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RagingBuddhist (0) 04-06-13  11:44pm
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What's going on here?

Hopefully someone here is on the DDF Network and can check on something for me. TBP lists 78 videos online but then Maggie goes on to say that there are (were?) only 17 videos. Obviously there was some sort of reorganization at some point but it's got me wondering if they're even updating. Can anyone help here?

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tangub (0) Maggie's review was written in October 2011 though. I'm not a member now but was about 3 to 4 months ago and at that time they had 77 scenes and were updating that site once a week with a new scene. The site tour now shows 93 scenes which is consistent with 1 new scene being added per week since my membership ended. I'm pretty sure you can trust what they show in the tour on DDF sites.
04-07-13  12:40am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - tangub :

Nice details, tangub. Thanks for the response!
04-07-13  05:32am

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pat362 (0) This is one of my biggest pet peeves with the DDF Network. They decide many years ago that it was okay to use the content from one site to update another one. This is obvioulsy the case with this site. What they have done is taken content from some of their other sites where the performers had pubic hair and use it to update this site. The best example is on the main page where you see a video of Daria Glower. That thing has to be a few years old because she has been in the industry for a decade now and does not look like that anymore.
04-07-13  09:26am

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

I think that is a failing of many networks.

They spread too thin in an effort to appear comprehensive & leave you wanting more material on a few sites.

Net result. Frustration.

Cap'n. :0/

04-07-13  10:35pm

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Ace DDF (0)
Hello Pornusers,

Ace from DDF Here. Thanks for the feedback, it is very much appreciated. We understand your frustrations with some recycled content. It is definitely something that we do not intentionally do. Unfortunately in this business, Actors and Actresses call in sick from time to time and sometimes just cancel and dont show up for shoots. On a good day were able to scramble and have an agency send a replacement, but it doesnt always happen. So unfortunately we need to recycle because of this at times.

Sites like Hairy Twatter are quite small, and content is increasing, but the biggest Value of these smaller sites is within the Network and not as stand alone. Were in the process of a full Network redesign, and all the sites within, plus an adjustment in pricing. Were hoping to launch that in 2 to 3 months, but in the meantime we are making some small updates, and refreshing those old Banners and images will be part of that. We hope you will keep coming back to check out all the new stuff were working on, and continue to give us feedback on how we can improve.


04-08-13  02:04am

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