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gaypornolover (0) 12-08-12  02:59pm
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WTF is with that name?!

Does it have a kinky significance I am missing? Why on earth does what seems to be a popular site have such an off-putting name?

Is it slang I'm not aware of?! My nose wrinkles automatically when I see a review for this site!

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Tree Rodent (0) Absolutely agree with you. It's a hideous name for a porn site. A real turn off.
12-08-12  07:25pm

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rearadmiral (0) I agree with you. I have no idea why they'd choose such a name. I also think that the guys at Diesel need a better name than Skinny Super Girl because 'skinny' is a derogative word and Gloria deserves nothing deroratory. Likewise with "ALS Scan." Yes, it probably made sense when they named the site "All Ladies Shaved" way back when, but if I ever hear the phrase "ALS Scan" in real life I won't treat it as a good thing.
12-08-12  08:29pm

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Capn (0) I really don't think it appears to matter to them. As long as they have a memorable name, pleasant or otherwise, they are happy with that.

ALS Scan was mentioned by RA.
The 'scan' part of the name, for me, harks back to the 1990's when a lot of porn was scanned in. Time to move on from that name IMO as it would infer very old content.

Cap'n. :0/

12-09-12  07:12am

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pat362 (0) I never asked them but I know that it`s not something they came up with recently because they have had this name for many many years.
I`m not sure which came first. The studio shooting content only for the VHS/DVD market or the the one shooting content for internet/dvd.

12-09-12  09:58am

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Marcus (0) I agree, I find the name borderline repulsive! It's like it's come from some random word generator where it pairs a type of animal with a bodily function.
12-11-12  01:44pm

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