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Visit Gloryhole Secrets

Gloryhole Secrets (0)

rearadmiral (0) 04-05-15  05:03pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - 192 videos
- 3 new scenes added per week
- Allows download managers
- Many scenes have two videos – one standard and one POV
- Mostly amateurs but a few known faces
Cons: - Some of the amateur models aren't up to usual porn expectations (though some may consider that a good thing)
Bottom Line: Glory Hole Secrets looks a lot like the other dedicated glory hole site, Glory Hole Swallow. Where Swallow goes into actual adult theatres Secrets appears to have a purpose-built room for taping. I prefer the added raunchiness of the actual theatre but this site is hot too.

Being a glory hole site means the scenes are all predictable: the model answers a few questions and then gets to work on the dicks that come through holes in the wall on either side of her. Most of the models get naked or nearly naked and in a few scenes the model bends over and gets fucked too. Most of the cumshots are oral and most of the models swallow. There is a ‘cumshot counter’ that pops up briefly with every pop shot so you can keep track if you’re so inclined. (I like this, but GH Swallow does it better by leaving the counter up all the time from the first pop shot to the end of the scene. GH Secrets only leaves it up for a few seconds while the guy is coming.)

The site is fairly large with 192 scenes available and three new scenes being added each week. That update schedule is ambitious and will cause the site to grow fairly quickly and if you have an interest in this niche it might be worth a recurring membership.

The site relies mostly on unknown amateurs and that can be good or bad. Many of the models aren't A-list hot but if you like your porn with more natural women getting nasty then you’ll like this. The looks, body types and ages of the models vary here so there is likely something for most tastes.

There are options for how you view a scene. There is HD and SD streaming and downloads are available in 1920x1080 (6000kb/s), 1280x720 (3500kb/s) 960x540 and an unspecified resolution for phones. All the downloads are in MP4 format. For having relatively low bitrates both the 1080p and 720p files look good.

I had no problem using a download manager.

One feature of the site that I quite like is the option to download more than one version of the same scene. This isn't an option with all scenes, it would be the minority that offer this, but you can get the standard view with the cameraman standing near the model and recording and you can get a POV view with a camera located about eye level above the glory hole.

The site layout is simple and effective and gives the option to sort the scenes in several ways. You can also sort by model too. No matter how you sort the scenes there is only one thumbnail on which to make a decision to check it out or not. With amateur models that’s important to me because the thumbnail may not be the best representation. The thumbnail may be a pretty face but she has triple-D breasts which I’m not interested in. This can be solved by clicking on the photo link for each scene to get a better look at the model. I’d prefer to see a better thumbnail of the models though.

As I noted above, photos are available. I wouldn’t call this a photo site but they do offer high quality photos for those who are interested. You can download a zip of photos in 1920x1080 resolution or view them as singles in either 1920x1080 or 1280x720.

Membership gives access to two sites, this and POV Wars (that site is unique and deserves its own review).

I’d definitely recommend this site for fans of the niche. The site is well laid out, there is plenty of material here to make it a good value and the scenes look good and have some heat to them. It’s a decent value and if you like this kind of porn you should really check it out.

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Review Replies (6)

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Msg # User Message Date


HardRide (0) Good review! I prefer the real thing too and could never understand the purpose of fake gloryholes. The bathroom stall ones are the worst.

When I first found this site I thought it was owned by the same owners of Gloryhole Swallow but then realized it was an attempt to copy the look of that site and there's no connection.

One of the most distracting things about the videos is the camera guy coaching the girls instead of letting them suck cock. I didn't find any advantage to the second camera angle because it's just a view of the top of the girl's head and not really a POV.

I lost interest when I saw all the long shaved cocks. I don't have one of those. Even though I love watching girls swallow cum, this site is just too staged and fake for my liking.

If make performers are going to be used then I can do without the wall. They claim it's because the guys want to remain anonymous but they don't seem to have an issue remaining anonymous in POVWars. I don't get that part. I joined but cancelled the same day.

04-12-15  07:18pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - HardRide :

Definitely one of the advantages that Glory Hole Swallow has is the realism from using a real glory hole in a real adult theatre. For me, and it sound like for you too, that adds a lot to the scene. Obviously there are a lot less risks going with a staged setting, and the staged booth here is better than the fake bathrooms that most other sites use.

You're likely right about the male talent too. At Glory Hole Swallow they have a forum where the members can sign up to be one of the guys getting a blowjob. Glory Hole Secrets has an FAQ page and I expected to see something to that effect too but didn't. The absence of that tells me that they use known talent.

Still, it's a good site even if they are trying to copy Glory Hole Swallow - at least they've chosen a great site to emulate.

04-13-15  02:14pm

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HardRide (0) REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :

I couldn't agree more. I've been waiting for a real gloryhole site to come along for years. Every time I see a gloryhole site open I'm always disappointed when I find out they are fake. Gloryhole swallow has been the only site that got it right so like you said, I'm not surprised that other sites have tried to copy them. Bang Bros tried and failed too. I like the seedy feel of a real bookstore gloryhole. Some might not care but the purist most likely would.

Gloryhole secrets is open about it being a mock up and not anonymous so I have to give them that. I'd be beyond pissed if I joined and found out while watching the videos which would have been obvious.

The earlier videos were horrible when they tried to pretend that they were picking girls up off the street. I think the owners were trying to copy Bang Bus and Gloryhole Swallow. At least they stopped that garbage.

04-15-15  11:06pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #3 - HardRide :

We're definitely on the same page when it come to glory hole sites.

When I first joined GH Secrets the previews made it look exactly like GH Swallow (I was worried it might even be a clone) but I was only slightly disappointed to learn that they use a mock GH. But it sound like you and I share a trait: the fact that GH Swallow is recorded in an actual adult theatre adds a whole different layer of heat to the scenes.

04-18-15  05:07am

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HardRide (0) REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

I checked out the video dates on both sites and found out that gloryhole secrets did copy gloryhole swallow. That's a hard act to follow! It's just another fake, over produced, copy cat gloryhole site. I wish there were more like gloryhole swallow in different parts of the country and world. This is a pipe dream but it would be amazing if the owner of gloryhole swallow took his girls on a road trip hitting some busy gloryhole locations in different states.
04-20-15  02:56pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - HardRide :

That would be amazing and would provide the site with a lot of good updates. Maybe they'll read your suggestion and give it a try...
04-20-15  04:41pm

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