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Visit Lethal Hardcore

Lethal Hardcore (0)

exotics4me (0) 06-13-12  11:52pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 06-13-12  11:56pm  (Update History)
Reason: Was wrong about some of the sites that are included not being standalone sites. One can see the underlined ones. Those do come with a membership.
Pros: - Interesting, large and somewhat exclusive studio DVD site.
- TBP discount pushed me to join, glad I did now.
- Good download speeds unless you download more than a couple files, once one finishes, the other still downloading files don't pick up the speed.
- Pictures with some of the scenes, come zipped, various sizes, most are in the 1280 long end range.
- Quite a bit of content I've not seen from their studio. As a semi-regular on Videobox, I usually check the Lethal Hardcore DVDs. Am happy from the standpoint of a collector since there are some here I've never seen.
- The site is confusing, will be in cons, but was feeling risky and found out there are more sites included with the membership. Though they do seem to just be separate genres, more so than actual separate sites.
- Large amount of content especially for the price.
- Newer scenes have HD option, will be more specific in BL.
Cons: - Site is confusing. Bad confusing. They have six sites listed at the top of the main page besides Lethal Hardcore. Since I joined Lethal Hardcore, I figured this meant I would have to pay extra for the scenes on those sites. I took a chance and clicked download on one of the scenes from one of the other sites, it downloaded, no extra charges. This is a con because the site does sell itself, once a member, as a network of sites. I had no idea when joining it.
- Varying quality throughout the sites and the dreaded mislabeled file size. Here is a "high" .wmv file, listed as 780 MB, go to download it's 348 MB. I use those numbers to determine the quality, so this can be frustrating.
- Some scenes don't have pictures. Did I mention the confusion? Took me forever to find the zip download link. It was right in front of my eyes, but I kept looking over it. More my fault there, but could just be below average layout.
Bottom Line: For the first time in about 4 years, I joined a site just because a handful of scenes I had seen on a TGP site with the Lethal Hardcore watermark on them. Anytime I have joined a site just for a handful of scenes, I've ended up disappointed. That's not the case here.

I want to reiterate how confusing this site can be. If I click Models ---> Abbey Brooks, it shows me 1 available scene on Lethal Hardcore. Below that scene it says, "Videos from Network Sites" and has five more videos of Abbey. Well, of course, this just pissed me off at first since I figured I was going to click one and it would say, "You need to join this site to see this video". But it didn't. I looked up at the url of the video on the "other" site and it was lethalmembers, so these other sites are included. These are the sites, I do see that none of these sites are listed as standalone sites so that's why I believe they are just Lethal Hardcore videos from different genres. HDVids, TeenGirls, MatureWomen, ExploitedExGF, Tranny.com and GayUltra. Some are very small as well so I have no reason to think they are standalone sites.

These are the numbers they advertise.
143,842 videos, 9,104 DVDs, 31,908 Stars, 3,256 HD Videos. They also have a streaming only "user submitted videos" section.

Those are Videobox and VideosZ sized numbers. This is what I count.
Lethal Hardcore: 540 DVDs

After that it gets a little confusing again. The site listed as HDVids, which you do have access to has 231 pages of 30 DVDs on each page. That's close to 7,000 DVDs and from the best I can tell you can access them all. I'm not going to go through all 7,000 to be positively sure, but I have been able to download the ones I have tried. These videos are very similar to what you will find on the other DVD sites, you'll see Teen Pink Visual all the way to the more obscure studios with generic names like "German Fucking".

This is not a bad thing to me. When I have the time, I have found quite a few older scenes that I have looked for for years. Here's the good news.

Despite all the confusing, the site works. It has a "favorites" button on every model and your favorites can be accessed from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Videobox veterans know the frustrations members have faced with the favorites being messed up. The site also has a clean interface when looking for certain models. It also lets you search by DVD series, so if you like their Hot Bods and Tail Pipes series you can pull just those videos up.

Once you get over the initial confusion, you find out that this site is a very good site. It has separate tabs to search for scenes, you can then whittle it down to search by newest to oldest updates or you can change your mind and search by entire DVDs. I mean no offense to their webmaster, but considering the early confusion, I kind of got the feeling someone was putting this site together and accidentally got it right.

They have a little bit of everything in the Lethal Hardcore DVD series' from Cougars Crave Kittens to My Stepdaughter Tossed My Salad. We eating or watching porn? Seriously, the series' are ones most porn fans are familiar with. I'm almost certain they don't have all their DVDs here. I have always liked the Hot Bods and Tail Pipe series. When I look at that series specifically it makes me think they have a lot of their DVDs here because they have 30 full DVDs just in that series. That alone is around 120-130 scenes just under Hot Bods and Tail Pipe.

I do wish they had more pictures especially with the older sets. I want to say most of the newer DVDs have pictures, but I'm just going to say "some" do. It reminds me somewhat of ZTOD in that respect. You also do have the option to view just picture sets. These have 1024px and 1600px download options.

Video quality, I was hoping to be able to be very specific on how many HD DVDs they have, but they don't have dates stamped on the DVDs to tell when they posted them. I can tell you this, they have over 120 Lethal Hardcore DVDs with HD option. I want to say that's roughly 25-30% of the DVDs in HD. The high option is not bad at all on the others. It's 720x480 with 2000 bitrate. From my experience on DVD sites, I would say they are about average or equal to other DVD sites in overall quality.

What lifts them up are those obscure ones. The rare (Model name) scene that you've never seen before and there are lots of those for me. It's not a best in class site, but it's near the best in the class known as, "I've already got everything from the best in class site".

The price makes it even better. One warming. We have all fell for missing a cross-sale when joining, but this site as well as Fame Digital and a couple others have been the first ones to use the checked cross-sale way over on the side of your screen method. It's over near your right boundary. Started at 89 on this site, dropped it to 86 for that. With that warning in mind, I do recommend this site as an alternative DVD site.

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Review Replies (6)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) Great review! This site has always been on the outer ring of my radar screen and I might finally take the plunge based on the information you provided. I'm glad you mentioned that what appear to be additional-cost add-ons are actually part of the membership because I probably wouldn't have even clicked on them in case they automatically billed me for that.

Like you, I like having access to older DVDs and it seems odd to me that the studio doesn't release more of them here. It appears, for example, that the series "Hot Bods and Tail Pipe" only has two DVDs on the site when the whole series has at least 30 editions. I really wish they'd plug those gaps...

06-14-12  09:33am

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slutty (0) Nice review, I was wondering are all the sites basically under the same model index, or do you have to go to the sites individually?
06-14-12  10:38pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

The Hot Bods and Tail Pipe was a series I joined for as well. Though they don't have them listed in order, it looks like they have volumes 1-30 in the DVDs. The search system they have is very good once you get used to it since you can search directly for a series by name.

From what it looks like to me they have some of the Lethal Hardcore DVDs on HDVids, which is also included in the membership. It has 6,500 more DVDs than the actual Lethal Hardcore site has. Maybe the 540 on the Lethal Hardcore site are exclusive? It is confusing nonetheless, but I did just let it recur so it's doing something right. From the best I can tell there are no ads that lead to paying more. It is a shame that some of these studio sites don't put just a little more time into them. I'm more satisfied with Lethal Hardcore than my last membership at Videobox.

06-16-12  02:59pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #2 - slutty :

The model index works like this.
Pornstars - Has alphabetical listing, newest added
Once you click on a certain model, it will list all the Lethal Hardcore scenes of the model. On the same page, just below the Lethal Hardcore listing it has the scenes the model has on their network sites. So it does have all their scenes listed in one place and from everything I've seen all those network sites come with the membership. One model only had one listed under Lethal Hardcore, but had 14 more on their network sites. I downloaded all 15 without any additional charges.

06-16-12  03:03pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #4 - exotics4me :

Thanks for the info exotics, just wanted to make sure the HDVids sight wasn't one of those DVD sights where you have to click through a million pages.
06-16-12  04:55pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #3 - exotics4me :

Thanks for this, exotics. I don't have an active membership anywhere right now, which is unusual for me, so I may sign on here. Like you, I wonder why so many studios have weak sites. You'd think that they'd put the resources into showcasing their material properly.
06-17-12  05:32pm

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