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Visit In The Crack

In The Crack (0)

Cybertoad (0) 03-08-12  09:19pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Excellent quality and HD
Massive content .
Awesome interface and navigation.
Cons: Scenes are similar and same consistency.
Looks like many scenes at the same places.
Lots of close ups, ( too many my opinion )
Bottom Line: Knowing there was a more recent review I tried to think of a better approach then saying the obvious
and repeat what was just said three weeks ago.
I agree with the previous review, therefore I will
share my experience.

The site is an amazing experience, it is easy to use and navigation is simple and intuitive.
The quality is awesome and brings out incredible details.
The site download speed was good and no problems with my downloads at all. Picture quality was equally impressive with great details and contours were clear.
This site sets a great example of simplicity and ease and invites the user to surf without feeling like your chopping branches through the jungle to get the the fruit. This site is about ease of use and providing a great experience.

The bad:
I found the site repetitive and for myself why the site is amazing the scenes were after awhile same ole same ole. Now some may not agree, this was my "own" experience. I also did not like the place of scenes often seemed to be around the same places. There is not allot to say wrong about this site. To be far many sites are the same in content. I this being the site is based on a niche makes it seem more so.

Hard to compete with such and awesome review before this one. So I chose more personal review input.

CT Take:

Join for sure, it is worth the money and time and after this you will wish other sites ran like this one.

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Review Replies (10)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Gazette Risque (0) The fact that someone else recently did a review on the same site shouldn't keep you from doing your own review, so kudos! :)

If the same problems are addressed is multiple reviews, maybe the site owners will start to notice and perhaps think about changing.

But what is even better is when someone reads multiple reviews and reads that more people noticed something good or bad or had a good or bad experience.

Anyway, I certainly agree with you on the issue of lack of different backgrounds and too many close ups.

Great review!

03-09-12  04:27am

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Denner (0) I understand the 93 from CT - in score.
And respect that.
Still: This user got some primary negative inputs about a site which in many ways do it so well - many ways:
1)Top,top,top quality vids/pixsets.
2)Fine selection of models.
3)Generally fine editing.

Still this user got some serious downers on this site after being here several times as a member:

I like, like it a lot: Full body views in vids.
But ITC pays less attention compared to earlier times. The full body scenes are now being downgraded compared to the meaning of the site: In The Crack - ok, but it's not a good development - compared to the past not good: Just look at the older vids of Lola/Dido Angel - her vids at the pool is just great - and the some years older Lexa vids walking around that swell and sunny place in the nude...

So please, give me back that ol' In The Crack deals...

Apart from the above: They still got that damn regional pricing!!!!

03-09-12  07:57am

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Cybertoad (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Gazette Risque :

I hear ya Capn, did want anyone thinking I was high-jacking the previous review being so close together. But I get your point perhaps even if duplicating the review may address downfalls.
03-09-12  09:39am

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lk2fireone (0) The site preview seems kind of short. I see that there are some sample photos and videos, but I usually like to see a list of all the models at the site, with thumbnails of those models.
03-09-12  01:03pm

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Capn (0) Can I take it that this is really a video site?

Cap'n. :0/

03-09-12  01:15pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #4 - lk2fireone :

Try the "collections" buttons, it lets you see all the models. Pretty sure it even lets you see how many sets and how each set looks from there. Never understood why they listed it as collections.
03-09-12  05:31pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #3 - Cybertoad :

Don't worry about that at all Cybertoad. I think the more reviews and different or similar perspectives are important.
03-09-12  05:32pm

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #6 - exotics4me :

Thanks for the tip, exotics4me. The site layout or terminology can be confusing. Or maybe I'm just lazy, and expect everything to be labeled simply. Again, thanks, it helps to have experts around who know what they are doing. :)
03-09-12  11:10pm

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rearadmiral (0) Excellent review. One of these days I'm going to have to rely on all of the PU members here who reviewed this site favourably and join it. I was complaining on a recent forum thread that not enough photographers give any attention to a woman's ass, and particularly here anus. This site looks like it doesn't suffer from that issue.

Thanks for the great review.

03-10-12  12:12pm

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Gazette Risque (0) Spot on review, CT!

Especially the fact it's repetitive.
Great site but it does get boring sometimes.

03-17-12  12:04pm

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