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Twistys (0)

rearadmiral (0) 03-22-15  07:40am
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WARNING - My account got hacked and incurred charges

I joined through MBI-Probiller and just noticed several charges for Twisty's cams. I didn't sign up for that nor did I use it. I contacted MBI-Probiller first and they were useless. They actually went through their usual stuff about why I should remain a member even after I explained that I wasn't a member and my account was hacked.

Exercise care and keep an eye on your account!

The site owners were helpful and had the fraudulent account closed and the charges reversed but the biller's support was absurd.

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lk2fireone (0) It seems more and more common that support staff at many businesses are worse than useless.

I bought an item through Amazon. The item was not sold from Amazon, but from one of its commercial partners.

The partner overcharged me about $7 on the item.
I complained to the partner's support staff, in an email.

The first email response I got from the partner support staff said the $7 overcharge was justified, according to their records.

I sent a second email, stating again that I was overcharged $7, and I should get a refund.

The second email from the support staff stated I was not overcharged $7.

I sent a second email, stating that I had been overcharged $7.

The third email from support staff asked me for proof that I had been overcharged.

I sent a new email, with photo copies of the original coupon I used, the original price I should have paid, and a photostat of the charge from my credit card company.

That was proof that I was being overcharged $7.

The next email from support staff said they were sorry I was having a problem, and to please explain what my problem was.

The funny things are: with every email I sent to support staff, I included, in the heading, the ticket code for my complaint.
And I explained, in each email I sent, a summary of my complaint about the overcharge.
As well as sending with each email, the add-on of all previous emails I had sent.
And from the second email on, the support staff member who sent the replying emails was from the same support staff member

Finally, I sent an email to Amazon, with the confirming photos showing I had been overcharged (copy of coupon I used, copy of bill from the partner that shows the overcharge, and copy of my credit card statement that showed the overcharge).
And Amazon gave me a credit for the overcharge.

03-22-15  02:25pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - lk2fireone :

I'm amazed at the number of companies that provide an email address for contact but don't monitor it. I'm glad you got your issue resolved.

To be fair to Twisty's, they did solve it. And to be fair to MBI-Probiller they didn't have the information to solve it. When I called the toll-free number MBI gave me the problem was solved in less than 5 minutes because the woman at the other end of the phone could quickly determine that I didn't use the cam site and refunded the charges. I guess my beef is two-fold: Twisty's needs to tighten up their security a bit and MBI needs to give their online service reps some leeway to drop the upsells. Being offered a discount for a site I didn't join and was fraudulently hacked makes no sense!

03-24-15  06:02pm

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