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DDF Network (0)

madgreedy (0) 06-25-13  05:30pm
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SCAM Cancellation

So I joined the two day trial, that same day I went to cancel and i notice."you must give two days notice to cancel" whatever, thats okay in my case but beware if you wait a day. BUT i go to cancel and they CANNOT locate my account, so i cant cancel in the two days. I got on chat and they found it and cancelled. I look at my bank and not only did they charge me for this site they added on another site because I did not un-check the box. I dont remember if i did or did not, but this is not my first rodeo I can damn well tell you Iunchecked a box. So they charged me $75 and the funny part is my access was immedietly denied.....Porn companies aren't the scum of the earth because of their content, they're the scum because they try to rip off loyal customers

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Tree Rodent (0) This is the problem with pre cross checked selling. I may not have said it a hundred times, but I've said it a lot. If you're a reputable site, don't try to trick customers. It reflects badly on the whole industry and means people will be reluctant to ever part with their money again. It takes customers away from the whole porn industry. Reputable sites can get the benefit of the doubt if a misunderstanding occurs, but as far as I'm concerned, if you have pre checked cross selling you're not a reputable site. It's about time PU/TBP stood up for the customer, supported reputable sites, and spoke out against dirty tricks, but they are weak and in trouble themselves. Not good.
06-25-13  05:50pm

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Marcus (0) Good to know. I never really have much to say about the pre-ticked cross-sell issue, but I can't deny it is taking advantage of customers, and the whole two-day cancellation issue is just salt in the wound, and another reason I don't trust trials.

The whole porn site industry does leave me jaded sometimes. A lot of things seem weighted against the customer, whether it's heavy-handed anti-piracy measures or trying to trick customers into spending money that they might not have.

06-25-13  10:26pm

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Ace DDF (0)
Hello madGreedy,

Thank you for Posting this. I assure you, it is not out intentions to rip anyone off. Were not a fly by night company who has just appeared and looking to squeeze every dollar out of our customers. We are one of the largest Adult Production studios in Europe, if not the largest, so where would that leave of us if we got into the practice of ripping people off. Doesn't make any sense.

I assure you that if this is truly the case, that you will be refunded. The Pre-check Cross -sale we have on our exit page is quite a visible one. True, I dont like the idea that it is cross-checked either, but I know as a personal consumer myself that before I click submit for a payment, I check pretty closely, and this Cross-sale is not hidden in anyway.

Furthermore, im sure if you mentioned to the team at Gamma Support, they would make things right as they are also a very reputable company, and looking to tarnish their image. Please send me an email at Marketing.ddf@gmail.com and I will make sure all of this is handled. Apologies for your experience. It's rare that we have a situation like this. And for the record, the 2 Day-Trial is exactly that. You can cancel anytime within that 48Hours and you should not be charged, so I will look into that as well. Cheers.

06-26-13  12:25am

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Ace DDF (0)
REPLY TO #1 - Tree Rodent :

Hello The Squirrel,

We appreciate your feedback, though your tone should not be pointed to all the Adult companies out there, and even calling PU/TBP weak? What is that? To me that just doesnt show much of a reputable character on your behalf, to be honest with you, while were all being honest here. The work it takes to run a Premium Site with all of its many variables is immense, and in this day and age with Piracy, it's a constant battle just to break even. We, and I speak for all Top-Notch Adult companies out there who have put their Souls into the work are not out to Destroy our reputations with cheating tactics, we understand the customer is umber 1, however, evolution of Products and the way they are presented to consumers must all be taken into consideration to survive in this landscape.

Those Cross-sales that you hate so much are actually something that other consumers enjoy. They get a deal to try something out they may not have tried otherwise, and they enjoy it. If we didnt have consumers actually taking the cross-sale and being happy with the Product they receive, we would not employ it. It's very rare that we have a complaint about them, but when we do, its usually the same individuals, posting on a forum, rather then contacting the webmasters directly to resolve their situations, or customer Service, which in our case i'm sure they would resolve the issues, and if not, my email is always open to resolve issues at either Marketing.ddf@gmail.com or webmaster@ddfcash.com .

Individuals spreading their ideas of who we are and how were trying to destroy the Adult World on Forums, I just dont get that. Come on, seriously? Not a reputable Site because of a Cross-Sale thats highly visible? Most definitely a Joke. Weve been around for over a decade, and we are very reputable with open communication for everyone.

06-26-13  12:48am

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Ace DDF (0)
REPLY TO #2 - Marcus :

Hello Marcus,

Just a quick reply to your comment. The 2Day Trial information on the previous email is incorrect. It's a 2 Day Trial and a customer has 48Hours to cancel it. It's exactly that, a 2 Day Trial. I will be communicating with Support today to make sure that is very clear. I'm not sure where that information as retrieved, but it is not written anywhere on our sites that someone must cancel the 2 Day-Trial, 2 days before it ends. That would make no sense at all.

Though I cant speak for the thousands or millions of Small sites out there who may or may not be into trickery, I guarantee you that it is not our method of workmanship here. Our communication is always open. Cheers.

06-26-13  12:53am

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Tree Rodent (0) REPLY TO #4 - Ace DDF :

As a porn fan I find you're not reputable because you try to trick customers. If they get to try something they wouldn't get to try otherwise then fine, put in the cross sell but don't pre check it. If you say it's easy to see then it's easy for them to check it if it's uncrossed. They work for sites like yourselves because customers are tricked into paying for something they don't want, and then are too embarrassed to complain to credit card companies. One customer services representative at one company was honest enough to admit customers hate them and end up signing for something they don't want.

If you want to be considered reputable clean up your act, because no, companies like yourself are not reputable at all from my perspective.

Here are some other recent comments from members.

From tiemac1 on 31 january 2103

"Warning Cancelation Problem and Extra Charges

Be warned this website or billing company attempts to charge you extra for useless and or dead sites. (3 day trial)

They are also very difficult to cancel.
-Odd cancelation site."

From bibo on 20 December 2012

"Cancellation problems

No other site is cheeky enough to ask for FOUR different identification parameters in order to just CANCEL an existing account. Sorry, ddf, but this is my last visit to your site."

From Denner on 25 November 2012

"Cancel rebilling??????

When you join a site and want to cancel re-billing, it got to be smooth...
But this site certainly makes it hard:
When joining, I could not see which billing co. was in question - AND never got a mail back - so luckily I could remember the chosen login/password.
And when trying to cancel rebill, I have 7 choices of billing co. and all of the DDF-sites to choose from - none of them worked - and it took a hell of a time to go through all.

06-26-13  05:44am

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Ace DDF (0)
REPLY TO #6 - Tree Rodent :

Hello Squirrel,

Thank you for your Amazing input and Picture Perfect critiques. I guess were just a bunch of Evil-doers over here. We will work on cleaning up our act. Cheers.

06-26-13  07:04am

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Marcus (0) REPLY TO #5 - Ace DDF :

Thanks for clarifying that. I hope you take our comments on board about pre-checked cross sells though :)
06-26-13  11:17am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #7 - Ace DDF :

You've got a truly great site, Ace DDF - but clearly, part of the experience in dealing with any subscription is ease and clarity of joining - and ease and clarity of cancellation.

If you've got the classiest material on the internet but then it seems like a confusing mess to join or to cancel the subscription, that impacts the experience and the opinion of your customers on your site overall.

The feedback here ought to be taken to heart and dealt with to make the join/cancel experience every bit as classy and well-done as the material on your site.

06-26-13  08:22pm

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tlex42 (0) I found canceling this a little strange, but not difficult. I ended up going to the website from my credit card provider (ddfhelp.com) and found it mostly painless, with no trickery to get me to avoid canceling. My concern is that I was unable to figure out how to do this from the main site. It asked for billing provider, which I didn't know.

As met-art has done, I would love to see more sites accept bitcoin. The problem with credit card transactions are:

1) They are not secure. The card companies see fraud and abuse as a cost of doing business.

2) They are reversible. I can sign up for a site and then claim I did not. This is unfair for the sites, and increases the cost for everyone.

3) Auto renewal can seem like a scam. It can often feel like a scam when cancelation procedures are complicated, and failure to cancel can mean you pay for months for something you do not use. I understand it is convenient for some, but I would prefer a big number on the upper right corner telling me how many days I have left, with an option to buy more.

So, umm, there is my $.02.

06-29-13  04:58pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #10 - tlex42 :

I agree with tlex42 regarding the cancellation procedure.

The DDF full network site was my favorite because all of its material was top notch and much (most?) of it was exclusive. At $45 per month it is among the most expensive sites in the business so I was quite happy with the $30 per month rate offered through PU/TBP. The site is well worth it at the PU/TBP rate.

When I decided to cancel, I did what tlex42 had to do because there was no procedure that I could find within the site that made cancellation simple.

As for the pre-checked boxes, I do as Ace DDF suggests, I read everything carefully before I complete the transaction. I agree that the practice of pre-checking does not meet the definition of good business practices but a careful consumer of porn sites should be conditioned to look for that sort of thing. It shouldn't be any big deal, especially when most such sites send confirming emails advising that the membership has been created.

I like flex42's idea of a countdown clock on the site that communicates the time remaining on a membership, or as an alternative that provides a membership expiration date, but that seems to be above and beyond a reasonable expectation for a website. I suggest to tlex42 to do as I do. I have my membership dates posted in my Outlook calendar that automatically notifies me 2 days before a membership "auto-renews" so I can control the process myself. That has worked quite well and has the added benefit of keeping a budgetary control on my porn hobby.

Hopefully Ace DDF will address the need to simplify the cancellation process which would be consistent with the top shelf high quality of the DDF sites.

07-21-13  01:21pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #3 - Ace DDF :

I was a member of the DDF network for several months a while back and had a few occasions where I contacted the support desk and got prompt and effective support.

See my earlier post regarding pre-checked cross sells. While I don't see the pre-checking to be a customer service, I also don't see it as being particularly bad either. In those few cases with other sites where I missed the pre-check in the signup page, I found that the biller and/or site were happy to cancel the transaction and refund any amounts paid.

The network was, and still is, one of my favorites. At $360.00 per year to remain a continuous member, however, I had to cancel just to stay within my budget. I will be rejoining once or twice during the coming year just because I miss their excellent content.

07-21-13  01:35pm

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Ace DDF (0)
REPLY TO #12 - Monahan :

Hello Monahan,

Thank you for your Positive comments. We really appreciate that! I just wanted to let you know that our yearly Price has dropped dramatically since you last utilized this option. It was $269.99 in the past, but now we have lowered the Network Price to $149.99, and all of the single sites are $119.99. Much more affordable :) For the Network that Breaks down to $12.50 per month for 20 + Exclusive Updates each week. Less then 50 cents a day for 4 Movies per day. Pretty Sweet Deal! Hope you will come back to us soon and enjoy your week!


07-22-13  01:54am

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