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lk2fireone (0) 10-18-12  12:09pm
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Met-Art keeps improving.

Met-Art is probably the biggest site for softcore teen photography, based on content.

And the site just keeps getting bigger. They add up to 6 photosets and videos per day. I don't know of any softcore teen photo site that comes close to that in terms of updates.

But over the years, they also tinker with the site to make it user friendly. They have a massive amount of content, but I feel the site is very easy to use.

One example of how they to make the contents more accessible/user friendly:

Years ago, the naming system for zip downloads of photosets used a combination of letters and numbers. Then they switched to a different system, where the filenames were much longer, but that tried to describe the file contents more clearly. The system they use now is much improved:

It gives the site name, the date the photoset was posted at Met-Art, the name of the photoset, the model(s) featured in the photoset, the photographer, and the definition of the photoset (low, medium, or high).

For example:


Would be a photoset posted on 2011-05-08, with the title, "Presenting Felicia", featuring the model Felicia B, by the photographer Dolce, and the definition is high.

Personally, I would rather that the name of the model comes before the name of the photoset. And I would prefer the date of the set comes before the name of the photoset. For example:

Felicia B-2011.05.08-Presenting Felicia

That would make more sense, and make it easier to categorize, as far as I can see.

Because when you are looking over your photosets, you want to know who the model is, when the photoset was posted, and then the name of the photoset.

I pay less attention to who the photographer is. And I try to keep all the Met-Art sets in a common group for Met-Art.

But it's nice that Met-Art tries, on a constant basis, to make the site more user-friendly.

I visit Met-Art more often than I go to any museum. For one, it's easier to visit. For another, the contents are more interesting. For another, Met-Art is like a museum, that is cultural, uplifting, and stimulates the mind.

There are very few porn sites that fit that description.

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Drooler (Disabled) Here, here. MetArt Rules! And I agree that their paragraph-long file names should have, as the topic, the name of the model, not the site.
10-18-12  04:40pm

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Ergo Proxy (0) MetArt is the kind of site you can easily get lost archiving ad infinitum and forget to enjoy the pictures because their content is so huge. Do they make efforts to bring back some more artsy shoots like from Ronin back in the days? I would love to see some more of this kind.
10-19-12  09:58am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #2 - Ergo Proxy :

Some of Ronin's photo shoots are still at MetArt. But it's probably been 6 years or more since he's had any new work posted at MetArt.

I'm not aware of any shoots that are in his artsy style that were posted at MetArt in the last few years.

I think that in the early days of MetArt, they were more accepting of different styles of eroticism. At least in some of their offerings.

But since then, they have mainly focused on more mainstream, less artistic photography.

Let me rephrase that. The far-out artistic style were always, at most, a very minor part of the MetArt offerings. And now they are even less on view.

Even the fuzzy (not a very appropriate term) of Grigori Galitsin photo shoots, which I thought were somewhat artsy, are not in evidence at MetArt today. But Galitsin was a different case, where he was accused of using under-age models. So all of his photo shoots were removed from MetArt, I believe.

But I thought Galitsin's shoots had a certain artistic quality, sort of in the Peter Hamilton style, with a fuzzy (I'm not using the proper term to describe it) effect to the photos.

10-19-12  01:28pm

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Ergo Proxy (0) REPLY TO #3 - lk2fireone :

I think it is difficult for them to include such sets because of their massive update schedule. I don't want to beef here. MetArt is still the best site concerning nude photography. Femjoy is also sort of cool. Was a member there for some months. They are rather on the full naked side but I also like to see some lingerie so MetArt is still my favorite.
10-19-12  01:35pm

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #4 - Ergo Proxy :

Sorry, my mistake. I meant David Hamilton, not Peter Hamilton.

But David Hamilton has been accused of using under-age models, as well. But he used a soft-focus effect, which is a better term than a fuzzy effect. And Galitsin used the same kind of soft-focus effect in some of his photo shoots.

10-19-12  01:45pm

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oldfizzywig (0) Met-Art is on my list of sites to try someday. I just can't try all sites at one time. So many good sites, so little time to really enjoy.

Anyway, my thoughts go to your suggestions for a photo naming convention. I fully agree that the model's name should be the first part of the photo name! Then some intermediate data, your suggestion of the date is excellent, or possibly a short description of the set, and finally ending with a photo number within the set.

Now if only more sites would use a longer name, or a convention like this, rather than renumbering all photos to 001, 002, 003, etc within each downloaded, system generated zip file.

11-04-12  12:11am

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