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Visit Facial Abuse

Facial Abuse (0)

benmar51 (0) 09-24-13  10:53am
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HA, HA, 1 year later, its nice to see this site has 1 thing going for it - Consistency. . . After several futile tries to log in, you`ll find interminable waits to switch from page to page. . . Mind-numbing delays to watch a scene, after hitting `PLAY`. . . It takes MINUTES to accomplish anything here. . . Support was very courteous, and tried to be helpful, but in the end, nothing works. . . You`d be better off flushing your money down the toilet - less aggravation. . . STAY AWAY

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pat362 (0) I guess you are a fan of their type of porn so my following comments are probably not going to please you but I'm not for a few reason and one of them is their attitude toward the performers. Case in point the following description for some of their recent updates:

"Kennedy Adams is a 27 year old financial world fuck up. She couldn't cut it in the mainstream business world so she's trying her mouth, pussy and ass out at porn. Honestly, if she wasn't so plane Jane looking, she could be something. It was fun watching her chug down on hard cock and lose whatever dignity was left floating around in that silly little head of hers. Watch her ass get destroyed! Civilian bitches are always the most fun to film. Their reactions are real. Go ahead and jerk it?

"Veronica Wild is 20 years old, new to porn and talks more than any whore should... but yet she says nothing. Joan Jett haircut, check. Big tits, check. Complete idiot, check. This is the type of dummy built for porn. All holes were used up by Bootleg. This big Amazonian was put through the test with some hard face fucking. She was barfing up a week's load of food and semen when Bootleg drove his cock down her throat. After that miserable experience was over, the next was ready to begin... painal! We're talking hard, rough anal. Her butt cheeks were split in two and she was vocal about it. Bootleg acted like he was in an ice cream shop double dipping his cock from ass to pussy to ass to pussy. Then, the nut shot to the face. Once she said she hates the taste of cum, you know what happened next... we had her eat the load from her face and tits. Watch as she gags trying to put it down. Awesome!?

These are just two samples but it doesn't get any better. I feel sorry for any girl sent to these guys because the vast majority of them don't know what they are in for and it's quite common for many of them to never do another porn shoot after this one.

09-25-13  03:36am

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benmar51 (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Wouldn`t call myself a "fan", but I do like to see some rough stuff every now and then. . . That being said, no argument, this is, far and away, THE single most abusive site on the web - After D/L-ing a scene, I have to edit out a lot of the choking and forced vomiting (and the re-consumption of the vomit!). . . Amazingly though, there are some big name stars here (and not at the start of their careers) - like Tory Lane, Amber Rayne, Mika Tan, etc. . . And, admittedly, some girls, at the end of their scenes, look like they`ve just been anally gangbanged at a biker bar. . . But, then there are others who RETURN a 2nd or 3rd time. Go figure. . . Suffice it to say, this ain`t Vivid. . . .My point was, whether you watch this kind of stuff or not, having to literally wait MINUTES after every click you make is unacceptable for ANY site.
09-25-13  10:07am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - benmar51 :

Just so that you don't think I got on my high horse to comment. I actually joined their site twice in the last 7 years. The last time about 2 years or so ago and the main reason was because they had so many big stars that I got fooled into thinking that these women wouldn't be willing to do the kind of shit women are expected to do for these people. I was wrong but more the second time than the first. Some of their older stuff is in many ways milder than what they have transitioned into.

I'm not sure why some women returned but the fact that some of them did might be worth looking into. I do know that at least one female performer was badly mistreated to the point that she actually stopped the scene in the very beginning and I saw some of the pictures she posted and read her account of the scene. Her testimony and those pictures are why I'm so adamant that these guys need to go away. For some sites the misogynistic style of porn is shtick but not with these guys.

They basically took everything that Max Hardcore did that was wrong and they multiplied it by 10.

09-25-13  02:41pm

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benmar51 (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

Yeah, Pat, the last time I was there I recall 2 or 3 girls who came to their senses and walked off the set about 8-10 minutes into a scene. . . Wondering what you think of some of the sites on Kink.com. . . I was there a few months ago, and some of the gangbang scenes (with a kidnap/rape plot) and some of the Public Disgrace scenes went pretty far too. But, it appears the producers and directors go out of their way to explain to the star exactly what`s going to happen, and are genuinely concerned that they are safe and comfortable. . . On a lighter and happier note, I just received an E-Mail from Adult Doorway indicating I would be getting a full refund.
09-25-13  08:57pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #4 - benmar51 :

I used to think that Kink was the safest company any girl could work for but the recent HIV events have made me seriously doubt that belief. Not for all of their sites but Public Disgrace is now in serious trouble and it would not surprise me to see it disappear or at the very least see it changed into something very different, The HC gangbang site is borderline for me. The plot themselves aren't an issue for me because they aren't real but the misogynistic way the girls get treated by the guys and the excessive physical violence in the form of face slapping, spitting, chocking means that I rarely join this site and when I do then I only save the odd video.

I know that it was once easier to differentiate between what FA does and what Kink's PD and HCGB do but I think that Kink crossed a line that they didn't realise was there and some of the stuff both of the above named sites do are starting to tread dangerously close to FA territory. I still think that there is a significant difference between both companies philosophy but that could change if Kink isn't careful.

09-26-13  03:40am

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benmar51 (0) REPLY TO #5 - pat362 :

Great talking with you, Pat. . . Always beneficial to discuss a topic with 1) Someone who is so knowledgeable on the subject, and 2) Someone who can intelligently express their views. . . . You certainly ace both those qualifications. . . Keep up the good work.
09-26-13  09:05am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #6 - benmar51 :

I'll return the compliment. This kind of dialogue is why I have always loved PU. I hope we can have other discussions and if you haven't taken a look at the forum then hopefully you will do so. It's always great to get new blood and new views.
09-26-13  02:35pm

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #5 - pat362 :

I agree it just puts me well of and not in the least bit hot, watching guys slap around women just isn't my cup of tea, I know the women do interviews and say they enjoyed it, maybe they did I dunno but would be nice to see her been treated like a goddess and her in control getting her way with them, that would make it much more hotter in my eyes.
09-27-13  03:33am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #8 - elephant :

I used to believe what the women said in those after scene interviews had to be the truth but some recent revelations have made me doubt that belief. I still think that some of them are being honest but I also know that some of them do it because it's part of the deal the signed and some may still be under the shock of what happened that they are not be able to think properly.

Even the most pain loving person cannot come out of a standard FA shoot with anything positive to say about what just happened to her and I think the same can be said for Kink's Hardcore Ganbang scenes. Getting spat on, slapped, chocked and fucked two ways to sunday may make for great extreme porn but the girl receiving this kind of treatment can't be as thrilled as she makes it sound.

09-27-13  06:17pm

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #9 - pat362 :

Yeah I when I joined the gang bang sites at kink and I have seen the trailers and thought OMG then watching it just made me think uncomfortable and thought they are taking it too far, it kind of lost all humanity and more like watching wild animals get it on, in the end I thought yeah they are signing up for this but it just kills any erotica for me throwing someone around like a rag doll and cursing, slapping her and spitting.

I guess the thing is for them they have built these loyal people who really love the extreme stuff so have to go every scene like this. I'd prefer to have a little bit of creativity in the scene and more respect for the woman. I do like gangbangs though and have seen a few when the woman looks to be loving it and the guys are giving her it but none of the treating her like she's worthless, much much hotter.

I think you are right about the contract thing though, they all can't enjoy it as much as they make out, some will, I know some who look like they are loving it, that's when I think its more watchable but no harm in being a bit nicer to them and treating them with some love.

09-28-13  12:48am

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Pat, you said - "These are just two samples but it doesn't get any better. I feel sorry for any girl sent to these guys because the vast majority of them don't know what they are in for and it's quite common for many of them to never do another porn shoot after this one."

While this is not a defense of the site, I have looked at it and seen where some girls (Danica Dillon being the one that comes to mind) has appeared more than once. Can't say they didn't know what was going on. I attribute it to them wanting to test their limits, like doing a scene at Kink.

And anyone in the business who doesn't at least go look at what happens at a site, at least having a clue as to what will happen, are very stupid people. Stupid - strong word but what else can you call it? And while it is true that some girls will take anything, I've read where people have walked away in the middle of the shoot at Facial Abuse because it went past what they will do.

I think Hellga is the perfect example of the type of girl that shoots for Facial Abuse - it's all about the money and a willingness to be treated like a piece of shit to get it.

10-02-13  05:40am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #11 - jberryl69 :

Have you ever read what happened to Clayra Beau when she shot for FA? If you haven't then the gist is that she had done some research prior to shooting for them and had decided that it wasn't for her. Be aware that she had shot for Kink and another BSDM type of site so extreme porn was not an issue but she didn't trust them. She had an acquaintance that asked her if she would be willing to shoot for them and the girl said that what you see on camera isn't what happens behind the scene. She had shot for them so she supposedly knew what she was talking about. Let's just say that Clayra was slap around and not in a good way. She wound up with blood in both eyes and a bloody nose and that was just in the BJ part. She stopped the shoot right away and told them what they could do with the rest of the shoot.

I don't know if she is an isolated case but having been a member twice in the last decade then my gut feeling is that she isn't. I grant you that some women have gone back to them but they are in the minority.

10-02-13  05:55pm

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #12 - pat362 :

Wonder why Clayra Beau didn't go with her gut instinct. Did you happen to see any photos of the result?
10-03-13  04:54pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #13 - jberryl69 :

The main reason why she didn't go with her gut feeling is because the girl who arranged the shoot (for a 10% fee) was an acquaintance and Clayra trusted her that it would be all show and not misogynistic crap. You can imagine how pissed Clayra was with the other girl.

I saw a couple of the pics and it's not pretty. I'm glad that she had the guts to walk away because she had to know that she wasn't going to get paid or at least get a much, much smaller amount than she was promised.

If you want to see the pics then visit Clayra's ADT thread and scroll to 2010 or 2011. You can read her account of the event as well as see a couple of pictures.

10-03-13  06:13pm

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jberryl69 (Disabled) REPLY TO #14 - pat362 :

Thanks for pointing me in the correct direction regarding Clayra.

Just as an aside, trusting an "acquaintance" is tantamount to trusting a contractor just because he's a Christian and goes to your church. I had a designer friend do that and she paid for it - both in money and stress.

10-04-13  04:25am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #15 - jberryl69 :

I'm sure that in retrospect her trust was badly placed but I gathered from her comment that she sort of trusted the opinion of the other girl. She learned the really hard way that she made a mistake but she isn't the first person to do that and she won't be the last.
10-04-13  05:57pm

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