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Visit Naughty Athletics

Naughty Athletics (0)

marcdc1 (0) 12-14-12  12:22pm
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Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - About 140 shoots in this site; more than 5,100 across the Naughty America network.
- great quality 1080p, 720p, 480p .mp4 format for newer content. Approximately 80 of the current 140 are available in the lower "DVD Quality" (720X540 3mbps) (.wmv)
- good range of talent - they shoot up and comers as well as established stars. You never know who you'll see next, and if you have a favorite she's probably worked for the network at some point.
- pix available as zip downloads more than 150 pix per shoot.
- great organization I've never seen another site bring this level of easy of navigation. I think they use ever tool in the business- keywords galore!
- good customer service. On the rare occasion that I found a dead link they work quick and responsive in fixing it.
- you can save scenes for later - they're even held if you membership lapses
- great 5 minute on the go feature serves as great preview/highlight reel.
- over 30 sites across the whole network
Cons: - plots tend to be repetitive, that said naught athlelitics is better, than some of the other sites on the network, at providing variety.
The used to have awesome live shows with member interaction, unfortunately they cut them
- target audience is mainstream porn. So almost ever scene ends in facial, and almost ever scene follows same cookie-cutter pattern. Variety is the spice of life, unfortunately things in Naughty America land are all vanilla
- really annoying cross sells- every single time you log back in.
Bottom Line: A recent redesign of the video section makes it even easier to interact with the website.

Near constant promos in their newsletter and twitter feed. You can usually pick up the whole network for between $8-$15. It's a steal for all the content you get.

Naughty America is one of the giant's in the business and Naughty Athletics is one of the better sites on their network. The flexibility of the theme lends itself to more variety (something that's lacking in NA as a generalization).

I like to rejoin ever few month to catch up on the best new additions. That said I'm having such a good time with the current updates and with the $10/month they offered when I went to cancel, I've stayed a member for 3-4 months straight!

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


slutty (0) I sort of thought this site on this network was more or less dead? I seem to recall not having seen many updates when I was a member over the summer (I do like the athletic ladies, and this site, so not that it is bad or anything I just don't seem to recall them updating it much).
12-17-12  11:33pm

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #1 - slutty :

There update schedule is a little erratic. Katie St. Ives is the most update (December 10) Before that the most recent update was August 31st. They seemed to averaging about 1 a month currently over the summer and late spring of 2012.

Sporadic might be another good description of their update cycle for this site.

Here's to an improvement!

12-18-12  03:30pm

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