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Visit Lady Sonia

Lady Sonia (0)

hiker (0) 09-06-12  06:35pm
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: Great video quality
Great videography, keeps the camera on the action, camera is steady
Very good looking models
Cons: Sonia no longer does hardcore
As of this month, Sept, you can no longer download videos.
Bottom Line: Webmasters have us at their mercy. I foolishly signed up for a full year, as advertised, saves lots of money, big draw back? The webmaster can change any portion of the site without notifying you, or honoring the contract you initiated with them. This is the case with this site, as of this month, you can no longer download their videos, either the old ones or the new ones. Problem? Because I am an over the road trucker I don't always have access to internet to view videos when I would like, thus, the ability to download is the only way I can regularly enjoy the videos.

According to a response from Sonia's "personal secretary" they are doing this because the photography company that photographs them is threatening to stop videoing them because of the high rate of piracy.

So, to satisfy the photographer and short change the customers, they have stopped the ability to download.

Sorry for the rant, I believe in honoring agreements!

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


gaypornolover (0) Outrageous! This is the thing I hate about the industry, they change stuff on you all the time.

You might have some recourse though - if the site users an independent biller, then complain to them - explain that when you joined the site it advertised itself as offering downloads and you joined on that basis. It is no longer offering what you paid for, and you want a refund.

It's worth a try, and thanks for letting us know about the problem as it alerts other users - if enough people protest and leave or stop joining, they may discover they can't treat their customers in this way.

Excellent warning review - I hope to see more from you and have added you to my trust list. Welcome to PU, and may your future porn experiences be better than this one!

09-07-12  08:08am

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #1 - gaypornolover :

I agree. I hope she goes back to downloads.

Thanks for letting us know!

09-07-12  04:04pm

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hiker (0) REPLY TO #1 - gaypornolover :

Good news! Lady Sonia has reversed her policy and you can now download her videos!
09-20-12  08:01pm

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Tel Boy (0) Correct - the download option is back ALTHOUGH painfully slow. This must be deliberate as other stuff (eg the zip picture sets) come in fine.
I've been a fan of Sonia for many, many years and joined at regular intervals. HOWEVER, I now have to say that in my view the site is simply milking (haha) the members. The HQ picture sets are mostly old ('classic' seems to be the key-word) or simple stuff that must take about 2 mins per set to shoot. The videos featuring Sonia are equally dull.
It's also interesting as some time ago the forum on the Sonia website disappeared. This was beginning to contain grumbles about the lack of hardcore .. and Sonia was constantly replying that she was not doing HC at the moment but strongly hinting that it could return !!!!
I could go on about the sequence of events when the video's were first removed and the conflicting replies.
Let's just say the site is not a patch on what it was. Maybe new members can find worthwhile stuff but there is nothing to keep the old guard happy.
Bottom line - she was the best at what she did ... but now I think the site is just a cash-cow (no pun intended).

09-26-12  06:23am

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