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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

lk2fireone (0) 06-22-12  10:01am
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Teen Mega World is a great site for hardcore teen videos.

The network has a boatload of good quality hardcore videos, a huge number of very attractive models.

But it might be simpler if they consolidated the number of sites. I was searching for material on a particular model, named Sasha D at X-Art, and found that she is at Beauty-Angels under the name of Melika. So I was thinking, "Is it worthwhile joining Beauty-Angels to see her content--because Beauty-Angels is a good video site.

But then I realized that since I am a current member of ExGFBox, I already have access to Beauty-Angels through my network access.

There are so many attractive models at these sites, it's hard to keep track of them, especially when they have multiple names.

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pat362 (0) Hasn't that always been the big problem with sites that feature Eastern European girls? Thank God for EBI because I don't think I could ever keep track of all the names some models wind up under.

Although in their defense. They aren't the ones choocing a different name for them. This is all on the sites manager since he or she is the one choosing a name for the model.

06-22-12  10:08am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

I've started using indexxx.com to track models.

Not as much information, but easier to use.

06-22-12  10:15am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - lk2fireone :

That is a nice site as well but I think EBI isn't very happy with them because they use the info EBI gathers on all the models and then uses that info to update their on site
06-22-12  10:49am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #2 - lk2fireone :

...and that indexxx.com has the model, when she's not found at EBI or pornteengirl.com.
06-22-12  10:55am

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Claypaws (Suspended) thenude.eu is my favourite index for russian and euro models. It lists her at 19 websites.
06-22-12  12:23pm

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #5 - Claypaws :

All of the porn index sites are useful in tracking down a model's appearances. I have a weakness for Eastern European models. Also Japanese models.

Or any other model I find attractive. Lol.

06-22-12  04:44pm

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #4 - Denner :

The indexes are really helpful. But I don't have the time (or money) to look at every site a model might appear. Thankfully, you join a few networks, like Diesel, Teen Mega World, some nice sites, like Metart or Femjoy, and you're almost buried alive in attractive models.
06-22-12  04:51pm

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

At one time I tried to keep a list of model names. But I gave that up. Too much work. Thank God for the internet porn model indexes. And thank God that they are free.
06-22-12  04:55pm

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Claypaws (Suspended) REPLY TO #7 - lk2fireone :

"...and you're almost buried alive in attractive models"

I can't think of a better way to die!

06-22-12  05:35pm

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pat362 (0) Do you know if the new dirty doctor site is included with the TMW membersip?
06-23-12  10:40am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #10 - pat362 :

I joined the network through Ex GF Box. So I am getting access to most of the sites in the network. I just checked, and I have access to dirty-doctor.

So I would assume that if you join Teen Mega World directly, you will have access to dirty-doctor.

But that is an assumption. In the past, there was very little logic in which sites you got access to, depending on which specific site you joined through.

06-23-12  11:43am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #10 - pat362 :

Dirty Doctor is a new site.

They only have 13 videos so far. So it's very tiny.

06-23-12  11:54am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #10 - pat362 :

I have a doctor's appointment this coming Wednesday.

But if you visit the doctor at this site, you will need an interpreter. He speaks, and the models speak, in a foreign language, possibly Russian. And there aren't any subtitles to help with the translation.

So if I review this site, I might have to take off 1/2 of one point for the foreign language difficulty.

The doctor also wears a white cap similar to what a baker might wear. The caps worn by U.S. doctors in the operating room look different from this doctor's cap.

06-23-12  12:15pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #13 - lk2fireone :

Thanks for the info. I'm due to join the network soon so this is a nice addition to the rest of their sites. I agree that 13 is very tiny and since these guys suffer from the same disease as 21 sextury so it's possible that 13 is all there will ever be.
06-23-12  06:16pm

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