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PinkPanther (0) 04-13-12  07:02am
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VB3 = Worst "Search" on the Internet

You know a "search" engine on a porn movie site is absolute shit when you put in Asa Akira and get no results. This kind of thing is not uncommon with the "search" on VB3 and there's no pornstar listing on VB3 - I mean, why would you want that on a porn movie site?


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messmer (Disabled) Hey, PP. I just got finished searching for Asa Akira thanks to the newsletter and found her on page 3 or 4 under the "a" s on VB.
04-13-12  04:02pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #1 - messmer :

Are you using VB3 - the new version or the "old site" as they call it? There's a pornstar list on the old site, but my comment was specifically referring to VB3, which is what they encourage everyone to use and which does not have a pornstar list.
04-13-12  05:46pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - PinkPanther :

I *am* using VB3, PP. If you click on "My VB3" you'll see the porn stars listed in the upper left hand corner.
04-13-12  07:18pm

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Monahan (0) I'm with the PinkPanther on this one. Try finding Memphis Monroe, for example.

But the problem doesn't stop there. Their naming standards suck where they frequently assign the wrong name to a babe (easy to understand in some cases, but not in others) use a variety of spellings (Brooke; Brooke, etc.) and worst of all, fail to identify a babe altogether.

The only saving grace is that the loyal members know this and frequently post the correct name where VB's is wrong, and where they will identify the otherwise anonymous talent.

VB would do well to read the comments and make the rudimentary corrections.

04-14-12  09:52am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - Monahan :

Pink Panther was talking about not getting any results when he looked for a particular star and was not aware that one could search for stars. "There is no pornstar listing." You are right, though, Monahan, the search function itself could be better.
04-14-12  10:24am

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #5 - messmer :

I object to the 'could be better' statement messmer, that implies that it is actually half decent to being with ;). Its fucking terrible, it only seems to work if you are searching for recent and popular stuff. I don't think that I have seen one that is worse anywhere (unless things have changed since last I was a member a few months ago).

Monahan is right, their naming scheme is also bad, my guess is that they have plenty of members and don't really care.

04-21-12  11:13pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - slutty :

Fair enough, slutty! It is NOT good! :-) But I was responding originally to the claim that there was no way to look up porn stars and VB clearly gives me that choice in VB3.
04-22-12  09:41am

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