to have the 2 networks for good under different names to earn more money.
03-04-12  03:38am

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