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Visit Hardcore Gang Bang

Hardcore Gang Bang (0)

LPee23 (0) 10-29-14  07:29pm
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Last call for hardcoregangbang.com

For those who do not know, I am just commenting here to make you aware that now is probably your last chance to see this site in its original state. It is going to be rebranded as fantasygangbangs.com, and some scenes will be either edited or taken down. Peter Acworth said as much in a recent article on xbiz.com. I give him a ton of credit for announcing this ahead of time, especially since I once started a thread about how annoying it is that this type of thing never gets announced.

Anyway, I agree with the reviews by rearadmiral and pat362. Definitely a unique site. Although the fantasies that the models portray are generally non-consensual situations, the models make it clear in their interviews that they were okay with the whole thing.

There are now 78 scenes, and the updates have stopped. In addition to what pat362 and rearadmiral have said about the site, there are also some scenes with peeing and squirting, which are my favorites. Many big name porn stars. It's a shame that some of these scenes will be going down, but at least for now it's all fair game!

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Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) Thanks for this LPee. I had heard that some changes were coming (reputedly due to credit card companies wanting to be squeaky clean for the soccer mom crowd). I'm rejoining as soon as I hit 'add reply' on this.

Edit - Fuck! It looks like the site might be dead. The link from TBP and PU leads to nothing. Going into any other Kink site and selecting Hardcore Gang Bang brings a dead link and searching on Google gives the same dead link. Damn, there were some scenes I wanted to see there...

10-30-14  02:01pm

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rearadmiral (0) Wow! Thanks for the advice and offer. I was last a member eight months ago and when I looked at the site this morning I only had maybe a dozen scenes that were 'must haves.'

10-30-14  05:23pm

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LPee23 (0) REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :

Did you see that hardcoregangbang.com is back up now? You should check it out!
11-01-14  06:43pm

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pat362 (0) I don't know if you have more info than me but as far as I know. The total number of scenes will remain the same. The same thing that is happening to HGB happened to bound gangbang. As far as I know those scenes are still there. I have not idea what the new sites content will look like but I'll be a lot happier if there is less slapping, chocking a spitting in the new scenes. I think getting a woman to perform in a gang bang is already a difficult task. Asking her to be treated like crap is so much harder.
11-02-14  11:03am

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LPee23 (0) REPLY TO #4 - pat362 :

Here's the article where he made the announcement: http://www.xbiz.com/news/186289

They are reviewing shoots and possibly editing or removing some.

11-02-14  11:08am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #3 - LPee23 :

I did. And I joined immediately to download what I wanted. I wonder if the videos are edited differently now.
11-02-14  12:11pm

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LPee23 (0) REPLY TO #6 - rearadmiral :

The number of videos was the same before and after the down time. The total size of the videos was 221 Gb beforehand. If it's the same now, then there probably was not any editing.
11-02-14  12:49pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #7 - LPee23 :

Thanks for that. I've watched a few already and they don't seem to any less graphic than before.
11-02-14  01:16pm

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