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RagingBuddhist (0) 05-03-14  11:40am
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No encryption?

Went to sign up and saw no evidence of encryption. It says 100% Secure Server & Confidential Transaction, but there's no https, no "lock symbol"...nothing. Asking for a credit card number without any security? NOT happening!

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lk2fireone (0) I've encountered the same lack of security a few times.
When I went to sign up for some site, and when I went to cancel some site, the sites asked for credit card information, email, real name, etc.
So I never entered that information.
But unfortunately, I am now getting spam emails with my real name in the heading, for porn and other spam offers, at my main email address.

I don't want to close my main email address, because it would take a lot of time and effort to have a different email address at sites I communicate with.

But it's a real hassle. Deleting all the spam I constantly get. I suspect that one of the porn sites I joined sold my real name and email address to spammers, and they sold the information to other spammers.

05-08-14  08:07am

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