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Visit Blacked.com

Blacked.com (0)

pat362 (0) 03-07-15  11:12am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Site design is nice and clean with almost no third party advertising.
+ Their selection of models is excellent with an emphasis on young women in their 20's(blond young women).
+ The sex is gonzo but it's a more vanilla version and there is an obvious desire by the producer to make it appear as though the models are truly enjoying themselves.
+ They cater to two niches that are almost non-existant on the net.
+ They update once a week and all their content is dated.
+ Each scene has an accompanying photoset that can be viewed online or downloaded as asingle zip file. Resolution on pics is an excellent 2000x3000.
+ Videos can be viewed online or downloaded. The downloaded videos come in six versions. 280p, 360p and 480p for mobile device and you have 480p, 720p and 1080p HD for the computer.
+They upload info on the next update about a week before it is available for streaming or download
Cons: - Site is still quite small with only 50 scenes.
- Site is still has a few glicthes when it comes to surfing the various options available.
-They have icons to help you find what you are looking for but most are not very useful and others simply don't work(see glitches).
-They tend to hire the same models so although there are 50 scenes available. It's not uncommon form some models to have two or more scenes.
-Gonzo fans interested in a brand of more intense interracial porn may be disapointed with their content.
-Price is rarely a con for me (unless it is very high) but I can't help feel that the 30$ join price is hurting them as it may put off some possible customers
Bottom Line: *I got a special email offer to join for half of the TBP price and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to join right away. I know that i would have done it sooner than later even if I hadn't gotten the special offer but it was definitely the catalyst that made me join right away. As a side note. I think the site would be wise to offer TBP members a discount as I know if will increase traffic to the site.

*Now my first impression upon seeing the site was wow what a nice clean site with little to any third party advertsing to clutter the screen(I can think of quite a few sites that could use a refresher course on how to design their site by looking at this site). Then it was an even bigger wow when I saw a few of the videos. It's clear to me that the people responsible for this site made sure to hire competent camera operators who know their art. The scenes are all well shot with just the right mix of lighting and camera angles.

*The sex is obvioulsy gonzo but it is a more mellow kind of gonzo and if I can say this about gonzo than it is also a more passionate looking gonzo scene. It is still purely all sex with little to any dialogue(other than at the beginning), no scenario and setup. There are appears to be a genuine desire by the producers to shoot a passionate scene than you usually see in gonzo porn. That can be a plus if you are someone like me or it can be a negative if you prefer your porn a little more crude and raunchy. I'm not saying that the sex isn't hot or intense because it is.

*There are a few glicthes with the site. Nothing serious but a little annoying. Their model section doesn't work if you go by model name. All it does is keep showing the same models regardless of the page you select to view. Their catwegory section is also not working properly. You have siome ioptions that give you only a few results when you know it should give you more.

**Now I don't know if the producers are going to add a new scene every four days instead of once a week but as I write this review. They have an update every four days now instead of once a week. I will ammend my review if i notice that the trend continues.

***This is a site that is well worth joining if you are a fan of interracial porn and aren't looking for any kind of setup other than there is a hot looking woman having hot sex with a well endowed black man. Anyone looking for a more extreme kind of porn should look elsewhere.***

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Review Replies (11)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) Thanks for the review pat. I agree that the site needs some growth, especially at the price they're charging. When I joined I got a discount offer in the email but as I stated in an earlier forum thread I stopped getting those email offers from all Fame sites. Maybe they were losing money on me because I took them up on their offers so often... (I'm just kidding, because by using their offers I pretty much retained a recurring membership by cancelling and rejoining on a new discount offer almost immediately so all I was getting were the new updates.) They really need a discount. There was a lot of buzz about the site when it first came out but now that it has died down $30 for this volume of porn isn't a good deal no matter how great the scenes are.
03-14-15  06:44am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

I would still have joined within a short amount of time even if I hadn't gotten the 15$ email offer but there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity to see this site first hand with such a nice discount. I think they would be better served if they only dropped their join price to the more appealing 24.95$. I find the 29.95$ price is too reminiscent of all the scam and solo sites that charge that amount and never deliver on any decent content.

You drop the standard join price to 24.95$. This way you make it appear as though it's less than 25$(technically it is) and you then make a deal with TBP/PU to offer it's members the ability to join for 19.95$. Try this for a minimum of at least six to twelve months and if you don't see an increase in traffic and profits than go back to the old prices.

I would say the same thing if we were talking about bigger sites. I really enjoy Dog Fart because it's interracial porn and they do some really great scenes but I don't join as often I could because their join price is 29.05$. I usually re-join because I get an email offer. Otherwise I tend to join maybe once a year to the odd twice if they happen to have a model that I have to have.

03-14-15  08:12am

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elephant (0) Nice review again Pat and got me interested about the site but yeah mad I never got any email for $15 as been a member of fame sites a few times myself.

$30 for just one site is just at that point when I start comparing it with what you get for less at other sites and these days I tend to not have so much money to be spending on porn sites so look for discounts. $19.99 would be a better price and I'm sure they would find they make more money. At the $19.99 point I tend to take a punt on a site, $30 has me thinking too much lol.

03-15-15  02:15am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - pat362 :

I agree with you on pricing. They need to make it more attractive and offering a discount for TBP/PU members would be a good start.

Of course for you, me and several others here, the shit-kicking that the Canadian dollar is taking these days adds to the price woes.

03-15-15  08:49am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #3 - elephant :

Although I agree 30$ is a high price. The one mitigating reason why I think they may be justified in asking for it is that they are the only other interracial site after Dog Farts. I don't know if they picked their price because DF also charges 30$ but DF has way more content so it's make sense to charge more while Blacked is still a very small site.

Let's hope you get a special offer because if you like artcore porn than you will really enjoy this site

03-15-15  09:57am

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Hi Pat,

Thank you for the very accurate review!

*We have sent some of the bug reports to the developers for investigation and hopefully those are cleared up very soon (new site design is on the way).

** There was a small programmatic error that caused a 1 in 4 day update that has since been corrected to 1 in 5 days. That is correct and will continue to be the schedule going forward.

In terms of pricing, $29.95 is simply more or less what it costs for us to put out a product of this quality. Yes there are sites out there with 'lower' prices or 'more' content (data), but when it comes to value BLACKED reinvests it back into the library. A regular scene is easily twice, if not three times (exclusives), the cost of an average scene put out by some of the competition.

There are definitely special deals out there (limited time, past member, etc.) but given the costs associated with being a small independent studio we cannot simply cut prices across the board without sacrificing what makes the site stand out: QUALITY.

Kind Regards,
Stanley W.

Customer Support

05-15-15  01:23pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #6 - BLACKED :

It was my pleasure. I try as much as possible to remove my personal feelings regarding a site when reviewing.(I don't always succeed). I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping you can answer.

Is the update schedule going to be 1 in 5 consecutive days or 1 in 5 business days? You can imagine the difference if it's the later as it would really mean four updates per month instead of 6 updates.

Are you guys planning on shooting mote anal? I know you have a decent number already and I am curious if this is still something you plan on shooting?

The 30$ is high when compared to other sites/networks but it is comparable to your closest competitor Dogfart. In fact Dogfart actually charges a little more but they also add more shoots per month than you do. The join price is not an issue for me as I have paid more to join other sites and will gladly join yours again when you have added more of the scenes I enjoy.

Thanks for making a great site and hopefully you are stull turning out great scenes a decade from now.

05-15-15  05:21pm

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REPLY TO #7 - pat362 :

Hi Pat,

The update schedule will be 1 in 5 consecutive days or 6 updates on a 30 day month.

Anal scenes are still on the schedule, it all depends on the performers and we are always willing to film it if they are able to perform it.

Thanks for being a member and let us know if you have any more questions or requests.

Kind Regards,

05-15-15  11:13pm

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Joshua1 (0) REPLY TO #8 - BLACKED :

EVENING Stan or Some Other Webmaster

First, your site looks really great! The ladies are extremely pretty and the interracial genre is an excellent choice sir/or madam. Furthermore, the video quality and theme of your clips is also outstanding- so superlative job on so many fronts; congrats!

Conversely, I have a few recommendations and comments which I hope you will take under consideration based on being a relatively new website and looking to expand your customer base. While I completely understand that I am only one individual and do not represent- per sea- and entire population of porn users, I felt compelled to share some of my comments. First, I hope you read them and secondly I hope I get some sort of response.

1) Where can I find your email? It's like trying to find a emerald stone in Saudi Arabia ...what's up with that? Nothing on your website
2) Keeping in mind the positive and well-deserved accolades outlined above, for the best of me WHY do the ladies discard their lingerie- specifically stockings- right during the intercourse phase of the videos?
3) Further emphasizing my point (YUP, I am a leg and foot guy and Yup this is an interracial site- I get it!!!!) would the "hard-core" customer base really NOT join your site because the ladies did NOT discard their stockings 3/4 into essentially EVERY freaking video? Hmmm....I can answer my own question... NOPE!!! SO....who was the genius that came up with this radical idea? Not rhetorical
4) What is HARD to find Stan the Man is an interracial site that incorporates YOUNG teenage girls wearing STOCKINGS THROUGHOUT an entire video shoot.......bare legged/high heeled/MLF-like chicks having sex with black men are a dime a dozen on the web, FYI.

In closing, and while very tempted, I have NOT joined your website for reasons #2 through #4. When I preview your outstanding videos I wait for the stocking discarding phase- which I know is sadly coming-and always say NO THANKS. Which brings me to this question: would you folks at "Blacked.com" consider having the ladies REMAIN in stockings throughout the video shoot for future videos? Any kind of reply OR providing me an email so we can further communicate on this very topic/concept would be greatly appreciated. Kindest Regards, Joshua

07-15-15  08:52pm

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Pyrenees (0) This is a excellent review and provides a nice template for us new reviewers to follow. Great job!
07-21-15  11:38pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - BLACKED :

I see that on the site Exotic4K there is an off to join Tushy at $24.95.
09-02-15  06:22am

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