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Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel (0)

jberryl69 (0) 05-11-13  09:39am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Updated: 05-12-13  06:00am  (Update History)
Reason: addition of "Privacy Addendum:" section in Bottom Line
Pros: Price: $14.95 per month.

Updates: 2 - 3 daily sometimes an entire movie.

Site Stats : Scenes: 8069 Movies: 1379 Stars: 2840

Good Navigation

Download WMV (160p, 240p, 360p, 480p) MP4 (same as WMV plus 540p, 720p, 1080p)#

Scene information: Video Front Cover shot, Title and Scene number, Date updated, Length in mins,
Size*, number of Images, number of Views, Who's in the scene**, Tag words, Director's name, Rate the movie, Current rating, Scene description***, Comment Section****, Links to other scenes by participants.
Cons: * File size listed has nothing to do with file size.

** You are forced to use the IAFD database to sort out who is in a scene.

*** Older postings have no description or relevant tags.

**** You're encouraged to comment. Don't hold your breath that your comment will be posted - ever! Not sure what the webmaster does with these - maybe sprinkles them on his cereal in the morning.

# Video quality of older films are of tubesite quality and will never be improved upon with the 480 being the largest size, yet if you're into a specific babe, it may be your only chance to have her in your collection.
Bottom Line: John Stagliano provides other directors an opportunity to offer their movies through Evil Angel (EA) without relinquishing ownership or profit participation. Thus, rather than a bunch of themed sites or purchased content, Evil Angel publishes DVD video's, generally released one scene at a time.

The EA website lists 33 directors associated with it at this time, including one couple (Le'Wood), three women (Belladonna, Bobbi Starr & Dana Vespoli), and eleven Europeans working there &/or in the States.


Gay/Lesbian - While EA does not have straight up gay porn, Joey Silvera has broached this area by offering Shemale / Tranny (393) scenes (a total of 598 on the site) and "Strap Attack" scenes (234). "Lesbian porn" pretty much happens anytime two women kiss though some directors such as Belladonna, Bobbi Starr and John Stagliano feature plenty of girl girl scenes.

Anal - This has become the mainstay penetration act of the porn industry and EA is no exception. Sometimes I think they feel that if there is no anal there is no porn.

Jay Sin leads the way with his over the top anal DVDs, though Mike Adriano has added prolapse eating to his anal tongue fucking sequences (as opposed to rimming) to his prolific anal penetration videos.

Other notable and prolific directors featuring anal are Euro Rocco Siffredi, Christoph Clark, Raul Cristian & Nacho Vidal.

Manuel Ferrara has always had an ass obsession but also a series of DVD's called "Raw" which have the most authentic interaction of the two participants. Jake Malone also had plenty of anal scenes in his releases.

Oral - Hands down best on the Internet is Jonni Darrko's series of oral themed DVDs. The late John Leslie plus Mike Adriano, Joey Silvera and Belladonna have made oral themed movies too.

BDSM - This is not a specific niche that is specialized in though there are 71 Fem-Dom scenes listed.

Certainly Francesca Le and Mark Wood's (Le'Wood) current offerings, "The LeWood Anal Hazing Crew" and "Facial Vi0lation", has sado masochism well represented.

Thinly Plotted Gonzo Porn - Only three come to mine at the moment. John Stagliano's vampire themed "Voracious" and his 2003, groundbreaking feature "The Fashionistas", which swept the AVN Awards. Rocco Siffredi's "XXX Fucktory - The Parody Italian Style", which is mostly in Italian so who the fuck can understand the plot? Yeah, I know - people who speak Italian.

The directors at Evil Angel do not stay strictly in a specific genre so you will find a lot of cross over.

Bottom Line:

One of the best porn sites available at a great price with a variety of niches where you might find something that you like. Highly recommended.

Privacy Addendum:

It was brought to my attention that the EA website has a horrible Privacy policy. Honestly I'd never really read it before and quite frankly it's rather ugly. You can read it at the following link.


or look at my rely to Buckhead in the "Replies" section below.

This would not be a deal breaker for me. Here are some suggestions:

First: Make sure you un-check cross sell ads as you make your way through the sign up procedure. Work you way through carefully.

Second: When you join, OPT OUT by following the link they provide.

Third: Don't accept any offers through their website, not limited to but specifically LIVE SHOWS or SHOP DVD STORE.

Fourth: Use pop up blockers and a script blocker.

Thanks for the feedback.

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Review Replies (16)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


PinkPanther (0) Well-done review - I would note that Mike Adriano & Rocco's scenes are both also worth watching for their tendencies to work with the hottest new young euro-babes.
05-11-13  11:45am

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - PinkPanther :

Pink - I had the hardest time fitting this review in. I did the original draft outside the site and when I started pasting it in I kept getting messages about line numbers. I had plenty of room letter wise but 15 line restriction wasn't easy. Then when I did submit it I saw that because the review box is larger than the draft box the number of lines were not an issue.

Of course this has nothing to do with your reply I realize but I thought you might lend an ear.

Thanks for the complement on the review.

05-11-13  12:42pm

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Buckhead (0) Thanks for the review. Hearing all these good things is making me think that it might be worth joining despite their horrible privacy practices.
05-11-13  09:41pm

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elephant (0) Nice review. I too love this site, these movies are often one of my first port of calls when I'm looking to what to watch.

Love the Raw movies, especially the Veronica Avluv ones, so intense and raw lol hence the name.

Also Dana DeAlmond movies, oh wow, she is simply my fav porn star at the moment, so amazing, always puts in 110% and seems to love and enjoy her scenes. Her best films that I've seen of her are from Evil Angel.

05-12-13  02:01am

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - elephant :

I too am a fan of Dana's. She look a lot like Bobbi Starr. In fact she has worked for Bobbi and your observation of her is spot on.

I'm not a big fan of the Raw movies - they are what they are. "Authentic" being that they look like a home movie, which is how he shoots them, yet it's not to say I enjoy that approach or Manuel's style. The girls seem to love him though. I did enjoy one he did with Phoenix Marie if only because she did it sans makeup. Now that was real and I love the fact she seems to have some freckles. FYI - Raw #04, Scene #01. Now that I enjoyed.

05-12-13  05:29am

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jberryl69 (Disabled) You mean this horrible privacy practice?

Email Marketing

The subscriber's e-mail address may be used by the site to communicate special offers and other relevant information such as new services, subscription information, etc. In addition, there may be occasions when a subscriber will be presented with special offers either from the operators of the site or from ***third-party service or content providers***, which may include consent to receive e-mail solicitations, communications, newsletters, commercial advertising, or other promotional or special event materials. The subscriber may opt-out of a mailing list by clicking on the remove link located at the bottom of the email promotions, or by visiting the site [site link removed]

The Way We Use Information

The user has to note that some personal information, such as but not limited to ***credit card number, may be collected by a third-party web service provider*** from whom EVIL ANGEL purchases services or that has an advertising banner or link on the Site. Users should read the privacy policy of those third parties whenever possible to look for modifications.

As soon as the subscriber uses the website, the subscriber agrees that EVIL ANGEL may use any personal information that has been provided or collected by the website about the subscriber for any purpose, including without limitation age verification, administration, customer administration, marketing, promotional and advertising use by the website or third parties authorized to use the information by the site. The user hereby agrees that the website may, in its sole discretion, sell, share, rent, or license any of the personal information about users that was provided or that was collected with affiliated or unaffiliated third parties.

No wonder I get so much e-mail sex spam. Thank god for a good spam filter. The moral of the "The Way We Use Information" section is don't accept any other offers on their website.

And thanks for the heads up - I guess I need to add this as an addendum to my review.

05-12-13  05:43am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #5 - jberryl69 :

Oh yeah Dana is very special, she has the face of a supermodel and she really gets down and dirty and always having fun which for me as a viewer that's what I like best when they look to be really having fun and not just being a job.

Yeah I don't like all the Raw scenes, it can be a little too home movish, but seen a few I just though wow, that is pure animalistic passion and capturing some of that on film is a rare find in porn, it made a change for the norm. I like to be surprised now and again with what porn is and what it means sometimes. Veronica Avluv is a perfect candidate to get raw passion as she goes crazy when she is having sex, seems to get off on it so much.

Shame about her recent plastic surgery though, hardly recognized her, I don't get why they do it.

05-12-13  05:50am

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #7 - elephant :

While this is not the venue to discuss Plastic issues, I'm in agreement with you on that subject (though I wonder at the majority of people who express opinions on PU feel the same way).

Not familiar with Veronica (love that name) but since EA is currently open on my browser window, I will go have a look see. Thanks.

05-12-13  06:05am

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Ozark (0) Nice review. Even great sites like this have the cross sells, you just have to pay attention and take your time through the sign up process.
05-16-13  07:30pm

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #9 - Ozark :

I've never joined a site that didn't try to nefariously attempt to cross sell. The first site I ever signed up for, Throatjobs, got me and then even when I knew to look out for out I got caught once again with Porn Pros because I didn't take my time. But it should be pointed out, porn sites are not the only ones out there doing cross selling.

I'm glad you liked the review - hope it added something you didn't already know.

05-17-13  06:00am

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thirstyfish (0) A well done and accurate review. Had a good chuckle over your observation on the commenting system. I've had an account for several months and have spotted a grand total of two comments (both of the 'glowing' variety).

The info on EA's 'privacy policy' is good to know.

There is indeed great variety in the movies and scenes, though a couple of the directors seem to be stuck in a rut. But I guess you can't argue against market success ;-)

A number of the directors make scenes that are a bit too 'guy-specific' for my tastes (I prefer to watch scenes featuring the pretty ladies in action). I.E., the directors will act in their own scenes - so the scenes tend to aggrandize the guys and downplay the women.

A few of the directors make scenes that seem deliberately idiosyncratic. I suspect an attempt to convince the viewer he/she is watching the work of an auteur.

One downside: the scenes, as you mention, are anal about anal. If you're big on anal scenes, you'll be happy. If anal doesn't turn your crank, you'll have to spend some time digging through the scenes to find ones that aren't anal overboard.

It's certainly a site worth checking out.

05-22-13  08:30pm

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #11 - thirstyfish :

Thanks for the review of the review. I just wish you'd called out the director's you were referring to.
05-23-13  04:16am

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thirstyfish (0) REPLY TO #12 - jberryl69 :

Hi jberryl69 - be glad to mention a few names (observations below based on personal opinion and taste).

Stuck in a rut:
Mr. Adriano - His scenes are good but seem too boilerplated. He does 'tune' the scenes so you'll see incremental changes over time.
Mr. Darko - An excellent director and photographer, but overuses POV (IMO). Given the limitations of POV, many of his scenes have a certain 'sameness'. I think his non-POV work is superior.

Both of these directors' work is very popular, so we'll probably see no big formula/technique changes until the market says otherwise.

Guy-specific, self-aggrandizing:
Mr. Siffredi - When he directs and acts (in the same scene), the scene seems more about him than the pretty ladies. The scenes where he only directs are more enjoyable.
Mr. Ferrera - For my taste, he uses too many tricks to upstage the women and focus attention on himself.
Mr. Vidal - His scenes seem to be more about his prowess than about the women.

Mr. Cristian - He uses too many distracting camera stunts (fast zooms, whip pans, etc.). The camera work gets too frenetic.
Ms. Belladonna - A lot of scenes that deal with the creation of the scene itself (reflexive). Some scenes border on performance art. Great stuff if you're and insider and 'get it'; if your not an insider, kind of a whoosh.

05-23-13  07:55am

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #13 - thirstyfish :

Excellent Mr. Fish!!

I pretty much agree with all you said, but will add this caveat regarding a couple of directors you mentioned.

It's hard for me not to defend Mr. Darkko if only because he caters to my niche. Interesting his POV from above doesn't excite me as much as when he moves the camera to the side. Deep throat is about it going down the throat and that, for me, is an excellent angle. Mr. Darkko has a pretty active thread on ADT where so many of his fans want more POV from above - go figure.

Mr. Adriano is certainly prolific and does have a boilerplate feel to it, though you will notice in the near future that his anal/oral shooting is getting quite extreme. Noshing on the Rosebud is his new thing.

Mr. Ferrera's work I have had to grow into somewhat though only through his Raw series. It is kind of nice to see models not wear makeup, though I'm not particularly a fan of his style of POV.

Certainly Ms. Belladonna's work is unplanned gonzo a lot but she does have themed work out there. I respect her if for only what she had to endure hanging with Mr. Vidal. I suspect that tilted her view of the world some.

Thanks again for your excellent take on EA.

05-23-13  09:32am

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Buckhead (0) REPLY TO #6 - jberryl69 :

Haven't looked here in a while. Thanks for the update to the review...I will probably be giving this a try soon.
11-07-13  09:13pm

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #15 - Buckhead :

Thank you for the kind comments. I don't stay a member all the time - I do go visit other sites from time to time but EA is kind of a go to website for me, especially since jonni darkko delivers my niche in spades.
11-08-13  06:37am

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*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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